Audience enjoy the choir Some of the violinists and viola players

Trumpets in the gallery

Soprano solo - Maggie Patch

Alto solo - Margaret Torrance

Alto solo - Fiona Longworth
| | Linton Singers, sing Bach - 16 June 2013 |

Mungo's once again welcomed the Linton Singers on Sunday 16th June when
they presented extracts from Johann Sebastian Bach composition of Mass in B minor.
audience included a wide range of visitors, some from West Linton and
Carlops, joining the classical music lovers from Penicuik.
Campbell conducted the 20 strong choir members, supported by an
orchestra. of 7 strings, 10 wind, and timpanist instruments, plus Jean
Arulanantham on the church organ.
The concert opened with The
Missa, which Bach composed in 1733 for presentation to the royal court
in Dresden, during the festival of the Oath of Allegiance to Augustus
3rd, which became, in the last years of his life and in revised
form, the first two sections of his only setting of the complete
ordinary of the Mass, known today as the Mass in B minor.
aim was to dedicate the work to the new sovereign Augustus III, a
Catholic, with the hope of obtaining the title "Electoral Saxon Court
Composer". On completion of the composition, Bach visited Augustus III
and presented him with a copy of the Missa, together with a petition to
be given a court title. Eventually Bach got his title; he was made
court composer to Augustus III in 1736.
The first part Kyrie was
sung by the choir with a duet 'Christie eleison' sung by Soprano's
Caroline Gold and Annie Patch. Those of you who attended the Love Jazz,
Love Russia concert in May will remember Annie singing Jazz on that
The Kyrie was followed by 'Gloria', starting with the choir singing 'Gloria in excelsis' awith Alto Fiona Longworth singing the solo
piece that almost everyone has heard and remembers. Annie Patch
sang the first solo 'Laudumus te', with the duet of Caroline Gold and
Tenor David Arulanantham singing 'Domine Deus'. Two further solo parts,
'Qui sedes ad dextram Patris' was sung by Margaret Torrance, and
'Quoniam to solus sanctus' by Bass solo Royston Timewell.
The concert finished with Agnus Dei, with Alto Fiona Longworth singing the solo, followed by the choir finishing with 'Dona nobis pacem'.
were provided by the ladies of the St. Mungo's social team, giving an
opportunity to chat over a cup of tea with the choir, and congratulate
them on presenting this rather difficult and
demanding composition.
Flutes Oboe and Timpani sections of the orchestra.
 A total of £450 was raised, with £225 going to the Organ restoration fund and £225 to the Love Russia charity.
big thank you to all who turned out for the concert, and to the Linton
Singers for donating all the ticket sales to the above church supported
Funds. Back to Top
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