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Local news from our church events, and items of interest to our congregation.

Sunday morning Services on demand  

St. Mungo's website enables you to listen or download a recent service to either re-listen to all or part of a service that you were at, or to hear one from a service that you missed. Either way we hope you enjoy the experience.    


Messy Church Returns - Sunday 6 March
The 'Messy Church' team re-started Messy Church in the church hall on the afternoon of Sunday 6 March.
The team welcomed families past and present who joined in.    
Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.

World Day of Prayer - 4 March

The world Day of Prayer service in Penicuik was held on Friday 4 March in St. James the Less Church.

This years theme is  “I Know the Plans I Have for You”, based on Jeremiah 29:1-14
This years service has been created by the women of England, Wales and Northern Ireland (EWNI).

Presbytery approve church Union 24 Febraury 2022

At Presbytery, on Thursday 24th, the union of our churches was approved. The date for the union was set for Thursday 7 April when there will be a special service for the inauguration of the new Trinity Community Church.

Both churches had voted unanimously for union, with the new name :-
'Penicuik Trinity Community Church' (Church of Scotland).

Congregational Meetings 13 Febraury 2022 all vote for Union

St Mungo's congregation and the congregation of Penicuik South & Howgate are moving towards uniting as a single joint congregation of the Church of Scotland.

The way in which this will work is laid out in a Basis of Union (see below) which was voted on after the morning service on Sunday 13th February in St Mungo's church (for St Mungo's members and adherents) and in the South Church (for their members and adherents).

Both churches voted unanimously for union, with the new name :-
'Penicuik Trinity Community Church' (Church of Scotland). This result will now go forward to Presbytery and will assist them in deciding to officially declare the union of our two churches, together with a date for the Union, anticipated to be around Easter. 

If you have any questions, please send them to the Session Clerk (Neil Cape), phone 674276 or email stmungosessionclerk@gmail.com.

News from 2021

Christmas week services at St. Mungo's
Nativity Service  - Sunday 19th

This year we did manage a ‘play’ in person, as well as the YouTube version, but with only two characters, so that we could maintain social distancing in church.

There was a shepherd, but that was as close as we got to a conventional nativity play.
Christmas Eve Services
All Age Gathering  - Friday 24th

The All Age Gathering Family service at  6.30pm attracted a number of people and families from across Penicuik. Led by Rev Peter Wood we heard the the story of the birth of Jesus through an interactive range of contemporary and traditional stories. Christmas carols, bible readings and prayers made an enjoyable preparation for the big birthday. 
Watchnight Service - Friday 24th

Our annual Watchnight service started at 11.30pm. Many passing people dropped in to celebrate the lead up to midnight, the lighting of the final advent candle, the Christ candle, just after the midnight hour, heralding the birth of Jesus. Led by Rev John Urquhart with readings, prayers and carols we had witnessed the arrival of Christmas Day.
Christmas Day Service - Saturday 25th

The Christmas Day family service attracted families and others to come and celebrate the birth of the new born king, Jesus.

Joan Cape led the short service which retold the age old story, with Christmas carols and stories to start our day of celebration.

Providing for those in need Christmas 2021

Food Facts Friends Foodbank provides Christmas meals on
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
Each year Food Facts Friends opens its doors to anyone unable to put a Christmas meal on their table. This year was no exception. With the help of Bishop's Move, who once again provided their largest removal truck, and a smaller on too, plus FFF own team in their pickup van, headed out across the county to collect food for the parcels.

Over 130 tickets had been handed out to needy families, with strict Covid procedures implemented to hand food parcels over that followed the Scottish Government Covid restrictions in force this Christmas.

For those unable to travel to the Community Hub, the volunteers took food parcels and toys to Bonnyrigg, Dalkeith and beyond to ensure as many people as possible were not left hungry for Christmas Day.
Full Story and pictures

Afghan Hunger Appeal
with members of Penicuik South & Howgate, Penicuik North Kirk, and St. Mungo's taking parts.St. Mungo's with Penicuik South Church together ran a collection for the starving in Afghanistan.

Collections at the Christmas services allowed people to donate to Christian Aid, who are helping with this disaster relief programme.

A total of £145 was raised
The situation in Afghanistan is catastrophic. Almost 9 million people are on the brink of famine as drought, conflict and the Covid-19 pandemic have caused a surge in hunger. Children are dying today, and a million more under the age of five are at risk of dying over the next three months.                 Full Story

Joint Churches Carol Singing in the Precinct  - 18 December

Around a dozen members from across the churches in Penicuik  braved the severe frosty morning weather, to gather at the precinct on Saturday morning.

The passing shoppers were entertained with a wide selection of Christmas carols, with musical accompaniment from Sheila Anderson and her 'Music box'.

A great time was had by all who sang, and stopped to listen. 

Informal Congregational Meeting - 12 December  2021
A Question and answer session – informal congregational meeting was held after morning service on 12th December 2021 in St Mungo’s church. The purpose was to take and answer questions arising from the proposed Union of Penicuik South and Howgate church with Penicuik St. Mungo's.   Full Details

Around 15 different family groups came in during the afternoon, with children aged from 2 to 11. Despite the unpleasant weather a lot of people had come to support the event and they were indeed glad of somewhere warm and dry to spend some extra time. 

Great turnout for the Hope4Penicuik Christmas Carol Event, this year held in St. Mungo's Church. With the Silver Band providing the music and the Penicuik Puppets helping 

Church of Scotland Advent Calendar 2021
‘Light in the Darkness' (#LightInTheDarkness) is the theme of this year's Advent calendar, which runs from 1 December until Christmas Eve (Friday 24 December).

This year's theme is inspired by John 1:5 ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.'

Each day during Advent, a new window will be available to open with a themed prayer, video, or story.

Remembrance Sunday - 14 November

St. Mungo's hosted the Penicuik Remembrance service, which this year saw a return to a church service with the Royal British Legion being joined by local organisations and dignitaries. We welcomed Rachel Oliphant, deputy Lord Lieutenant for Midlothian, representing Her Majesty the Queen.
The parade arrived from Kirkhill to the church in silence, no pipe band leading them this year. The organisation representatives filed into the church, taking us up to around 120 including our normal congregation.

Christmas Coffee Morning - 13 November

Originally planned as our annual Christmas Fayre. However covid and its raft of restrictions got in the way.

Not to be beaten our social committee put on their thinking caps and came up with the Coffee Morning, incorporating some of the favourites of the Fayres.

Penicuik Playground Singing  : 13 - 17 September

Fischy Music had an absolute blast at their Penicuik Playground Workshops this week singing with pupils from Cuiken Primary, Cornbank Primary and Sacred Heart Primary.

As Scottish schools return, everyone welcomed the return of singing in school!

We all believe in the power of song to nurture children’s wellbeing and as we recover from the pandemic. The fischy team invited our schools to join the Fischy Music Online community.

Pupils were treated to a selection from the 125 Fischy Music songs and teaching resources. It just feels so good to be singing together again!🎤

A big thank you to Penicuik Churches Together for funding these sessions

Church Hall reopens for activities

From September our church hall will re-open for activities including:

Monday Bible Study Group  -
Will restart later in September, date to be confirmed

Wednesday Housegroup / Bible Study - Church Hall at 10.15a.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, when we hope to welcome new faces as well as old.

Prom Praise Livestream - Saturday  17 July 

For 2021 Prom Praise will be streamng online. The All Souls Orchestra and Special Guests will be coming together at All Souls Church, London, UK on Saturday 17 July 2021 from 6.00pm to 8.00pm to livestream an evening of the thrilling and diverse music that Prom Praise audiences have come to love year after year.

Michael Andrews and the All Souls orchestra will be joined by Matt Redman and Rend Collective virtually from the USA.   In person will be Tearfund’s Krish Kandiah, along with worship leader, Noel Robinson, soprano Joanne McGahon and music artist, encourager, songwriter Geraldine Latty.

St. Mungo's Gift Day - Saturday 22 May

St. Mungo's held their twice-yearly Gift Days as normal this year.

Here are ways in which you can still donate your Gift:

1.    Please post a cheque (payable to ‘Penicuik St Mungo's Parish Church’) to Gordon MacDonald, 3 Bavelaw Crescent, PENICUIK EH26 9AX. Please put “Gift Day: May 2021” on the back of the cheque and include your name and address inside. If you are a taxpayer, Gift Aid can be claimed on behalf of St Mungo’s if you add “Please Gift Aid it”.

2.    If you have access to online banking, you can pay your donation directly to the church account, putting your surname and Gift Day in the reference box. Here are the details you will need:
St Mungos (no apostrophe for online banking)
Bank of Scotland; sort code: 80-22-60; account number: 17528366

The practical wisdom of Scripture says: ‘Don’t withhold good from someone who deserves it, when it is in your power to do so.’ (Proverbs 3:27)

Supporting The Leprosy Mission

St. Mungo's supports the Leprosy Mission and a collection will be held after the service on Sunday 25 April. You can however donate now on this link
Watch the story of Friday to see how the mission helps fight this curable disease
Easter Services at St. Mungo's 2021
Easter Sunday Service  - 4 April In church & Online

Welcome to St. Mungo's this  Easter Sunday to in church or online Easter Sunday 4 April at 11.00am.  Part of the  From the Heart of Penicuik to the Heart of Easter series. Today's theme The Heart of the Matter:  'Jesus, our Risen Saviour'

An abridged copy of the service was supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required on
01968 700121
or listen here

Good Friday Service - 2 April online at 7.30pm 'Broken hearted'

Welcome to St. Mungo's on Good Friday 2 April for our evening Easter Week service, part of the  From the Heart of Penicuik to the Heart of Easter series, see programme detail in article below.  The evening follows the theme
'Broken hearted'

An abridged copy of the service was supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required on
01968 700121
or listen here

St. Mungo's  Palm Sunday Service in church and online - 28 March

The start of Holy Week is celebrated with Christ's triumphant entry to Jerusalem.
Our theme this Sunday:  Look, your King is coming
Our service included celebration of Holy Communion.
The Rev John Urquhart led our worship supported by members of the congregation.

An abridged copy of the service will be supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required on
01968 700121
. or listen here

Holy Tuesday Service 30 March online at 7.30pm 'Heart felt'

Welcome to St. Mungo's on Holy Tuesday 30 March for our evening Easter Week service, part of the  From the Heart of Penicuik to the Heart of Easter series, see programme detail in article below.  The evening follows the theme 'Heart felt'

An abridged copy of the service will be supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required on
01968 700121
or listen here

From the Heart of Penicuik to the Heart of Easter
The Penicuik Churches together (PCT) group have designed a programme that while acknowledging thedifficult times we are living through, offers those in our community a way of celebrating Easter.
A series of videos, between 1 and 5 minutes, were made available each day from early in the morning of the day in question, on the PCT YouTube channel
Now all available to watch anytime.

Services during Holy Week across the churches in Penicuik were presented as shown below:

Penicuik North Kirkhttps://www.penicuiknorthkirk.org/
Penicuik South & Howgatehttps://www.psah.uk/
Sacred Hearthttps://shsmparish.co.uk/Sacred_Heart_Church
Penicuik St. James the Lesshttps://stjamesthelesspenicuik.org/

St. Mungo's reopened for Sunday Worship. - 28 March
The Scottish Government has allowed us to reopen our church buildings for worship for up to 50 people. The visitors returned following our last in church service at the beginning of January. The rules and regulations were as they were before Christmas (i.e. wearing masks and keeping 2m distance, no singing).

If you would like to come, please let Neil Cape stmungosessionclerk@gmail.com
know by the preceding Saturday, so that he can get the 'Trace and Test' information ready for Sunday morning. 

World Day of Prayer - Friday 5 March 

St. Mungo's hosted this year's World Day of Prayer service, online due to the ongoing covid restrictions.

The 2021 World Day of Prayer is prepared by Christian women of the Republic of Vanuatu, a small country in the South Pacific Ocean.

The service included stories, readings, prayers and praise, presented by members of the churches across Penicuik.

An abridged audio only copy of the service is available listen here
                                Order of Service    Full service video

Messy Church - Burns' Night - Monday 25 January 2021

The current lockdown restrictions mean we are unable to  deliver Messy Church activity packs to your door. However your Messy Church team have created a short activity sheet, centred around Burns' Night. This uses materials which they think should be able to be found around the house....and if not, they are all the sorts of things which can be easily adapted!

From Bonnie Bagpipes, to a Haggis, and make your own kilt. All the ingredients for a fun evening, or anytime.

Whatever it may feel like, we are not forgotten about, least of all by God. May he bless you, and bring you comfort and strength in these gloomy days.

News from 2020

Help your church every time you shop at Amazon
If you regularly shop on Amazon, did you know  Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to your church?

All this at no cost to you. Millions of products on the site are eligible for AmazonSmile donations, and Amazon promises that using the service won't result in higher prices.
To get started simply signon to at 
(SC005838 is St. Mungo's church registered charity number)
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your church every time you shop at Amazon, at no cost to you.

Remembrance Sunday Service   - 8 November

St.Mungo's church lit up red to mark Remembrance  - until 11 November 2020.

St. Mungo's hosted the Penicuik Remembrance service, which this year was quite  different, due to the Covid-19 restrictions.

For safety reasons, and the restriction on 50 maximum in the chuch we invited local organisations to send representatives only.  We could not have the Silver Band and all the standards presented at the beginning. We did have our regular congregation members, the bugler Anna Florence outside the sanctuary to play last post and Reveille, and the piper to play the lament, before the 2 minute silence

The church will continue to be lit red until Wednesday 11 November

Messy Church - Remembrance
Remembrance Day (or Poppy Day) can be challenging to think about;  thankfulness is perhaps easier to understand.
Being thankful feels especially significant this year; we can be thankful to God and to those who help us, protect us and keep us safe. On Poppy Day, we can especially remember those who helped us, and still help us, in times of war and conflict.

We think you'll have most of what you need in the house, or will be able to improvise. If you get stuck, let Joan Cape 674276 know  know and she will try to drop something suitable in to you. Likewise, let her know if you have difficulties printing the stuff, or even reading the attachment - we can get copies to you.  Messy Remembrance activity sheet

Kirk In Penicuik (KIP) - Sunday October 25th

Kirk In Penicuik is an expression of the shared life of the three Church of Scotland congregations in Penicuik. St. Mungo's, North & South & Howgate. A space for wider conversation, mutual support and resourcing for the Christian journey!

The initial activity for the group was held on the afternoon  of Sunday October 25th. This was the first of a series of monthly reflective prayer services held in the St. Mungo's church hall which lasted 30-40 minutes.        Full Details

World Polio Day - 24 October

St.Mungo's church is lit up Purple to celebrate Rotary 2020 World Polio Day.
Rotary’s 2020 World Polio Day Online Global Update program on 24 October hails this year’s historic achievement in polio eradication: Africa being declared free of the wild poliovirus. Rotary Foundation Trustee Geeta Manek,  says that World Polio Day is an opportunity for Rotary members to be motivated to “continue this fight.” She adds, “Rotarians around the world are working tirelessly to support the global effort to end polio.” Find out more at www.endpolio.org/

Harvest Service Donations

Many thanks to all who donated to the Christian Aid Harvest Autumn Appeal, on 11 October and again on 18 October,  which raised over £500 including Gift Aid, plus all those who donated online.

Thank you all.

Janis Hogg
Christian Aid coordinator.

Amazing collection for Blythswood Shoe box appeal.  - 17 October

Christine Jackson welcomed visitors to the church on Saturday 17 October bringing their knitted hats, gloves, scarves and knee blankets. Many had knitted the items themselves, others had bought them to donate.

The donated knitting filled no less than seven large sacks, which will be taken to Blythswood Care for their 2020 Shoebox Appeal. Due to Covid-19 restrictions we were not able to display the knitting in the church on Sunday morning, as has been the practice in past years. You can see Christine thanking everyone for their contributions, and  telling us all about the Blythswood appeal in our church service video, and the Blythswood video that went with Christine's talk.


If you watched the Graham lead the Pentland Piano Festival, see article below, then you will enjoy a concert of him playing, with items from a number of his family and friends. 

Graham is joined with family and friends for this concert which forms part of the Penicuik Community Arts Association  Penfest 2020 online celebrations.

Joining Graham are daughters Sophie and Anna, with friends Dallas, Ara and Steve performing a range of music and song for this concert.

Sit back and enjoy the wide variety of musical entertainment. Click on link below.

Pentland Piano Festival Concert - 1 October
Due to the Coronavirus restrictions and guidance the 2020 Pentland Piano Festival took place on Thursday 1 October on line this year.

Led by Graham McDonald, who often plays the organ for us in the church, the festival featured a wide range of pianists playing for viewers to the recorded festival.
Once again the Festival featured pianists and musicians of all ages and abilities. You can watch the concert and enjoy the music from musicians in and around our community. The Festival was also supported by Penicuik Community Arts Association

Click on this link to watch the Festival.video  

Symphonic Praise 2020 - Saturday 12 September

One of our largest worship events of the year was held on Saturday 12 September.

Symphonic Praise was an evening of worship, with some great hymns from the past and new hymns for today. The recorded event is now available on our YouTube channel

Holiday Club 2020 Wonderzone -  July / August

Welcome to Wonderzone catchup. Now completed you can still cach up and view the complete 5 week Penicuik Holiday Club series.
Exploring the wonders of the universe, and thinking about our place in it. We may be small, but we are a very special part of God’s creation. 
WonderZone the complete series is now available. Watch it here now

Joint Church of Scotland Service - 1 March 

Christian Unity  & New Housing

St. Mungo's congregation hosted a joint Church of Scotland service on Sunday 1st March, welcoming members from Penicuik North Kirk, South & Howgate Church, and Glencorse Church to the morning service.  Leading our service was Rev Peter Wood, Pioneer & New Housing Co-ordinator for Lothian Presbytery, and locum minister at Penicuik South and Howgate Church. Leading our praise for the service were the praise band from Penicuik North Kirk, Rev Graham Astles on drums, singers Fiona and Alison, Eunice and Ricky on guitars, and Malcolm on piano, together with St. Mungo's resident organist Eileen Marchant.

Messy Church - Sunday 23 February
The February Messy church took the theme 'Standing on the Rock' as our theme, where the wise man built on solid rock, and the foolish man on the sand. We will find out what that means to us.
Read about , and see pictures of the activities th echildren were involved in and the celebration time in the church.

Beeslack School Jazz Band at St. Mungo's  - Saturday 1 February

Saturday night in St. Mungo's church hall and the place was jumping to the sound of music. The Beeslack high school jazz band entertained the audience with music from musicals, films, big bands and more. Graham McDonald on piano, introduced and led the band over two sets, a total of 24 tunes. Raising funds for the Beeslack music department, and the Malawi 2020 project that many of the students are also involved in.

Messy Church - Sunday 26 January
The theme for the January Messy church was based on Jesus's parable of the sheep and the goats. A range of activities and crafts taught us the meaning of the parable, which was completed at our celebration time in the church. A meal finished off our afternoon. Full Story and pictures

Burns Supper - Friday 24 January   

A great crowd from across the Penicuik churches and beyond joined the Burns celebration on Friday 24th at St. Mungo's church hall.
The kitchen team had worked tirelessly to provide a traditional meal of Haggis Neeps and Tatties, followed by trifle, tea, coffee, biscuits and cheese. A full programme of entertainment, with poems and songs from Burns wide repertoire had the audience singing, laughing, and foot tapping.  Full story with listen again and pictures

News from 2019

Christmas at St. Mungo's - 2019
All in one places,  The full list of events held in St. Mungo's over the Christmas of 2019.

Links to all the stories and pictures of the advent and welcome of the birth of Jesus over 2000 years ago.

Christian Aid Christmas appeal
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Christian Aid Christmas Appeal. The original amount sent away was £235 then on Christmas Eve a further £151.70 was given.
So the total sent to this appeal to help mothers living in dreadful poverty and struggling in degrading work to feed their families was £386.70. Thanks to everyone once again for a most generous response.

Christmas Hampers
A Huge thank you to everyone for helping to make 5 Christmas hampers, for families in Penicuik.
Thanks for food, the home made Christmas cakes and home made Christmas puddings, gifts for the children & adults and money to buy fresh food (i.e. cheese, paté, fruit etc.) and gifts.
There was enough money to buy everyone a present which was lovely.Many thanks to you all.  Elaine Jacobs

Christmas Eve Services  - 24 December
The Family service at 4.00pm took us on the journey to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus through a series of carols, video and readings. We lit the fourth Advent candle after watching an alternative version of 'four candles'  

The watchnight evening service at 11.30pm attracted the adults and young  members of our congregation and others from across Penicuik churches and beyond. Through carols, readings, and video we heard the story of Christmas, leading to the lighting of the fifth, Christ candle as the clock passed midnight into Christmas Day.

Food Facts Friends Foodbank provides Christmas meals on Christmas Eve - 24 December

Over 300 baskets of Christmas food arrived at St Mungo’s church hall on Christmas Eve, covering the complete floor, ready to feed over 70 families, several hundred adults and their children, from across Midlothian.

This is the fourth year Food Facts Friends have offered Christmas Eve food in addition to its normal Monday opening at Penicuik and Dalkeith, and Friday in Penicuik.

Advent heads north on Fourth Sunday  - 22 Dec
We headed north to celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent, to the North Kirk for a joint service, with members of St. Mungo’s, South Church, and St. James the Less, joining the the resident North Kirk members for the service led by Rev Graham Astles.  
Peter Wood presented the sermon titled ‘Down to such a World as this’.  The theme was Jesus being born into a world that was full of sin and a ‘mess’, not too dissimilar to our own world at this time     Full Story

Carols in the Precinct  - 21 December

Carols in the precinct brought the Penicuik churches together members out on a dry if somewhat chilly morning on Saturday 21st December. Some 40 people gathered round to sing a selection of favourite Christmas carols for the shoppers in Penicuik’s precinct.

Food Facts Friends Christmas Meal - 19 Dec

The Food Facts Friends foodbank and drop in centre Christmas meal attracted some 50 visitors to St. Mungo's Church Hall. Town Crier 'Mose' welcomed everyone. The Rev John Urquhart told us the true meaning of Christmas, and Kevin Rae provided some party entertainment. A visit from Santa with gifts for the children made for a great afternoon.

CHRISTMAS 2019:  Nativity Play - 15 December

This year the congregation experienced a 'POP-UP' Nativity. Introduced by the story teller Agnes Ovenstone, we travelled with Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem, encountering  shepherds, wise men and angels, and the birth of baby Jesus through a series of scenes and actions to tell the story. Full story and pictures

Christmas Journey - Saturday 7 December 

The ‘Christmas Journey’, displaying Joseph and Mary's travels from Nazareth to Bethlehem and the birth of baby Jesus, was presented through a series of scenes inside St. Mungo's church on Saturday 7 December. THe church welcomed many families with children who also visitied the switching on of the Penicuik Christmas lights.

CHRISTMAS 2019:  Carols with Hope 4 Penicuik - 6 December

The annual Hope4Penicuik Christmas Carol Concert in the town Hall attracted friends and families from across Penicuik and beyond. Penicuik Silver Band, Andrew Dunsire and Graham McDonald provided the musical accompaniment. Joan Cape led the event with readings and stories of Christmas, all supported by our very own Penicuik Puppets.

Girlguiding Christmas - 3 December

St. Mungo's church welcomed the Girlguiding Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, Rangers and Trefoil for their annual Christmas celebration. With mums, dads, grandparents and friends looking down from the galley, we watched the story of Christmas presented in a different way this year, with help from ministers from the Penicuik Churches Together.

Christmas Fayre  - Saturday 23 November

A windswept Saturday morning did not stop a steady stream of visitors to this years Christmas Fayre. Featuring stalls with gifts and toys for friends and family, books, home baking, jewellery, and of course the raffle, bottle stall, and tombola.  With refeshments on hand with a selection of cakes and scones, with tea and coffee, gave plenty to talk about with friends and new acquaitances. Full story 

Remembrance Sunday - 10 November

St. Mungo’s welcomed over 200 people from the British Legion, our armed forces, air cadets, Scouts Association, Girl Guiding, Boys Brigade, Penicuik Athletic, and civil dignitaries, in addition to our normal Sunday morning congregation. Sir Robert Clerk Bt, OBE, Lord Lieutenant of Midlothian was representing Her Majesty the Queen. The British Army was represented by Lt Luke Allwood of the Royal Highland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland. This year marked the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which formally ended the Great War in 1919. 

The Rev John Urquhart led our worship, with music provided by Penicuik Silver Band.

Messy Church Sunday - 3 November
The theme for Sunday 30th Messy Church was 'Armour of God'
But what does it mean to wear the armour of God?
 In the days of the Roman Empire, soldiers wore a protective suit called armour when they went to war. They wore helmets to protect their head, a breastplate to protect the front of their bodies, and they carried swords to fight with in battle. As Christians, we are given a spiritual armour. You cannot see it, as it is invisible, but it works the same way as the armour that the Roman soldiers wore. Full Story

Autumn Recital of Classical Song and songs of Scotland
Saturday 2 November
Over 100 people braved the autumn chill on Saturday 2nd November for an evening of classical and scottish songs, presented by 20 year old tenor, Marcus Swietlicki.
With Michael Barrett providing the piano accompaniment the audience enjoyed a great evening of music and song.   Full Story with links to the songs and music

Hats, Gloves,Scarves & Blankets  - 27 October

St. Mungo's congregation once again rallied to the call for warm clothing for those in Eastern Europe that have little to keep them warm when winter strikes hard. Sharpening their knitting needles we could almost hear the clicking around Penicuik as woolly hats, gloves, scarves and blankets were produced in abundance.

Co-ordinator Christine Jackson reported over 550 items on display at the service on Sunday 27 October. An amazing blaze of colours you could not help but see as we entered the church. The display will be sent Blythswood Care, where your knitting is added to their Shoebox gifts going this year to poor and underprivileged children and adults in far off places.   Full Story and Pictures

Macmillan Coffee Morning - 5 October

A great crowd turned out for the ' Big Brew' coffee morning, organised by volunteers from the Food Facts Friends foodbank and drop in centres.The event was raising funds for MacMillan Cancer Support. Tables boasting all sorts of gifts and interesting items, to tempt visitors, plus lots of home baking and of course tea and coffee on tap.
A Total of £1075.31p was collected for the Macmillan charity.     Full Story 

Messy Church - 29 September 2019
Messy Church on the afternoon of September  29th found us thinking about harvest in a special way.
As we looked at the parable of the sower (Luke 8), we thought about our Messy Church leaders telling the folks who come along about God and what it means to know him.  They might hear the same things from other people; perhaps they read them in the Bible as well. These things are like seeds which get planted in our minds.  The seeds are stories about Jesus and as we learn more the seed grows and gets bigger until eventually we know enough about God to be able to tell others about Him.

Twinning church visits St. Mungo's - 22 September 2019
For the morning service on Sunday 22 September we were joined by Dr Miku Foning and the Rev Nirwan Subba from the Eastern Himalaya Diocese of the Church of North India. St. Mungo's is 'twinned' with the church in Saontalpur. John introduced our visitors and asked Miku to tell us about the Diocese during the informal time.

Miku opened by offering the greetings of both himself and Rev Nirwan Subba from the diocese of the Eastern Himalayas, Church of North India. We were taken back some 130 years to explain how they are here today. Full Story

Messy Church Sports Day & BBQ - 1 September

We started the new season of Messy Church with Messy Sports, with games for all the family in the church hall and garden. The families and children enjoyed a range of 'sports' activities and challenges, followed by a great BBQ. Full story 

Sunday Service - 11 August:  Holiday Club

The congregation of St. Mungo's was swelled with the visitors from all the participating churches to celebrate the end of a week of the Holiday Club, many with children who had taken part in the past weeks club. The service celebrated God's kingdom, through the activities , song, prayer, and stories from the Holiday Club.

The celebration service was led by Rev John Urquhart of St. Mungo's and Rev Graham Astles of the North Church, assisted by members of the Holiday Club team, wearing red tee shirts. Our Waste Watcher 'Rubbish Team', Sheila Anderson and Sandra Stewart, dressed appropriately in yellow hi-viz jackets opened the service

This month we held the event in the church hall. Passing dark clouds and showers however did not stop our time trying out a variety of crafts with the theme 'Toilet Twinning'. Jesus taught us how to share our good fortune with those who have none. and how basic is a toilet? Indeed but how essential it is to a healthy life. Full Story 

St. Mungo's Summer Fair -  22 June

St. Mungo's Summer Fair on Saturday 22nd June attracted people from across Penicuik to be tempted by a wide range of crafts and gifts. From home baking and the bottle stall to bric-a-brac, tombola, books and music. The raffles displayed a wide range of prizes with some special prizes that would make a great gift. The strawberry tea was the icing on the cake, an opportunity to chat with old friends and make new acquaintances.

Sponsored Walk - 8 June

The walkers and friends for the annual fundraising Sponsored Walk on Saturday 8 June gathered at the front of St.Mungo's church. This years walk centred round Penicuik Estate so no transport required for this one. The walk of around 5 miles took in some of the sights and views around the estate, which included a stop for refreshments at the Penicuik House Café.

Messy Church - 26 May
This months theme was ‘Try Praying’.  We  all  need  to  be  challenged  to  pray  more,  to  try  out  different ways of praying and to explore ways of praying that have  been  helpful  for  other Christians  over  the  centuries. 
Through Crafts, stories, songs and actions we explored what  prayer means and how it can help us all. Full Story 

Quiz Night - 24 May

Six teams from the churches across Penicuik took part in the in the annual inter churches Quiz Night on Friday 24 May. The challenge was to win the top prize of the 'Smart Alec', teddy bear. A fun evening with a wide range of questions, including films & tv, music, history, geography, sport, general knowledge and the Bible. Full story 

Try Praying  - 5 May
John introduced the theme of TryPraying at the morning service during the informal time. The booklet is not designed for practicing Christians, but for those who don't think of themselves as religious. John broke it down to three propositions. Use it, the booklet. Lose it, by giving to someone, that you know, or don't know. News it, tell John of your experiences of answers to prayer, which can be passed on and shared with others              
Full story, hymns, readings, video, sermon, prayers.

Twinning Evening Service  - 5 May
The evening service on Sunday 5 May was to welcome Dr Miku Foning and Reverend Nirwan Subba from the Eastern Himalaya Diocese of the Church of North India, on their trip to Scotland. St. Mungo's has recently twinned with the church at Saontalpur and has struck up exchanges of correspondence by email. Prior to the service a buffet meal was laid on for our visitors and members from the churches across Penicuik and beyond.

This was to be the first time we had met. We were joined by members of the other Penicuik Churches, to hear, and take part in this service.

Messy Church
- Sunday 28 April

The theme for this month's Messy Church was 
' Easter - what happened next?'
With crafts, activities and the celebration time in the church, we found out the answer. The afternoon attracted a wide range of families with young children, keen to learn about Jesus and God . Full Story

Big Brekkie
- Sunday 28 April

St. Mungo's hosted a Christian Aid  'Big Brekkie' before the morning service on Sunday 28 April, to help raise vital funds for people around the world.
The early risers in our congregation came along to enjoy fresh croissants, or a bacon roll, with coffee or tea, before the morning service. Last year more than 2,500 people across the UK  joined a Big Brekkie. Full Story 

Easter at St. Mungo's

Easter Sunday : Resurrection  - 21 April.
Sunrise Service - Greet the new dawn - 5.30am
Some 17 souls, including families with children, from the churches in Penicuik, gathered before the dawn at St. Kentigerns church behind St. Mungo’s at 5.30am. The Rev John Urquhart opened our resurrection service, followed by a walk to Broomhill to continue the service, greeting  the sunrise at 5.53am celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A welcome breakfast at St.James the Less followed. Full Story

Resurrection Service  - 11.00am
We continued our Easter resurrection celebration with the family service at 11.00am, with Rev John Urquhart once again leading our worship.

John opened the service with a call from Luke 24, which we repeated three times: 'Alleluia! Christ is risen, which we all replied 'He is risen indeed. Alleluia!'. The opening hymn 410 reflected this new dawn 'Jesus Christ is risen today'.

Resurrection Praise Service  - 7.00pm
We concluded our Easter Sunday celebrations with an evening praise service led by Joan Cape and a team of Penicuik musicians from a variety of churches: Andrew Dunsire, Fraser Hudson and Phoebe Middleton on guitars and vocals, were joined by Graham McDonald on piano, with daughter Sophie on Saxophone/vocals and son Sam on drums. Neil Cape played bass guitar while Joan sang.  Listen to all the songs
Full story, praise songs, reading, drama, prayers.

Good Friday - 19 April
The Good Friday service at St. Mungo’s commemorated the execution of Jesus by crucifixion. Good Friday is a day of mourning in the Christian church, when we remember Jesus' suffering and death on the cross, and what this means for their faith.
Through readings from the gospel and the Address we hear the story of the crucifixion, and the role of the players unfold.
      Full service, hymns, readings, address, prayers.

Maundy Thursday - 18 April
Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter Day when we remember when Jesus ate the Passover meal with his disciples, breaking bread and drinking wine, which is now known as the Last Supper.

St. Mungo's hosted the Penicuik Churches Together (PCT) service, with members from South Church, North Kirk, Sacred Heart and Destiny Church joining Rev John Urquhart to lead the Maundy service.
 The service included the washing of feet and holy communion
      Full service, hymns, readings, address, prayers.

Palm Sunday - 14 April
Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week and celebrates Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey. John introduced the story with a quiz at the informal time. Here we were asked to identify 'Who is this?' The final picture represented Jesus entering Jerusalem as a 'King' on a donkey. John refers to the reading from Luke, The sermon relates Pilates  choice to the people between Jesus Barabbas and Jesus of Nazareth.

Guild - Visit to the Holy Land -  1 April
The Rev Andrew Don joined the Guild on Monday 1st April to present his story of a trip to the holy land.
Andrew related a This fascinating illustrated tale of the trip of a lifetime. Fullstory 

Messy Church - Sunday 31 March
Our theme for this month's Messy Church was ' Who is Jesus'. Our crafts and activities helped us learn about who Jesus was and how he saw himself when here on earth. The celebration time in the church was led by Joan Cape, who presented examples of the teaching of Jesus the man. Songs and actions helped in our understanding. A family meal completed the afternoon.  Full Story.

Pentland Piano Festival - 30 March
Over 60 participants took to the stage in the South Church Penicuik on Saturday 30 March for the day sessions for pianists of all ages. Some teamed up with fellow pianists for the duet section. Over twenty of the players returned in the evening to entertain us with a concert covering a variety of musical themes, classical to film and musicals, as well as jazz. 
Attracted pianists from Penicuik, Midlothian, across the UK and Europe.

Guild - Community Choir - Monday 4 March

The Penicuik Community Choir entertained a great audience with a range of favourite songs from shows and films. Liz McKeon led the choir singers which included solo pieces as well as the full choir. With something for everyone, and singalongs invited for those evergreen songs that we all recall as soon as we hear the opening bars. Full story and pictures.

Messy Church - Sunday 24 February 
Our theme for this month's Messy Church was "I'm not doing that!" We found out just what Bible passage this related to.Through various crafts, stories and song we found out the answer.   Full Story

Girl Guiding Thinking Day  -  19  March      Travelling through time

Thinking Day theme for 2019 was 'Travelling through Time'  With the arrival of the Tardis we met girls emerge as members of the Guides movement from its early beginnings to the present day.  Time travelling with story, song and actions.

Guild - Equal futures - Monday 18  March
Sarah Murphy told the Guild meeting on Monday 18th about her work with the Equal Futures charity, which involved us in some practical work as well.

Twinning Reaching out across the world
Your Kirk Session agreed that we take up an offer from Lothian Presbytery to twin St. Mungo’s church Penicuik with a group of churches in Saontalpur in the East Himalaya Diocese of the Church in North India.
The Rev Hugh Trevor, who has visited this area several times, will tell us more when he visits us at St. Mungo's for the Sunday service 3rd March.  Full Details

Guild -
An evening with Mary Millan - 4 February
Mary Millan was the guest speaker at the Guild meeting in St. Mungo's on Monday 4 February, where she spoke of her connection and involvement with the African country of Rwanda.

Mention Rwanda and Genocide, Tutsi and Huti spring to mind. Mary would touch on this but opened her talk by positioning Rwanda as slightly larger than the size of Wales. Where Wales has a population of 3.1 million people, Rwanda has over 12.2 million. Situated just south of the equator the country is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The country is called 'the land of 1000 hills',  Full Story

Messy Church - Sunday 27 January
Our theme for this month's Messy Church  was "Refugees" - based on the time when Jesus and his family were refugees. We found out when that was, with the Gospel of Matthew helping to find the answer. Clues were discovered through crafts, story and song. A time for families with young children learn about life, through stories from the
Bible.   Full Story 

Burns Supper - Friday 25 January 2019

St. Mungo's Burns Supper started with Jack Mullins piping in the guests, Gordon MacDonald wlecoming the hearty audience and our minister Rev John Urquhart reciting Burns Selkirk Grace. Mark Wells then brought in the haggis, led in by piper Jack Mullins, with  Godon Macdonald adressing and toasting the haggis before we all tucked in. An amazing range of poetry, stories and song followed, presented by a talented group of members from across the Penicuik churches. Full Story with listen again

News from 2018

Christmas Fair Quiz  - answers
The Christmas Fair on 24 November included a quiz. There were only two correct in all of the ones returned so the prize was split between them.  Click answers to see how you got on.

Christmas Eve, fourth advent  - 24 December
We prepared for the arrival of the new born King, Jesus Christ on Monday 24th December with two events. 

The birth of the new King -  11.30pm
The Watchnight service continued our journey to the birth of Jesus using story, scripture, video and praise. On the turn of midnight we lit the final fifth Christ Child candle in the centre of our advent ring, heralding the arrival of the saviour, this Christmas day. Full Story with carols, talk and video

Fourth Advent Family Service -  4.00pm
The family service at 4.00pm on Christmas Eve attracted families with children to hear and take part in the real story of Christmas and the arrival of the baby Jesus. Led by Joan Cape we followed the journey to the stable in Bethlehem through story, scripture, and song, with Andrew Dunsire and Phoebe Middleton leading the praise. Full Story 

Foodbank Christmas Lunch  - 21 December

Food Facts Friends Christmas lunch on Friday 21st welcomed over 60 visitors to St. Mungo’s church hall. Town Crier ‘Mose’ opened the event and our traditional Christmas meal was introduced by the Rev John Urquhart saying the grace. The Salvation Army band played Christmas carols throughout our meal which was followed by a thank you from  charity patron Michelle Ballantyne MSP. A visit by Santa Claus, handing out gifts to all the children and adults was followed by a free raffle where four lucky winners collected large Christmas hampers.   Full Story

Third Advent Sunday Nativity Play  - 16 December

Our nativity story had the full cast of Mary & Joseph, Angels, Wisemen, Shepherds, King and Prophet, to perform the story of the birth of Jesus.
Full Story with listen again feature

Second Advent Sunday  - 9 December
We continued our journey through advent on Sunday 9th  December,  The second advent candle, signifying peace, was lit by Ruby Sprott from the congregation.

During the informal time John explained  what peace means in the bible. Using a short video we looked at some Hebrew and Greek words.  The word “peace” is translated from the Hebrew word shalom meaning peace in human relationships, but also “completeness or soundness.”

Hope 4 Peniucik Carol Concert - 8 December
The much loved annual carol concert in the town hall on Saturday 8 December saw the Penicuik Silver Band, the Puppets and much more,
bring us the real meaning of Christmas through story, theatre and song. Full story

The Christmas Journey - 7 December
St. Mungo's hosted the Christmas Journey, from Joseph and Mary travelling from Nazareth to Bethlehem, to the birth of baby Jesus in a series of scenes with activities around the sanctuary in the church. Families with young children visited the journey as part of their trip to see the Penicuik Christmas lights switch on.

Girlguiding Christmas - 5 December
On Wednesday 5th of December St. Mungo's played host to Penicuik and Midlothian Girlguiding, Rangers, Brownies, Trefoil and Rainbows girls, parents and friends, for their annual Christmas Service.
Full Story, Pictures and listen to the service

First Advent Sunday  - 2 December
Sunday 2nd December marked the first advent Sunday and our minister John Urquhart invited Charlie from the congregation to light the first candle, the Candle of Hope on our advent circle. We can have hope because God is faithful and will keep the promises made to us. Our hope comes from God.
Our theme was judgment, which we all face at the end of our lives. Christ died to take away the sins of many people and come to save everyone who is eagerly waiting for him.

Messy Church - 25 November

With the advent of Christmas approaching the theme  ‘God loved the world so much’ was brought to life with crafts, fun and song. The celebration time in the church had the children playing out the nativity and hearing stories of Jesus, with songs and prayer. A great family meal completed our afternoon. Full Story 

Marcus Swietlicki Recital - 24 November

Marcus Swietlicki treated us to a wonderful evening of classical music and music from the shows. Accompanied by Michael Barnett on piano the audience of over 70 people sat in awe at the performance. Full story with links to hear the music.

This years Christmas Fair was full of amazing items to see and buy.Toys for the kids, stocking fillers and more. The raffle this year had an amazing top prize. With a full range of refreshments the visitors wre in for a real treat. Full story and pictures

Guild: L'Arche Housing - 19 November
Lady Clerk presented the work of L'Arche Housing as part of the Guild meeting on Monday 19th. Along with colleagues from the movement we heard of the fascinating history of the venture, formed by French Canadian Jean Vanier. With facilities across the world we listened to the team from Edinburgh tell us of the work the organisation does locally. Full Story

Remembrance: Armistice Centenary - 11 November

Pipers lead the Legion and organisations to St. Mungo's
St. Mungo’s welcomed over 200 people from the British Legion, our armed forces, army and air cadets, Scouts Association, Girl Guiding, Boys Brigade, and civil dignitaries, in addition to our normal Sunday morning congregation. Sir Robert Clerk Bt, OBE, Lord Lieutenant of Midlothian was representing Her Majesty the Queen.

This Armistice Centenary service was particularly poignant falling on the11th day of the 11th month, exactly 100 years
from the signing of the Armistice, bringing to an end over 4 years of WW1 hostilities.

The Rev John Urquhart led the service, with Penicuik Silver Band leading the music for the praise.

Guild 90th Anniversary1928 : 2018 - 27 October

St. Mungo's Guild celebrated its 90th anniversay on Saturday 27 October. We heard about the history of the Guild from its early days though tothe present time.
With talks, and songs from the times, plus a sing song for us all to join in made for a great afternoon.

Messy Church - 28 October
Theme for the October Messy Church was  ‘Light of the World’.  
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

St Mungo's Hall resounded to the fun, activities, fellowship, praise and hot dinner to finish for families with children of primary school age.  Full Story 

Hats Gloves and Scarves  - 21 October 2018

St. Mungo's congregation once again rallied to the call for warm clothing for those in Eastern Europe that have little to keep them warm when winter strikes hard. Sharpening their knitting needles we could almost hear the clicking around Penicuik as woolly hats, gloves, scarves and blankets were produced in abundance.

Co-ordinator Christine Jackson reported over 500 items on display at the service on Sunday 21 October. An amazing
blaze of colours you could not help but see as we entered the church.     Full Story and pictures

Moderator visits foodbank at St. Mungo's - 5 October

Food Facts and Friends welcomed the Rt Rev Susan Brown to Penicuik St. Mungo's church hall on Friday 5 October, to see for herself the good work the foodbank and drop in centre provides those in need across Midlothian. Rev Susan Brown was returning to her home town of Penicuik, Midlothian for the visit to Food, Facts and Friends Foodbank, which is hosted in St Mungo's Parish Church Hall. Full Story

Messy Church -  29 September
This month Messy Church had a good look at the bible, answering some questions about what it is and why we should read it. Our big bible timeline helped us better understand how some of the well known stories fit together. Using a range of activities and crafts we went on to learn all about the Bible  . Celebration time in the church was followed by a meal together

Recital - Sophie McDonald - 14 September
The talented young singer and clarinetist, Sophie McDonald filled Penicuik South Church with song and clarinet music for her recital on Friday 14 September 2018.

The audience were in for a musical treat indeed as Sophie entertained us with two acts opening with songs modern, jazz and classical. Following a short break and we were being treated to some of the most beautiful clarinet music written. Sophie was joined by her father Graham McDonald accompanying her on piano.

Messy Church Sports Day - 26 August
Inclement weather called for a change of plan for Messy Church on Sunday 26 August. Relocating to the church hall, the children enjoyed a range of 'sporting' activities, without getting wet. Sheila Anderson led the story time, which was followed by a BBQ. Full Story

Holiday Club 'Teambuilders' - 12 August

St. Mungo’s welcomed families and friends from the North and South churches to a service that celebrated the completion of another successful holiday club week.
Presented by the team who led the holiday club, held in the North Church, we were given an insight and flavour of the content and activities that took place with the children throughout the week.  Full Story with links to talks and videos during the service

Garden Party - 28 July
The Food Facts Friends garden party welcomed a good number of families and individuals, despite the heatwave on Friday giving way to grey clouds and rain. Organiser Mark Wells switched to plan B set inside St. Mungo’s church hall.
Town Crier Mose opened the party, followed by Mark Wells telling us how it works, who supports the foodbank, and the work of the always welcomed volunteers, many who turned out to help serve refreshments throughout the afternoon.  
Full Story

Farewell to Lynsay Downs - 8 July
Sunday 8 July 
is Rev Lynsay Downs’ last Sunday as Rector at St James the Less. Let’s thank God for all He has done through her while she has been in Penicuik, and ask Him to bless her new ministry at St Ternan’s, Banchory. The congregation of St. Mungo's wish her well as she takes up her new charge on 1st August.

The Great Giveaway - 24 June
Messy Church theme on Sunday 24th was 'the great giveaway'. Based on Mark 10, the crafts focused on what we can do for others rather than for ourselves. A sketch played out in the church at celebration time reinforced the message. A great BBQ under the blazing sunshine in the garden added to the fun of the afternoon. Full Story 

Summer Fair - 16 June

A great crowd visited St. Mungo's church hall on Saturday 16 to be tempted by the wide range of items on display. Home baking, bottle stall, knitting, books, jigsaws, tombola, birthday and special occasion cards, plus of course the raffle. A special 'guess the teddy bears name?' saw a few heads being scratched! Refreshments always at hand.

Sponsored Walk - Saturday 9 June

The sun shone on the 11 walkers, and Rosie the dog, as they set off from St. Mungo's to walk the Tweed valley from Cardronna to Innerleithen. Along the river and over the hills, with a call for ice creams at Caldwells in Innerleithen made it a great day out, with some walkers turning out in their shorts. Full story and pictures      

Messy Church - Sunday  27 May  
The sun shone down on Messy Church looking at one of the great festivals in the Christian year, Pentecost. What's it all about and what it has to do with each of us?  Craft and activities, some in the garden uder the sun,  making windmills, helicopters, rockets, a collage and more. With our celebration, and family meal. Full Story 

Quiz Night -  Friday 25 May
The 'Smart Alec' teddy bear trophy of the annual Penicuik Churches Working Together Quiz Night returned to St. Mungo's following a challenging evening of questions designed to test and tease the contestants knowledge. Four teams pitted their wits to answer, or not in certain cases, the sometimes fiendish questions put to them by question master Gordon Macdonald and Agnes Ovenstone. Full Story

Messy Church -  29 April
'Two Charcoal Fires' was the the theme for the April Messy Church on Sunday 29th. The reference to the two fires appears only twice in the Bible,  Lots of crafts and activities that told the story, with time in the garden for some of the activities,
Celebration Time in the church was led by Rev Andrew Don and Sheila Anderson recalling the story of Peter and doubting Thomas.   Full Story

Messy Church -  25 March  
Messy Church this month looked at how Easter offers a ‘second chance’ to come to God – it’s never too late. With crafts, activities and celebration time in the church, finishing with a meal for the whole family. Full Story 

Foodbank Fundraiser Concert - 23 March
Over 60 people gathered in Penicuik Town Hall at 7.30pm on Friday 23 March to see and hear over two hours of entertaining music, song and dance from a fantastic line up of talented musicians, singers, and dancers.

The concert featured Megan Adams, Sophie Penman, Dancepointe Academy, and the Beeslack Jazz Band provided an entertaining evening, while helping to raise funds for the Foodbank.  Full Story 

Messy Church - God's Big Family.   25 February

Messy Church, on Sunday 25 February took the theme 'What is Family'. The 'Messy team' had put together a range of crafts and activities to bring out the 'All God's family' theme. Lots of crafts, activities, and time of celebration. All about our own families, other people's families and how we are all part of God's Big Family.  Full Story

St. Mungo's welcomes new elders - 11 February

The Rev John Urquhart later ordained and welcomed four new elders. Agnes Haggart, Elaine Jacobs, and admitted them along with Joan and Neil Cape as elders in St. Mungo's. Hear the full ordination and the vows taken by the elders and congregation

Messy Church - 28 January. 4.00 to 6.00pm
This months theme was "Stairway to heaven", and we were looking at the story of Jacob, Genesis 28, 10-19.

Interesting crafts, ladders, angels climb ladders, and cakes. Plus Celebration time in the church.
Full Story and listen to the celebration time

Burns Night at St. Mungo's - 26 January

Rabbie Burns meets Bannock Burn at the St. Mungo's Burns Supper on Friday 26 January. Celebration of the 'Bard' included the traditional meal of haggis and neeps, followed by a wide range of entertainment including a trip back to 1314 to the battle of Bannockburn to meet Robert the Bruce and his soldiers. Read the Full Story

Souper Sunday at St. Mungo's - 7 January 2018
St. Mungo's supported Souper Sunday, where our elders led the act of worship,
highlighting the many issues surrounding HIV, both at home and overseas. The service was followed by  a simple lunch of soup and bread. Full Story 

News from 2017

Christmas Eve at St. Mungo's - 24 December
Christmas Eve Sunday started with our morning service at 11am. John took the theme 'courage of Mary' for his sermon, drawing on the work of Timothy Keller and his book 'Encounters with Jesus'. We were asked to think about Mary and her courage to think about what she had heard.
Full Story and listen again service

All-Age Christmas Eve - 24 December
Christmas Eve afternoon saw the Messy Church team put on the Christmas Story for all ages. Joan Cape led the service with help from Sheila Anderson, Margaret Webster, Rae Hunter an Olivia, to tell us the story of the journey to Bethlehem by Mary and Joseph and the birth of the baby Jesus. The story contains links to hear what happened during the live service at each stage. Full Story

Feeding those in need at Christmas

Food Facts Friends provides food to those in need throughout the year, through its foodbank, which operates out of St. Mungo's church hall every Monday and Friday.

For Christmas they pulled out all the stops to ensure more than 180 hungry souls enjoyed a Christmas lunch, or received enough to make one themselves, or have it made for them.   Full Story

Nativity Play - Sunday 17 December

At the morning service we watched and listened to the nativity story of the birth of Jesus, in a manger in Bethlehem, as presented by the Sunday School and supporters. What better way to continue the real message of Christmas. Full Story

Festive Songs - Saturday 16 December
Penicuik Rotary presented the amazing young singer Marcus Swietlicki, who performed a range of festive songs from classical opera's, film and shows, ending with Christmas Carols like you have never heard them before.
Accompanied by Michael Barnett, and Marcus's brother Rory  on piano, the audience were amazed by this talented young tenor singer.  Full Story

Hope4Penicuik Carol Event - 15 December
The Town Hall was filled with families and friends to experience the age old story of the birth of Jesus told through song, story and some video.  Joan Cape led the story, with the help of readers from all the churches in Penicuik, and of course the puppets. The Silver Band provided musical accompaniment, along with Graham McDonald leading some of the Christmas carols on the piano.  Full Story 

Pentland House Carol Event - 14 December
The snow was falling, and lying on the ground, as the Salvation Army band rang out tunes of well known carols on Thursday 14 December 2017. A small crowd gathered to swell the singing and welcome in the Christmas message. Full Story

Penicuik Churches Christmas Services

Join your church to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Full range of services, where we gather together to worship the new born king.  Full Service List

Messy Church - 26 November 
St Mungo's Hall  Christmas theme was ‘What’s really important about Christmas’ 
Telling the Christmas story through the eyes of Joseph, and his homeless family, thinking about what it means to be obedient to God when life turns upside down.

Christmas Fair - Saturday 25 November
Jack Frost had left his calling card, freezing cold with the ground snowy white, as St Mungo's opened the doors for their annual Christmas Fair. The warmth inside was welcomed by all the visitors, able to unwrap their thick coats and scarves.
A great selection of cakes, pancakes, cream scones, and the first mince pies of the season, thanks to Christine Jackson,  all hand baked, were served with endless coffee or tea. The refreshment tables were full of laughter and chat as many tall stories were told and gossip exchanged. Full Story 

Remembrance Service - 12 November 

The church was filled with members of the Royal British Legion, Army and Air cadets,  Girlguiding, Scouts, Boys Brigade, and local dignataries, who had marched in parade down Kirkhill. They were joined our regular worshippers. The Lord Leiutenant of Midlothian, Sir Robert Clerk, represented her Majesty the Queen.  The Rev John Urquhart led our service of Remembrance, opening his sermon showing a copy of a pocket sized Gospel of St. John, given to every soldier in the First World War, and what it meant to many. Full Story 

Hats Gloves and Scarves - 5 November
Sunday 5 November saw the church filled with woolly hats, gloves, scarves, knee blankets and children's cardigans, all destined for the Blythswood Care Shoebox appeal.

Christine Jackson, the St. Mungo's coordinator, who organises all this knitting activity, and donations for those who don't knit, summed up the display in one word, Wow! Over 500 items donated and displayed. Full Story

Messy Church - 29 October

The Messy Church on Sunday 29 October
took as the theme, the parable of the  foolish and wise virgins, which for our afternoon became the wise and foolish bridesmaids. Our crafts, activities and time of celebration in the church made us think about how ready we are to respond to Jesus when He calls,  Full Story 

Harvest Thanksgiving - 8 October

The tables were laden with produce of all kinds, for the harvest thanksgiving on Sunday 8 October. We thanked God for the bountiful crops which provide food for His people here on earth. The Rev John Urquhart preached the service. All the food was given to both food Facts Friends foodbank which operates out of St. Mungo's church hall, and Penicuik North Church Foodstore.  Listen again to the service

Silent Auction - 22 September
The number of donations was amazing so the auction started with a bang.  We had everything from crystal to beautiful blankets with all you could think of in between.  We even had a bread maker. It was a really successful night and we had a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way.  Full Story

Messy Church Sports - 27 August 
The weather stayed fair for our sporting time in the park. Lots of games for the children to enjoy, from swingball, leaky bucket, throwing the welly, and skiing. Celebration time led by Sheila Anderson, had us all guessing as we learned more about Jesus and God. A BBQ of nice things to eat and drink finished our afternoon.
A great day in the park to open the new season of Messy Church.

An Evening of Music with Sophie McDonald Saturday 26 August
An amazing performance from Sophie McDonald in front of a great audience at the South Church Penicuik. Her repertoire started with a selection of classical songs, and songs from the musicals. A short break then straight into a full selection of music for clarinet. Over 90 minutes on stage, a real test of endurance for Sophie. Assisted by father Graham on piano, the  pair delighted the audience. Full Story with songs and clarinet

Rev John Urquhart Induction - 10 August
The Rev John Urquhart was officially inducted into his new charge at St. Mungo’s on Thursday August 10th at 7.00pm. Th Rev Neil Dougall led the service with members of the Presbytery joinedb by a congregation with members of for all the Penicuik churches, and Craigmillar Park. Full story

Holiday Club - Epic Explorers

The 2017 Holiday Club this year was held in St. Mungo's church hall, from Monday 31 July to Friday 4 August. This years theme was Epic Explorers

Epic Explorers takes children aged 4-11 through Mark’s Gospel to discover who Jesus is, why he came and what it means to follow him. The adventure took us to the island, scampering round the dens, searching the cave to discover the most exciting news you'll ever hear!   Full Story

Rev Hugh Davidson final service - 30 July
Sunday 30 July was the final service led by Rev Hugh Davidson, stepping down after almost 4 years as our Locum minister.

Deputy Session Clerk Margaret Webster led the celebration which followed Hugh's service,
paying tribute to Hugh 's dedication to our congregation. Over 40 people from the congregation joined the celebration, and presentation of gifts in the church hall.  Full Story

Rev John Urquhart Induction - 10 August
The Rev John Urquhart will be officially inducted into his new charge at St. Mungo’s on Thursday August 10th at 7.00pm in the church, where he will be welcomed into our church and community by other ministers and dignitaries in the town. This will be followed by a social gathering in the hall. Members from all the churches across Penicuik and beyond will be invited.

John will then be ‘preached in’ to our church at the Sunday 13 August service.

All members of the community, local, far and wide, are welcome to attend this joyful event.

MP presents work of Foodbank in House of Commons
Midlothian MP Danielle Rowley presented the work of Food Facts Friends as part of her maiden speech in the house of commons on Thursday 6 July.

She told members of the house of her visit to the celebration anniversary on 9 June, only one day after she was elected, her visit to the foodbank in St. Mungo's church hall, and the work they do in Penicuik helping those with little or nothing.

Rev John Urquhart Call sustained - 29 June
It is now official - the Rev John Urquhart will be our new minister,
following Presbytery sustaining the Call at their meeting on
Thursday 29 June, ending 5 years of vacancy for our church.

Messy Church -  Sunday 25 June

This months theme explored the parable of the Prodigal Son, who learned what it is to be lonely and also what it is to be loved and forgiven.

A supporting range of crafts and activities, some as part of the celebration time in church, made this a great way to celebrate God. We finished off the afternoon with a barbecue in the church hall garden. Full Story  

Summer Fair - Saturday 17 June

The brilliant sunshine brought out the visitors to join the Summer Fair at St. Mungo's church hall on Saturday 17 June. The tables were full of home baking, with a great selection of cakes and home made jams and marmalade. The bottle and tombola tables joined hands and a single dip for tickets resulted in many prizes for those taking a 'flutter'. A new selection of books, CD's, and DVD's attracted interest too, but the main attraction was the strawberry tea included in the ticket price. Full Story 

Sponsored Walk -  Saturday 10 June

A wet start to the day met the team of walkers as they gathered outside St. Mungo's church.  The weather got better as we reached Dalkeith Country Park to meet up with fellow walking friends from Roslin. Soon it was dry and the sun eventually made an appearance as we made our 6 mile walk over some areas of the park not visited before.

Food Facts Friends First Anniversary -  Friday 9 June

Food Fact Friends celebrated their first anniversary on Friday 9 June in Penicuik Town Hall. Project founder Mark Wells told us how he, together with a number of friends, started the foodbank and drop in centre, dedicating his energy to the relief of poverty and suffering in our community. A range of speakers, including Danielle Rowley our new  Midlothian MP, and Steve Wright from Edinburgh City Mission, together with volunteer David Hogg from St. Mungo's, spoke in support of the project which operates out of St. Mungo's Church Hall every Monday and Friday. Full story and pictures  

Messy Church - Sunday 28 May 

This months theme ‘A still small voice’, was all about how God speaks to us, often quietly. A wide range of interesting crafts and activities to prompt young minds to think about how god speaks to us. The time of celebration in the church featured stories, activities and song. all finished off with a hot meal for all the family. Full Story

Quiz Night -  Monday 22 May
Five teams pitted their wits and scratched their heads over the range of brain teasers at the annual inter Penicuik churches quiz night on Monday 22nd May. Categories included History, British Isles geography, Acronyms, general knowledge, and of course the Bible. With a break half way for refreshments the evening was a great laugh and enjoyed by all. Full Story 

Sign the Call for New Minister - 13 & 14 May

Members of St. Mungo's who were unable to attend the successful service and vote for the Rev John Urquhart to be our next minister may add their name to the Call by signing on either Saturday 13th or Sunday 14th between 11.00am and 12 noon in the church. Alternatively you may sign a mandate, available from the Session Clerk 672863. A Paper of Concurrence is also available for anyone connected with the congregation, but not on the electoral register of St. Mungo's, to sign. Children are also welcome to add their names to this paper.

New Minister voted a success -  Sunday 30 April
The Rev John Urquhart received a vote of 101 for and only 1 against being our next minister at St. Mungo's. The vote was taken after John preached the service on Sunday 30th April as sole nominee to fill our minister vacancy. His inspiring sermon was followed by his vision of the future for St. Mungo's, taking our congregation on an exciting journey.
A new chapter in the life of St. Mungo's church is about to commence. Full Story

The Unforgiving Servant - 30 April

This months theme: Forgiveness – “The Unforgiving Servant”
We took the parable of the king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. A man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt. At this the servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.  Full Story

Tom Mullins and friends entertain -  23 April

Amazing evening at St. Mungo's listening to Tom Mullins and friends sing a wide range of popular music from shows and films. Joining Tom were Cate, Megan, Conal, Meg and Ben. Over 70 people joined the audience to experience the wealth of talent of this young ensemble who have only recently got together as a group. They are sure to go far. Donations from members of the audience raised £350 for church funds. Full story.

Easter Week Services at St. Mungo's

Easter Sunday 16 April
The Easter Sunday morning service, led by Rev Hugh Davidson, started with the reasons for our  Easter celebration, life over death, good over evil, love over hate, hope over despair, rejoicing in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. Christ is risen, risen indeed. Alleluia!

Easter Sunday 16 April - Greet the Dawn
Easter Sunday started early for the Penicuik Churches. Some 20 members of the churches in Penicuik met at 5.30am beside St. Kentigern church ruin, behind St. Mungo's church, wrapped up well against the 4 degree temperature.
The Rev Ruth Halley called us to worship this day of resurrection, before the group proceeded in silent prayer to Broomhill, to  greet the sunrise. We reached the top of the hill just as the sun was beginning to rise. Full Story

Good Friday 14 April
The Good Friday service tooked at St. Luke's account of our Lord's crucifixion. Through sermon reflection and song we reflected on that death.
God commends His love to us, that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

Hugh's sermon took the Rev Sydney Chambers, the fictional vicar of Granchester in Cambridgeshire, an ameteur sleuth, penned by author James Runcie

What of the mysteries of God? Can they ever be solved? Why did Jesus die the death that He did? This is the mystery that confronts us every Good Friday.  Hugh explored the variety of solutions put forward over time, before drawing his conclusion. 

Easter Monday 10 April
Following Palm Sunday, we continued the Easter Week on Monday 10th with the Rev Ian Cathcart leading the congregation at St. Mungo's. With members from all the other churches in Penicuik joining our own members Ian explored 'What type of Christian am I?' in his sermon. Ian used the extremes of Judas and Mary, both Christians, but at opposite ends of the spectrum, to show how we can journey toward the adoration that Mary reflected.
Listen again to the key elements of the service.

Join us again on Good Friday 14 April, when the Rev Hugh Davidson will lead our service, on that fateful Friday that saw Christ crucified on the Cross.

Celebration of Gifts Praise Service  - 9 April
The Palm Sunday service took the theme 'Celebration of Gifts'.
Led by Joan Cape with music provided by Graham McDonald on piano, Caroline Toms on Guitar and vocals, and Neil Cape on bass guitar.
The service covered the use of our gifts from God and how we can use them.

Celebration of Gifts & Praise Service - 8 & 9 April

An exhibition of St. Mungo's activities attracted many visitors to the church hall on Saturday 8 April to see a wide range of displays, and to talk to the exhibitors.
On Sunday 9th, Palm Sunday, we held a Praise Service, led by member Joan Cape, with muscians Graham McDonald on piano, Caroline Toms on guitar, and Neil Cape on bass guitar leading our singing. 
After the Praise Service around 50 of the congregation enjoyed a soup, bread and cheese lunch (with tea&coffee), hosted by the Monday & Wednesday Bible Study groups.
Exhibition Story    Palm Sunday Praise Service Story

Messy Church - 26 March
Messy Church families and children enjoyed the sunny weekend looking ahead to Easter. Sunday 26 was also Mothers' Day, so a couple of things that can be used as gifts for mum or other "important adult" were included.

Nominating Committee Update -  5 March 
Neil Cape as the Nominating Committee convernor provided a report to the congregation at the morning cervice on Sunday 5 March. The nominating Committee are charged with the search for a new minister to fill the current vacancy at St. Mungo's.
You can hear his report by clicking HERE 

Messy Church - 'Hidden Treasure'  26 February 
Despite wind and rain on Sunday afternoon,
the Messy Church attracted a wide range of families with children. 
An hour of craft and activities, followed by our celebration in the church finished with a hot dinner back in the hall.
The theme of "Hidden Treasure" took Matthew 13, 44-46, with us trying to find the Kingdom of Heaven. Full Story

World Day of Prayer - Friday 3 March, 7.30pm

On Friday 3 March at 7.30pm a service to celebrate the Women’s World Day of Prayer, was held in St James the Less church, The theme for 2017 was ‘Am I being unfair to you?’    Full Story

Messy Church - 'Listening to God'.  29 January 
This month's theme "Listening to God", based on the story of Samuel and Eli in the temple (1 Sam 3, 1-10), attracted many families to join the crafts and the interactive story time in the church. Who says church cannot be fun. Messy Church is great fun, with real learning for young and not so young. Full Story 

Guild - Scots Night : 23 January

A great crowd turned out for a Scot's Night of entertainment at St. Mungo's church hall, on Monday 23rd January.  The Guild had put together a special programme with songs from the musicals and the Bard himself Rabbie Burns. Throw in a couple of his poems and we had our very own Burns' night  Full Story

News from 2016

Food Facts Friends Christmas Lunch - 23 December

Around 70 guests turned out for the Food Facts Friends Christmas Lunch on Friday 23rd December. Project leader Mark Wells had arranged a great lunch and gifts for the children and parents, finding Christmas a difficult time for themselves and their families. Special guest, 11 year old Joey McGinnes from Cuiken Primary School, presented some 38 hampers, with food he had collected or had donated. A visit from Santa was a great treat for the children. Penicuik Town Crier and Hunters Lass also helped out. Thanks to Asda, Tesco, local businesses, and all in our community who donated food, and the St. Mungo's members who prepared and served the meal. Full Story

Christmas Nativity 'Stories of the Saviour' - 18 Dec

The St. Mungo' s presentation of the age old story of the Nativity formed the main part of the service on Sunday 18th. A seasonal service with a different twist created by the Sunday School teachers, supported by the members of your church. Full Story.

Hope 4 Penicuik Carol Concert - 16 Dec

A good crowd of all ages turned out for the annual Hope 4 Penicuik carol event on Friday 16th in the Town Hall. This year the nativity story was told through the eyes of a camel. We know of shepherds, wise men, Mary and Joseph, but camels?  Supported by the Silver Band, Penicuik Puppets, Graham McDonald on the piano, and readings, we enjoyed this new style of telling the well known story. Full Story 

Girlguiding Christmas Service  - 7 Dec
On Wednesday 7th of December St. Mungo's played host to Penicuik and Midlothian girlguiding, brownies and Rainbows girls, parents and friends, for their annual Christmas Service.

The church had been decorated with holly and ribbon so looked
very festive. This year girlguiding were supporting those in need at Christmas, with no food to feed themselves or their families, by bringing donations to be split between the North Kirk food store and the Sacred Heart foodbank. Full Story

Messy Christmas Church - 27 November

Putting Christ back into Christmas was the theme for December.  In the rush to setup the decorations, write the cards, buy and wrap presents, it is easy to overlook the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. The last messy church before Christmas on Sunday 27 November attracted a full house of children, mums dads and relatives to enjoy a full Christmas experience.  Full Story

Grapes grown  in Penicuik in November?

Those in need in our community who visited the Food Facts and Friends Project drop in centre on Monday 21st November had  a welcome surprise. St. Mungo's members Jim and Mary Paterson donated a bunch of grapes grown in their own greenhouse in Penicuik. Who would have thought grapes would grow in Penicuik on a cold and frosty November? A great boost of vitamin C to those struggling to feed themselves and their families. Together with volunteers from our church we bring a little hope and sustenance to those in need in our community.

Christmas Fair  - 26 November  2016
The St Mungo's annual Christmas Fair provided a warm welcome for those in need of refreshment on a cold and damp November morning. Though the temperature had warmed slightly from the white frosty wakenings earlier in the week, it could hardly be called ‘warm’  A wide range of stalls were on hand to treat visitors, with the bottle and homebaking both attracting attention.  Full Story

Remembrance Service - 13 November
Once again St. Mungo's played host to Remembrance Sunday for the British Legion, and organisations across the town to celebrate those who had fallen and were maimed in conflicts and wars, defending our freedom.  This report also contains links to listen to the readings and sermon in the second of our 'sermons on demand' feature.  Full Story

Coffee Evening Concert - 31 October 
St. Mungo's Guild coffee evening attracted a good audience on Monday 31st October 'haloween' night. After coffee, cake and a raffle in the church hall we walked over to the church where father and daughter Graham and Sophie Mcdonald entertained us with a wide selection of music. Graham led on piano and Sophie on clarinet with duets and solos. A great evening, with many turning up at the door. Full Story

Messy Church - 30 October 
The theme for Messy Church on Sunday October 30th iwas
'Salt and Light'.  Do we allow our light to shine out, or do we choose to “hide it under a bucket”? How can we shine more brightly? How do we add “flavour” to the community? In other words…how do we make a difference? With crafts, fun, celebration and a hot meal for all the family.  Full Story 

Hurricane Matthew Appeal - 23 October 
The Christian Aid Hurricane Matthew appeal buckets in the church over the past three weeks collected £153, and with many Gift Aid additions comes to £200. Many thanks to all who contributed to help those losing everything. 

Classical Youth Concert - 15 October 

St. Mungo's played host to the Classical Youth Concert, arranged by the Rotary of Penicuik. Some 100 people swelled the audience to hear (R to L) Tenor Marcus Swietlicki, Fraser Jamieson on piano,
Ewan Booth on Saxophone.and Zoe Galbraith on Clarsach. Full Story

Coffee Morning - 1 October
St. Mungo's church hall was filled with visitors enjoying fresh coffee and cake, while supporting the World's Biggest Coffee Morning on Saturday 1st October.
An amazing £400 in donations and funds raised were donated to Macmillan Cancer Support   Full story

Messy Church Thank You - 25 September 
This month's title is What’s the point of saying “Thank You”?. We looked  at a Bible story where Jesus healed ten very sick people with leprosy, but only one said "Thank you". We enjoyed crafts and activities, releated to the story and time for reflection too, with our celebration time in the church.
We gathered together as one big family for a meal together t
o finish the day. Full Story 

Messy Church Sports Day - 28 August

Sports day in the park followed by a celebration under canvas, and a BBQ meal out in the open, proved a big winner for the boys and girls who joined the fun. Lots of challenges and fun  under the sunshine with lots to do and eat. Full Story.

Malawi Food Crisis Appeal
Many many thanks to everyone who donated to the Christian Aid Malawi Appeal.

Because of the wonderful generosity of the St Mungo's congregation £234 was sent to Christian Aid  to help support communities in Malawi through a devastating drought that has left 6.5 million people, around a third of the country's population, without access to enough food.

Final Farewell to Rev James Ritchie 
Many will remember the times when Rev James Ritchie preached as locum at St. Mungo’s. It was with sad heart that we heard he had passed away on 5th August, at the age of 99.

Jim was a well travelled minister having worked in the middle east in Aden, where he met his wife to be Mette Kristensen, working as a Danish nurse. His fluent Arabic and knowledge of the theology, culture and traditions of the Muslim faith, helped his Christian evangelism, He also spent time in Kenya, and Muslim west coast of Africa. Full Story

Messy Church BBQ -  Sunday 26 June 
The clouds had gathered overhead by time the Messy Church started at 4.00pm, but did nothing to dampen the craft activities and celebration time in the church. Iain Anderson carried on at the BBQ in the garden as the rain eased, and we enjoyed a great selection of 'grills' for the meal. Full Story

Summer Fayre - Saturday 25 June
The St. Mungo's Summer Fayre displayed a wide selection of goodies for visitors to browse.  There were stalls offering all sorts of items, and a strawberry tea plus raffle with great prizes. Even the sunshine split the clouds making it a great day.  Full Story 

Sponsored Walk - 18 June

Gathering at St. Mungo's we headed down to Peebles to start our 7.5 mile walk on a figure-of-eight route to Manor Sware, across Kirkton Manor Road Tweed Bridge,along Tweed Walk (North Side) to Lyne Station, for lunch. We returned along Tweed Walk (South Side), re-crossing Tweed Bridge, past Neidpath Castle, and along Tweed Walk (North Side). Full Story 

Food Facts and Friends Official Opening - 7 June

Mark Wells of Food Facts and Friends with St Mungo's Gordon MacDonald welcomed Sister Rita Lee and Max from the Lalley Centre in Manchester at Waverley station on their way to officially open the new drop in centre at St. Mungo's Penicuik.

Our visitors had a tour of the church and the old St. Kentigern church under blue skies and sunshine, accompanied by the Penicuik Hunter & Lass, William Brown and Kerry Wilson. Presentations in the church hall was just in time before the storm and flash floods hit Penicuik. This did not dampen the enthusiasm we heard from Sister Rita, and Max, supporting the venture by Mark Well's and his team, before cutting the ribbon.

Messy Church -  Sunday 29 May 
The Messy Church afternoon on Sunday 29 May took to the garden behind the hall to enjoy craft making in the sunshine.  The theme for the afternoon was based on the Old Testament book of Ezekiel, chapter 7, and his prophecy about the dry bones in the Valley of Dry Bones, when God breathed life into a whole lot of dried up bones. [Full Story]

Quiz Night -  Monday 16 May
A great evening was had by all with quizmaster Gordon MacDonald assisted by Agnes Ovenstone keeping us all on our toes with questions on Film & TV, Food, History, Art & Literature, and General Knowledge, as well as testing our knowledge of the Bible. Felt just like being back at school. However the refreshments were much better than I remember at school. The winning team "the three graces plus one " comprised three members of St James and one member of St Mungo's. [ Full Story ]

Messy Church - Sunday 24 April
The Messy Church on Sunday 24 April, took the theme of the Ascension of Jesus after the crucifixion, when Jesus finally went to Heaven, and we thought about His command to take His message to all nations.

It was great to see just how much the children had picked up in the activities that they had participated in at the hall, when they had the opportunity to answer questions during the celebration.  [Full Story]

Penicuik Storehouse fund reaches 99%
The sun is shining, the birds are singing...and everyone who buys or has bought any shares in the Penicuik Storehouse is helping to strengthen the community nest and improve things for those little shares just waiting for conditions to be right for growth. Breadshare Bakery - Wholefood Grocery - Social Supermarket -  Cafe - Community Space - Lost Garden Foodhall - Training - Jobs  [Full Story]

Easter Messy Church - Sunday 27 March 
The theme for this Easter Messy Church was celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, and how people who struggled to believe something they were told. There were crafts and an interactive time in the church for the children, as the true meaning of Easter was explained. [Full Story

Guild - Coffee Evening with local Choir - 7 March
The Guild presented a coffee evening with entertainment provided by the Can't Help Singing group. A good audience turned out to hear the group, part of the Midlothian Ageing Well initiative, sing a selection of songs from shows and films. Many we knew, but others had us scratching our heads a little. [Full Story]

Messy Church - Sunday 28 February 
The hall was full of children of all ages joining a range of activities on the theme  "Two Tiny Coins", on Sunday 28th. There was even more activity over in the church at celebration time, before we sat together for our meal [Full Story

Guild - An evening with Andrew Don - 8 February

On Monday 8 February the Guild welcomed Margaret Webster, our visiting elder to our meeting. Our speaker for the evening was Rev Andrew Don.  His talk was called Jonah "A Fishy Tale", when Jonah was on board a ship and told the sailors to throw him overboard when a big storm came up as he was to blame because he had run away from the Lord. . [Full Story]

Messy Church - Sunday 31 January
It may have been cold and wet outside but the first Messy Church of 2016
on Sunday 31st January, was warm and inviting inside the church hall. Families with their children learned about  "Growing with Jesus", the theme for the event. A range of crafts and activities was followed by a celebration time in church, before sitting down to a meal together. [Full Story]

Guild - Scots Night - 25 January
St Mungo's Guild held their Scots Night on Monday 25 January, beginning with a light supper of party food, biscuits and cheese and cake. A quiz was followed by poetry and songs,  with a nod to the Bard on this anniversary date. [Full Story]

News from 2015

Nativity Service -  20 December
The Sunday School children, along with church members in supporting roles, played out the nativity play during the morning service on Sunday 20th. The narrator took us through from the days of darkness and the light from God, as he sent His only son to be our saviour.
[Full Story]

Cuiken Primary Carol Concert  - 14 December
The families of Cuiken Primary gathered in St. Mungo's on Monday 14th December for their Christmas Carol Concert. The children read the nativity story with Cuiken's music specialist Elaine Callaghan playing the piano to lead the carol singing. The Rev Ian Cathcart read the lesson, and had a little something extra for the children. [Full Story]

Hope4Penicuik Carol Event  -  11 December
Fabulous evening at the Hope4Penicuik carol event in the town hall this evening. Joan an Neil Cape led the evening supported by Penicuik Silver Band, Penicuik Puppets, Graham, Sam, and Sophie McDonald. Rev Ian Cathcart presented the Christmas story. Outside the wind was blowing, the showers heavy, and the mercury dropping, but inside Penicuik town hall there was a warm welcome for families and all visitors for the annual Carol event staged by Hope4Penicuik.  Full Story

Girlguiding Christmas Service  -  1 December
The Penicuik and Midlothian girlguiding girls, parents and friends, filled St. Mungo's on Tuesday 1st of December for their annual Christmas Service. The church had been decorated with holly and ribbon so looked very festive. Our minister the Rev Hugh Davidson opened the service.

The nativity had a modern twist, and the guides were sponsoring 'Mission Christmas' a Cash for Kids initiative supported by Radio Forth. All the families were asked to bring toys for presents.

We also had a very special visitor. Read on to see what happened. [Full Story]

Messy Christmas Church -  29 November
Messy Church celebrated Christmas slightly early but with the theme 'Jesus, light of the world' on Sunday 29 November . Despite cold and heavy rain showers a great turnout of children enjoyed a range of crafts and time in the church before their Christmas dinner. Full story

Christmas Fair - 21 November
Christmas seemed to have come early, with a blanket of snow covering the town the night before, the first of the winter. Despite the cold and wintry feel St. Mungo's annual Christmas Fair attracted a good turnout, from churches across the town and farther afield, to see the selection of stalls and goodies.
Full story and pictures 

Hats, Gloves and Scarves - 15th November 
The blaze of colour from the selection of hats gloves and scarves on display during the service on Sunday 15th November took many by surprise at the sheer number and variety of items.  Christine Jackson, who organised this years event, announced to the congregation that a total of 461 items had been created and donated to the Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal.  Full Story

Remembrance Sunday - 8th November 
The Royal British Legion once again honoured the fallen at the Remembrance service hosted by St. Mungo's on Sunday 8th November. Members of the Army and Air Cadets, guides, Scouts, Boys Brigade, Red Cross supported by local dignitaries from the council marched from the Legion at Kirkhill, led by The Glencorse Pipe Band and Parade Commander Frank Scott, to parade in front of the church. Sir Robert Clerk, Lord Lieutenant of Midlothian represented Her Majesty The Queen, and Captain Russell from 2Scots, represented the Armed Forces.  Full Story

Vacancy - Nominating Committee Elected
After the service on Sunday 1st November the members of St. Mungo's elected the 13 members of the Nominating Committee who will be charged with seeking a new minister to fill our current vacancy [Full Details]

Messy Church,The Great Escape -  25 October
Messy Church on Sunday 25 October attracted around forty children and parents to join The Great Escape, the story of Moses leading his people from Egypt across the Red Sea. Sheila Anderson and Andrew Don put together the activities and Andrew led the Celebration time later in the church. Full Story

Church Hall Break In  -  2 July
Vandals broke into the church hall overnight 1st / 2nd July, wreaking sensless havoc and damage, culminating in discharging two dry powder fire extinguishers coating the whole place in a film of white powder. It took nine members of the church a whole day to clean up their mess, to get the place ready for use on Sunday morning.  [Full story and pictures]

Messy Church BBQ -  28 June
A few new faces appeared at Messy Church, taking advantage  of the open invitation to come and see what the events are all about. Being the last Messy Church beofre the summer break, the crafts all had a 'holiday' feel. The sun shone down on us in the garden as we enjoyed our BBQ, followed by time in the church. [Full story

Summer Fair - 27 June
The sun shone down on the annual summer fair at St. Mungo's on Saturday 27th June, and attracted many members and visitors to browse the stalls. A wide range of items from gift cards, books, home baking of every sort, and an amazing choice of drinks to wash it all down with. Tombola and raffle put a bit of spice into the morning, and the strawberry tea included in the ticket price was the icing on the cake,as they say.[Full story and pictures].

Sponsored Walk -  Saturday 20 June 0945
Fifteen members of St. Mungo's and their friends met up for the Sponsored Walk on Saturday 20th June. Starting at Cardrona the route headed east along the old railway line
alongside the River Tweed towards Innerleithen, climbing some of the local hills. The return journey after a stop for lunch by the riverside completed the 7 mile walk. [Full story and pictures

Messy Church - 31 May 
The theme for June is  'Sharing'. Using a variety of crafts and activities around the hall and in the garden we explored how people in other parts of the world survive on much less than we do and how God wants us to share our good fortunes with those who struggle every day. [Full story and pictures]

Penicuik on Parade- 30 May
Penicuik on Parade on Saturday 30th May greeted the new Hunter, Colin Hawkins and Lass Gillian Garriock as they led the parade through Penicuik in front of a large crowd of cheering onlookers, under blue skies and sunshine. A great range of floats and organisations supported the host of riders through the town to the park for more fun and games. Full Story

Quiz Night - 20 May
The inter church quiz night ws held on Wednesday 20th with quizmaster Gordon Macdonald asking the questions. Our minister Hugh Davidson had also compiled a few bible teasers for the teams to scratch their heads on.  [Full story]

Karate Champions do it again
The Karate Champions do it again at the Scottish International Open Championship 2015. St. Mungo's girls Abby and Rebecca Robertson Win Silver and Gold medals at Meadowbank competition.  [more]

Messy Church - 26 April 
A great Messy Church with the theme 'Unfrozen' (relating to the childrens film 'Frozen'). Lots of crafts from snow shakers and snowmen. to mountains of ice. Church time featured the puppets and songs from the children. 
[Full Story]

Holy Week at St. Mungo's
St. Mungo's as part of Penicuik Churches Working together supported a number of joint services throughout Holy Week. Visiting ministers took some of these services as did Rev hugh Davidson lead services in other churches within the town [more]

Messy Easter - 29 March
Messy Church on Sunday 29th March took the theme 'Easter Love'.  Though numbers were not high, the schools being on holiday, it was however good to see some people who haven't been around for a while. Lower numbers meant we could spend more time with the people who do come and start building relationships rather than rushing madly just to keep on top of things! The craft time had plenty to inspire young imaginations while exploring the real meaning of Easter [Full Story]

Community Choir - Monday 9 March

A great crowd turned for the Guild social coffee evening with the Community Choir entertaining us with  a selection of popular songs. Music from the Beatles and Queen era plus medley's from the musicals, wartime songs, and a selection of Burn's songs brought back memories for many of the audience.[ Full Story

Messy Church - 1 March
The March Messy Church event attracted many families with children to St. Mungo's church hall where a warm welcome awaited, many having fought through snow flurries and bitter cold winds arriving from the west. Theme for the month was 'Healing Bartimaeus'. The bible story of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, tells us that he was not happy being blind, and believed Jesus could help, and if he persevered in asking he might catch the attention of Jesus. [Full story]

Guild - Commonwealth Games  - 9 February 
The Guild meeting on Monday 9 February 2015 featured Sandy Robertson presenting his experience of the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014, and a look at his career training and coaching athletes at home and abroad.  [Full Story]

Messy Church - 1 February 

The first Messy Church for 2015 attracted many children with their mum's dad's and in some cases grandparents on Sunday 1st Feb, to experience fun, crafts, food, bible stories and song. The February theme was based on the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18, 9-14), where Jesus explained the importance of praying for the right reasons, warns us against showing off/thinking we are better than others, and brings hope that no one is beyond the reach of God's love and forgiveness. [Full story]

Guild Scots Night - 26 January
The Guild Scots Night enjoyed an evening of fun and laughter, with a light supper and entertainment of poetry and songs by Margaret Black, Isabel Donachie and Dorothy Paterson. [more]

Burns Night Concert - 16 January 
Wendy Carle Taylor sang a selection of songs written by the Ayrshire Bard, Rabbie Burns, along with other favourites at the Penicuik Music Hub on Friday 16th January, accompanied by Graham McDonald on piano, and Sandy Butler on guitar and banjo.
Organised by Penicuik Community Arts Association,  the event attracted over a hundred folks. Wendy was supported by Penicuik's own talented musicians, Fifteen year old singer songwriter Sophie Burt and the group Liquid State, both who feature on the Burnt Out Records, the Penicuik High School record label.   [Full Story]

News from 2014

Christmas Hampers
This was the first of 2 full car loads! of hampers supplied by St. Mungo's this year. Each recipient received 3 bags of shopping, 1 bag of fresh food and 1 bag of presents. Members John and Elaine Jacobs were helping hamper organisers Carole Lough and Heather Boyle deliver to social work and stepping forward. What a tremendous job they do and a terrific response from the St. Mungo's congregation. Thanks to all who contributed.

Watchnight Service - 24 December
Some 50 plus people from around Penicuik joined us at 11.00pm for a hot drink and warm mince pies, to recover from a bitter cold evening outside. At 11.30pm Alastair Bruce led our watchnight service taking us through the midnight hour into Christmas Day. Rev Ruth Halley read one of the lessons, and we sang some of our favourite Christmas carols. We concluded by wishing everyone in the church, a very merry Christmas.

Messy Church Christmas Service - 21 December
After the nativity play during the morning service, St. Mungo's then hosted the Messy Church Christmas service for families with young, and not so young children. Joan Cape led the service, supported by the Puppets and Graham McDonald on the piano. [Full Story]

Nativity Play - 21 December
The story of the nativity was played out at the St.Mungo's morning service on Sunday 21st. Children from the Sunday school were assisted by adult members of the congregation to tell the story of the birth of baby Jesus [Full Story

Hope4Penicuik Christmas Carols - 12 December
The town hall was full on Friday 12 December for the annual Hope4Penicuik Christmas carol event. The Silver band led the singing with some new carols, written by children from across Penicuik.  The Penicuik Puppets illustrated the Christmas story. [Full story]

Girlguiding Christmas Service - 9  December
St. Mungo's was delighted to once again host the Girlguiding Christmas service for 2014.  The bitter cold did not deter the Girl Guides, Brownies and Rainbows from heading to St. Mungo's where the church was lit brightly, warm, and inviting.  This nativity journey was a little different as we travelled back in time from NOW to the birth of Jesus, meeting all the characters in the story on the way. [Full Story]

Messy Christmas Church - 7 December
Lots of fun at messy church on Sunday 7th December . Some beautiful Christmas crafts made. The time in the church related the Christmas story, with the children playing the Nativity characters. A big game of pass the parcel was started, with 11 gifts going round. When the music stopped one was opened, and the next bit of the story was revealed. [more]

Penicuik lights up for Christmas - 6 December
The afternoon of Saturday 6 December was a freezer for the switching on of the lights in Penicuik. The crowds who came to see the event were well wrapped up and the childrens faces were glued to the silver band and the carol singers who gave an uplifting performance of some favourite Christmas Carols.[more]

Christmas Fair - 29 November.   

The visitors to the Christmas Fair on Saturday 29th had plenty to choose from, and bargains to be had for Christmas presents and stocking fillers. With a raffle and tombola there was the chance of winning something special. Refreshements were also on hand with fresh coffee tea and great home baking as well. [Full story and pictures

The Risk Factory  - 17 November
The Guild meeting on Monday 17 November welcomed Margaret Mackay from the Risk Factory in Edinburgh. The 'Factory' is aimed at Primary 7 age children and provides an interactive safety centre, where everyday risks are manufactured in a safe environment. The aim is to teach people how to deal with or avoid risks altogether [Full Story]

Hats, Gloves, Scarves, Blankets  - 16 November
The results of St. Mungo's members who have been busy knitting hats, gloves, scarves cardigans, and blankets and teddy bears all through the year, were on display at the Sunday service on 16 November. This year the people of St. Mungo's and others in our community excelled themselves to produce nearly 450 items, which will be shipped out to eastern Europe in time for Christmas.
[Full Story]

Remembrance Service - 9 November
The weather though cold was dry for the march of the parade from the British Legion to St. Mungo's on Remembrance Sunday morning. Parade commander John McLean led the parade. Joining the 'troops' were the Lord Lieutenant of Midlothian, Sir Robert Clerk Bt OBE, the Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Mr Henry Duncan, and Major Richard McClure from the The Royal Highland Fusiliers 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland (2 SCOTS), based at Glencorse. [Full Story]

Guild Annual Meeting - 3 November
A change of presentation for the Guild meeting on Monday 3rd November. Agnes Ovenstone had obtained a video with the highlights of the September Guild Annual Meeting in Dundee which she and others from the Penicuik team had attended. We used the church projection system to display the video, Thanks  to the St. Mungo's Guild team for sharing their experience with us through showing this video, which the audience found very interesting and at times moving. [Full Story]

Messy Church - 2 November
This months theme was 'Your body is a temple' where we thought about how we look after, value and use our bodies to praise God. A wide range of crafts highlighting how to keep our bodies and minds healthy and active kept us busy before heading over to church for stories and song. A meal together gave us time to talk over the days fun. [Full Story]

Penicuik Lost Garden - Monday 20th October
Roger Kelly from the Penicuik Development Trust presented a history of the Penicuik Lost Garden to the Guild meeting on Monday 20th October. Roger, with the aid of slides,  provided an interesting and entertaining view of the origins and life of the Penicuik Lost Garden, explaining how it became 'lost'. [more]

Harvest Thanksgiving - 12 October

The Harvest Thanksgiving service held on Sunday 12th October saw the church communion table and other tables at the front of the congregation covered with produce, fresh and preserved. The Rev Hugh Davidson led the service, and afterwards the produce was distributed to Bethany Trust, and Penicuik Foodbank [more]

Messy Church - 5 October
A great turnout for the first Messy Church in St. Mungo's after the summer break. This month we celebrated the harvest, focusing on the story from Luke about the man who wanted bigger barns, when we thought about what we have and what we need. A range of crafts and activities including a short service in the church was followed by a meal.[Full Story]

Place for Hope -  30 September
Our Future.. working together

Some 50 members turned out for the evening to hear from the Place for Hope team on Tuesday 30th September. Ruth Harvey and Fyfe Blair set the scene, by explaining their roles as facilitators, in a ministry of reconciliation, to help St. Mungo’s find a new way forward.  Full report in the October issue of the Mungo Messenger.

Macmillan Coffee morning -  27 September
Great time had for all those who dropped in for a cup of coffee at the Macmillan coffee morening on Saturday 27 September. Lots of stalls packed with home made produce tempted the visitors.
[Full Story

Quiz Night - 17 September
The St. Mungo's annual quiz night  had five teams competing for our coveted Smart Alec of the Year Teddy Bear Trophy.  The teams were Box Cleverers, Kickers, Socialites, Cabbage Ha’ and 5 No’s (a reference to the following day’s referendum).
Once again Gordon MacDonald was quizmaster and Agnes Ovenstone kept the scores. 
.[Full Story]

The Lights go out - 4 August
Our candle provided the only light from 10.00pm to 11.00pm on  Monday 4th August when it too was extinguished, precisely 100 years to the minute when Britain declared war in a conflict that would last 4 years, and kill millions. 

Hailed as the war to end all wars was unfortunately over optimistic in the extreme. Will mankind ever learn that we are on this planet together and that our Lord taught us not to kill and maim each other, including our enemies. 

Sponsored Walk - Saturday 21 June
The walkers joining the Sponsored Walk on Saturday 21st June were welcomed by warm sunshine as we gathered outside of St. Mungo's. Eight hardy souls set off to Dalkeith Country Park where we met another six friends so our group of fourteen was just a good number to head off into the park.  
Full story and pictures 

Pancake day in Penicuik - 14 June
The annual Leprosy Mission pancake day in  Penicuik is organised by a group of local supporters in the town.with the aid of all the local churches, raising funds to support a leprosy village in South Sudan. 
With a range of stalls providing home baking, crafts, plants and of course pancakes, plus tombola and a raffle, the event raised over £1000.  
[visit Leprosy Scotland website]

Manse Open Day - Sunday 8 June
Sunshine on Sunday afternoon welcomoed visitors to look around the new manse. With airy rooms, a well laid out garden, and a view over to the Moorfoot Hills, the property now only needs a minister and family to make it a home. 
Getting the new manse is an essential first stage in moving forward and securing a permanent minister in our church.

Summer Fayre - Saturday 7 June
A sunny morning welcomed this years Summer Fayre visitors who took time to browse the many stalls offering a range of crafts, books, toys, bottles, bric-a-brac, home baking, nearly new, and plants. A raffle and  tombola, provided entertainment whilst always time to catch up with the gossip over a cup of tea and refreshments. [full story]

Messy Church Funday - Sunday 1 June
he last Messy Church before the summer break was a 'fun day' outside in the summer sunshine, at Alderbank. The families arrived to see a range of games and fun activities for the children to get involved with. As we sat down for our picnic Graham told the children how good God is to provide us with a wonderful world that we can all enjoy and have fun in. [more]

Beeslack Jazz Band Concertl - 18 May 
A  great turnout at the Craigiebield to see and listen to the fantastic young talented musicians from Penicuik's Beeslack School. The Beeslack Jazz Band played a wide selection of swing, jazz and popular music with solo performances from players and singers to make this a 2 hour show to remember. The proceeds of the raffle and donations go to buying new insturments for the band.

Well done to Graham McDonald and Jake Perry from Beeslack music department for organising such a great event for the people of penicuik.

Messy Church - Sunday 11 May
St. Mungo's welcomed Messy Church families for an afternoon of learning about Jesus through craft, story, song and fun. This month the theme was the story of the woman at the well. when Jesus accepted the woman for who she was knowing all about her past and that this encounter with Jesus transformed the woman.  [more]

Messy Church - Families.   2 March
Messy Church continues to attract young and old alike to this fresh expression of church that reflects the needs of our young families who wish to see their children experience the word of God and the life of Jesus in an exciting, attractive, interactive  and enjoyable way. Learning about God can be fun too.  [more]

St. Mungo's hosts World Thinking Day - 19 February

St. Mungos’ was once again delighted to host the 2014 Thinking Day service for the Girl Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, and Beavers on Tuesday 25th February. The gallery was full of parents and grandparents there to see and support their children.

This years theme was 'Friendship' making new friends while keeping the old.  [more]

Prayer and Praise -  9  February

Refreshing our worship of God through prayer and praise, in fellowship with people in our community, brings new light into our hearts.  Bill and Margaret Webster refreshed our monthly evening services on Sunday 9th February with the introduction of Prayer and Praise, an alternative format to Sunday @ 7, which will return. Read all about it. [more]

Messy Church  - 2  February
Refreshing our worship of God through prayer and praise, in fellowship with people in our community, brings new light into our hearts.  Bill and Margaret Webster refreshed our monthly evening services on Sunday 9th February with the introduction of Prayer and Praise, an alternative format to Sunday @ 7, which will return. Read all about it. [more]
The first Messy Church for 2014 took the story of Samson as the theme. Once again the church hall was filled with laughter and fun as around 80 children with their mums and dads and family made around 100 folks getting involved with a range of crafts and activities describing different aspects of the Samson story. [more]

Burns Night Celebrations - 24 January
Members and friends of St. Mungo's congregation came along to enjoy the Burns' Supper on Friday 24th. A traditional meal of haggis, neeps, and tatties  was followed by some entertaining tales of the 'bard' with poems stories and song. [more].

News from 2013

Messy Church Christmas Service - 22 December
The temperature outside was near freezing, and the snow had begun to fall. The church soon filled with families from across Penicuik and beyond to hear and take part in the true story of the nativity and welcome the nativity scene which has been visiting each of the Messy Church families during December. [full story ]

Guild Christmas Party - 16 December
On 16 December members of St Mungo's Guild held a combined 85th anniversary party and Christmas party.  After a two course supper members took part in a quiz organised by Sheila Haig concerning flowers which was won jointly by Jenny Ramage and Agnes Ovenstone.
[full story]

Nativity Service - 15 December
The Sunday School children were joined by members of the congregation to tell the story of the nativity at the service on Sunday 15th. The presentation included a selection of favourite Christmas carols. [full story]

Hope4Penicuik  - 13th December
Over 100 folks, including many mums dads and children turned out for the Hope4Penicuik Christmas Carol event in the town hall. With the Silver Band providing musical lead, along with Graham and Sam McDonald on piano and Cajon. Penicuik Puppets, operated by the senior children, provided an entertaining introduction to the nativity story. We enjoyed hearing the true meaning of the nativity 'sang' by Rev Lynsay Downs, rector of St. James the Less.  [full story]

Messy Advent - 1st December
Great turnout for this special Advent Messy Church event.Lots of crafts associated with the birth of baby Jesus. A quiz time in the church with many biblical questions was followed by song and prayer before returning to the hall for a fantastic Christmas meal. [more]

Hats and gloves knitting  - Sunday 17 Nov
The Ladies of St. Mungo's have been busy knitting hats, gloves, scarves, blankets and teddy bears all through the year, resulting in a blaze of colour meeting the congregation as they entered the Church on Sunday 17th November. The knitting  covered many tables inside the Church, allowing the congregation to see the outcome of all the months of furious knitting by a lot of people with knitting, crochet, and sewing skills.
Destined for the under privileged children, and adults of eastern Europe, this years selection included even more teddy bears,who all say thankyou. [more]

Christmas Fair -  16 November
Saturday 16th was sunny but bitterly cold, but St. Mungo's Hall offered a warm welcome both spiritually and physically, to the annual Christmas Fair. The Fair put on a host of tables with lots to tempt the visitors, from raffles and tombola to gifts of all shapes and sizes. Refreshments of tea, coffee and a selection of home baking allowed time to chat with fellow visitors. [more]

Messy Church -  10 November
Messy Church on Sunday 10 November continued the Remembrance occasion, when it met in the afternoon. The theme of  'the best home ever'  looked at how we often remember people we have lost, and remembering can be good, but that God gives us a hope that we will all one day go home to God. [more]

Remembrance Sunday - 10 November
The sun cut through the bitter cold on Sunday 10 November to welcome the British Legion, Army Cadets, Air Cadets, Boys Brigade, Scouts, Girl Guides, First Aiders and community dignitaries, including the Provost to St. Mungo's for the annual service of Remembrance, with the Lord Lieutenant Sir Robert Clerk Bt OBE representing her Majesty the Queen  [more]

Fred Harrison Ordination -  7 November
It seems only yesterday that Fred Harrison was preaching to us in St. Mungo's as part of his training for the ministry. In fact Fred preached to us for 5 months between June and October 2012, bringing his unique style of ministry which connected well with young and old alike. On Thursday 7th November he was formally fully ordained as an Ordained Local Minister (OLM) at Howgate Church. [more]

Messy Church  - 6 October
St. Mungo's hall hosted over 80 plus children, mum's and dad's, for the October Messy Church. The theme was 'Things that go bump in the night', teaching that Jesus is with us when things seem scary.  Lots of crafts, plus a trip into the church for the story and songs, plus the puppet theatre, telling the story in a different way. [more].

Macmillan Coffee Morning - 28 September
St. Mungo's joined the Macmillan coffee morning fundraising weekend on Saturday 28th in the church hall. Repeating the successful event of last year at this time the hall once again was filled with fresh baking and lots of hot tea and coffee. The  surprise arrival of a walking tour swelled the numbers for a time resulting in donations totalling £500.  [more]

Interim Ministry  - 26 September
The Elders and congregation of St. Mungo’s voted unanimously in favour of accepting an interim minister to lead our worship for a short period.  This vote of acceptance will go to the Interim Ministries Task Group meeting on October 1st. If ratified the Task Group will identify a minister to join and lead our congregation on a full time basis. [more]

Messy Church Returns - 1 September
September saw the return of Messy Church, where families with young children can gather to learn about Jesus and have fun at the same time. To open the new season of Messy Church the theme was the parable of the sower,  from Matthew 13 and thinking about how our faith grows, how we can share our faith and what seeds we might be sowing. [more]

Farewell service - Rev Andrew Don - 25 August
The Rev Andrew Don preached his final service with us on Sunday 25th August before moving to his new church at Newton / Danderhall. After a vote of thanks to Andrew, Sandy Robertson
handed over a small presentation.  Andrew promised a 'magical' service and we were not dissappointed. We all celebrated his time leading our church since February, with a special after service treat in the church hall. [more]

Penicuik Street Fair -  Saturday 24 August
The early damp foggy morning soon cleared and saw the crowds arrive for the annual Penicuik Street fair, on Saturday 24th August in the shopping precinct. A wide selection of stalls stocked with all kinds of exciting items to buy, including lots to eat, joined a range of fun activities and entertainment. [more]

Steamers Sail into Penicuik -  10 August
The Community Trust Saturday Open House drop-in community cafe on Saturday 10th August welcomed the arrival of  a fleet of ships which tied up at the specially prepared dock in the Cowan Hall.  Consisting of sailing, steamer, and military vessels the display even included a pirate ship, but thankfully no pirates were seen in the town hall. [more]

Summer Fair  -  22 June
In between the showers the sun shone brightly for the Summer Fair at St. Mungo's church hall. With plenty to see and buy as presents for family and friends, and refreshments on hand for the visitors, the morning was a great success, raising funds for St. Mungo's. [more]

Evening with the Linton Singers - 16th June
St. St. Mungo's once again welcomed the Linton Singers on Sunday 16th June when they presented extracts from Johann Sebastian Bach composition of Mass in B minor. The audience included a wide range of visitors, some from West Linton and Carlops, joining the classical music lovers from Penicuik. [more]

Sponsored Walk  -  1st June
The 2013 sponsored walk on Saturday 1st June was a little later than normal for this annual outing across the nearby countryside. A small but enthusiastic group turned out under a great summer sky to head off to Peebles for the start of the seven and a half mile walk alongside the Tweed.  [more]

Love Jazz - Love Russia Concert -  11 May 
The Love Jazz Love Russia fundraising concert attracted over 120 people to St. Mungo's church hall to listen to the Beeslack Jazz Band, Annie Patch and Graham McDonald entertaining us with a wide range of swing, blues and jazz music. Ann and Andrew Dunsire organised the event, and special guests Alex and Jacqui Cooke, with Debbie Bradley told us what the Love Russia charity were currently doing.  [more]

Quiz Night      -  8 May 7.30pm
Seven teams took to the floor for the Quiz night on Wednesday 8th May. With teams from the churches in Penicuik lined up under starters orders the action began. Six rounds of ten questions each round tested and teased each team to work out the correct answer. At stake was the winners trophy, the Smart Alec teddy bear. [more]

Messy Church - 5 May-
Messy Church on Sunday 5th explored the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 through craft, games, song and story. We even managed to hold part of the event in the garden.  [more]

No new minister for  St. Mungo's 
The congregation's expectation of a sustained call for Jonathan Humphrey,  their choice of new minister for St. Mungo's, were dashed at the Presbytery meeting on Thursday 25th April, when counter motions succeeded and the call was not sustained. A large section of the congregation attended the meeting to hear
the proceedings and many sad faces were evident after the meeting. The Rev Andrew Don will continue to lead our services for the immediate future. [more]

Praise Evening   - Sunday 14  April
The Sunday evening service on 14th April welcomed Cecilia Cordova to speak to us about her work for Christian Aid in Bolivia. The music was provided by the Praise Musicians, Andrew Dunsire on guitar and vocals, with daughter Linda on vocals, Stephen Elson on guitar and vocals, and Graham Mcdonald on piano. [more]

What a Week  - Good Friday 29 March
Hope 4 Penicuik put on a 'What a Week' event for primary scool aged and younger children on the morning of Good Friday, 29 March.  The children, along with mum's and dad's gathered in St. Mungo's church hall to learn about the life of Jesus from Palm Sunday through to resurrection on Easter Sunday. Through crafts, stories and activities the children became involved in the journey of Jesus through the week.  [more]

Sing a new Song - Praise Evening - 17 March
Sing a New Song was the theme for the Praise Evening service on Sunday 17th March. Joan Cape had been searching for something old and something new, and also something we know well with a new arrangement. With links to hear the new songs [more]

Coffee Evening with Penicuik Choir - 4 March
The church hall was filled for the Guild coffee evening on Monday 4th March, when the Penicuik Community Choir presented a selection of favourite songs for an audience from churches and friends across the town and beyond. Some 70 people turned out for a great evening entertainment. [more].

Messy Church - 3 March-
The Messy Church tried something a little bit different on Sunday 3rd March.  The now familiar format of messy crafts started the afternoon in St. Mungo's church hall, but the families headed over to the church for the song and story time and to hear the 'The Story of Esther'. [more]

Where have all the Dads Gone - 2 March
Early start to meet the kids and dads who turned up at 9.00am for the event on Saturday 2nd March.  Boxes of toys and games were strewn across the church hall floor waiting to be set up for the fun to begin. Andy Turnbull was using his 'Messy Church' construction skills to build the large scalectrix race circuit. On other desks the games were being setup with snakes and ladders and Junior Monopoly.  [more]

Concert  - Sunday 24 February
Internationally known violinist Serguei Popov played in St. Mungo's Church Hall on the evening of Sunday 24 February.  The audience were enthralled with a wide range of classical, traditional and folk music from this talented musician who is touring Britain promoting his work for Ezra. [full story]

World Thinking Day  - 19 February
St. Mungos’ was delighted to host the 2013 Thinking Day service for the Girl Guides, Brownies and Rainbows, on Tuesday 19th February. The gallery was full of parents and grandparents there to see and support their children. We were told about the elements of the Guide Flag and what each part means We also heard of the guides in Mexico, India, Switzerland and Great Britain.  [more]

Messy Church - 3 February-
Great turnout to hear the 'Story of Hannah', the theme for this months' Messy Church. Lots of crafts, songs, stories and a great meal for all the families  makes it a great afternoon learning about the greatness of God and the life of Jesus. 

New minister for  St. Mungo's - 3 February
All our prayers have been answered. St. Mungo's has a new minister. An uplifting service from Rev Dr. Jonathan Humphrey who was preaching as nominee for the vacant ministry on Sunday 3rd Feb, was followed by a ballot of the members who returned an overwhelming vote to invite Jonathan to lead us as our minister. Jonathan then accepted our invite there and then. We will announce his induction date soon. The Lord was looking kindly upon us this Sunday. Thank you to all who prayed for this exciting outcome.

Praise Evening Service - Sunday 27 January

The first Praise Evening service for 2013 was held on Sunday 27th, where the theme was Genocide, coinciding with Holocaust Day. The Praise musicians will led the singing with readings and facts o fatrocities across the centuries.  [more]

Where have all the Dads Gone? - 26 January  -
Just over 30 dads, granddads and children braved the elements on Saturday 26th January. A breakfast of orange juice, cereal, croissants, pain au chocolat and tea and coffee went down well before the serious activity.
Scalectrix, remote control cars, games were all on offer A great time was had by everyone/ [more]

Messy Church - 13 January-
The first meeting of the Messy Church for 2013 took place in a warm church hall , beating cold snow  outside. The theme for the afternoon was  ’Who is God’ ? A series of messy crafts started the activities, then it was time for Song and Story Time. [more]

News from 2012

Final 2012 Service  - 30 December
Rev Andrew Don once again led our service on sunday 30th, the last before we enter the New Year. The Sunday School children searched and found the 'hidden present' which contained binoculars to make things appear closer, and 3 'L's, for the Light that God provides to take away the darkness, Love of the father and Jesus, and Life through the Holy Spirit. The box the present was in then opened out to form a cross, where God's only son Jesus gave up his life to repent all our sins. 

Watch Night  - 24 December
Rev Ruth Halley supported by Sandy Robertson and Isabel Donnachie led the watchnight service of lessons and carols. Rev Ian Cathcart who was to have jointly led the service was unwell, or as Sandy put it 'Noel' !  The congregation was swelled with people from the North and South churches in this first 'joint' watch night celebration. The fifth advent candle was lit as we welcomed Christmas day, and the birth of Jesus Christ.

Nativity Play - 16 December
The St. Mungos' Sunday School children presented their adaptation of the nativity play. The congregation were involved as well as James Bond and associate spies who set out to resolve the mystery of Mary and Joseph and their visit to Bethlehem. Voted the best ever Nativity Play ever. [more]

Christmas Carols and More - 14 December
The Hope 4 Penicuik Christmas Carol event in the Town Hall on Friday 14 December drew a great crowd, despite the heavy rain
outside. With help from the Puppets 4 Penicuik we sang many christmas carols and heard lessons from Mo Hayes and a Christmas story from the Rev Ian Cathcart. Prizes were handed out for the winners of the Christmas Poster competition that had been running in the Penicuik primary schools.

Christmas Messy Church  -  2 December
Messy Church on Sunday 2nd December atracted around a 100 children, mums and dads for a Christmas theme with crafts for the children, songs, prayer and a great inerpretation of the nativity play that brought home the 'real' message of Christmas. [more]

Where have all the Dads Gone? - 1 December
The first of a new initiative, opening the church hall on a Satuday morning for Dads, Granddad's and the Kids to come along and have some fun together. Despite the freezing cold and ice outside the hall was warm and welcoming to the many who braved the
elements. Great fun on the scalextric and radio controlled cars, where I have to say the girls were better drivers than the boys! Lots of other games of skill kept veryone amused. Plus there was a great breakfast for everyone.  Well done to the organising team.

Evening Praise Service - 25 November
It may have been cold and dark outside but inside St. Mungo's church the voices were praising the Lord at the monthly praise evening service which was attended by members of all the Penicuik churches. [more].

Christmas Fair - 24 November
The Christmas Fair welcomed a bumper crowd of people on Saturday 24th. People headed to the church hall for a look around and a chance to have a cup of  tea or coffee and some delicious home baking. It was standing room only at one point as all the tables set for coffee were occupied. The home baking was so good that the coffee table had to ‘borrow’ some from the ‘for sale’ table... [more]

Remembrance Sunday - 11 November
St. Mungo's hosted the British Legion Service of Remembrance on Sunday 11th November. The service was led by the Rev Ian Cathcart and Rev Ruth Halley. Sir Robert Clerk OBE, Deputy Lord Lieutenant,
represented the Queen.  The theme was 'sacrifice', not only for those who died but those who sacrificed physically and mentally from the ravages of war.  [more]

Guild - Out of Africa into Malta  - 5 November
Alison Angus presented the plight of African refugees who crossed the Sahara and through war torn Lybia to cross the Mediterranean to reach Malta to the Guild meeting on Monday 5th November. The island which welcomed St. Paul then puts them into detention; into open centres where the tents and “cabins” (old shipping containers) breed disease in the baking heat of summer, and misery in the damp cold of winter. [more]

Messy Church - 4 November
Messy Church on Sunday 4th November attracted over 80 children and parents to enjoy the craft activities, games, storytime and songs with the theme 'Who is Jesus'. A meal gave everyone time to reflect on the afternoons time together. We finished the afternoon outside with sparklers to light up the now darkened sky. Winter is on its way. Join the Christmas Messy Church on Sunday 2nd Dec.  [more]

Evening Praise Service - 28 October
Ewan Gurr and members from the Foodbank project joined us for the evening Praise service on Sunday 28th. A programme of uplifting songs introduced us to the good work of Foodbank which Ewan described, including activities to extend the project into Midlothian.  [more]

Farewell and thankyou to Fred and Joyce 
Sunday October 28th marked the last service that Fred Harrison took for the congregation of St. Mungo's. Fred has led our services for the past 5 months since Geoff took up the call to Army chaplaincy. In that time, Fred, who is in training for the ministry himself, supported by his wife Joyce, has inspired and supported us through the teachings of Jesus and the love of God.  We wish him well as he moves on to the final stage of his training to Dalkeith. May the Holy Spirit watch over and guide him. [more]

Penicuik Women's Ministry - Friday October 26 
The first meeting of the Penicuik Women's Ministry 'Space' met on Friday 26th. The meeting attracted many women interested
in celebrating being women of God together and taking the time to listen to and reflect on God's word. The evening was led by Carolyn Toms and the speaker for the evening was Fiona MacDonald from the Scottish Bible Society. The next meeting will be held on Friday January 4th, again in the church hall.  More information on Space from Katrina McDonald 07872 996906. [more]

Harvest Thanksgiving -  7 October
All kinds of produce from the fields and beyond decorated St. Mungo’s for the Harvest Thanksgiving service on Sunday 7th October. Members of the congregation brought their bags full of gifts to add to those who had brought items on the Saturday. Fred Harrison led the service of thanksgiving with the theme “All we do is planting and reaping” the six laws of the Harvest. 

Messy Church in the afternoon continued the day with art and crafts illustrating God's good work.  [more]

Male Voice Choir Concert -  Friday 5th October 
St. Mungo's church was filled with music and song on Friday 5th October when the  Caledonian Male Voice Choir from Hamilton sang a wide selection of popular songs to an all age audience from across Penicuik.
The audience were further entertained with two solo singers during the performance. The proceeds from the event will go to the Sunday School and the Organ Restoration Fund.[more]

Doors Open Day  - Saturday 8th Sep. 
A wide range of visitors took adavantage of the Midlothian Doors Open Day to visit St. Mungo's and ask about the history of both the current and the pre-reformation church and churchyard. The church hall also had an exhibition of archive material of activities going back to the early 19th century.  The range of current activities in the church was also on show. An organ recital was also provided by Eileen Marchant on the pipe organ that was installed in 1887. 

Nominating Committee Election - Sunday 26 Aug. 
Members of St. Mungo's elected 13 people to form the Nominating Committee on Sunday 26th August. They will soon commence  the search for a new minister to support us as we move into a new phase of our church life . Check the members here

Sunday  Evening Praise -  19th August 
Sunday 19th  evening Praise Service had Katrina McDonald and Alison Cole tell us all about Messy Church, what it is and how it works in Penicuik. Ann and Andrew Dunsire also told us about their trip to Estonia and the presented a gift to the children from the children of Estonia to the children of Penicuik. [more

St. Mungo's prepares for new minister - Update
The Lothian Presbytery Advisory Committee met with the Kirk Session on Tuesday 7 August and confirmed that we can elect a nominating committee in our search for a new minister. The Nominating Committee will be chosen from St. Mungo's members, by St. Mungo's members on Sunday 26th August. Members are encouraged to attend this service and take part in the selection process. [more]

Camp Gideon
Ann and Andrew Dunsire presented a short report at the service on Sunday 19th August of their trip to Estonia and Camp Gideon, where they spent 2 weeks with orphaned children from Estonia and Russia at their summer camp. Read their amazing story  here.

Sunday Service -  29 July
On the first weekend of the London 2012 Olympic Games, Sandy Robertson led the service with the theme "Run the straight race through God's good Grace". Using his vast experience of  sports coaching Sandy related this to the writings of Paul. 

Evening Praise Service - 15 july
The evening joint Penicuik churches service on Sunday 15 July which was led by the St. Mungo's Praise Band attracted over 50 people, providing a series of uplifting praise songs that had the congregation raising their voices and hands to the heavens. The event also told us of a forthcoming Alpha course planned for the autumn. [more]

St. Mungo's Sponsored Walk - 2 July
The day started rather wet but families and friends turned out for the  rescheduled walk to Roslin Glen and back, over 7 miles.  The route followed old railway track from Valleyfield as far as Rosslyn Station, and on to Roslin Glen Park (for picnic); returning via old Powder Mill railway track to Mill Weir and back along Valleyfield railway track to get us back to the Church. [more]

St. Mungo's prepares for new minister
The Lothian Presbytery meeting on Thursday 28th June granted
permission for an unrestricted call for a new minister at St. Mungo's. This allows us to form a vacancy, or "nominating" committee, advertise the vacancy, and start our search for a new minister. [more]

Weatherfolk Concert  - 16 June
The skies had not improved but the atmosphere was great for the Weatherfolk Concert in St. Mungo's on the evening of Saturday 16th 2012. Supporting Love Russia trip to Estonia in July the Weatherfolk entertained us with their fantastic range of music [more]

Summer Fayre - 16 june 
The skies may have been gray outside but inside St. Mungo's Hall there was plenty going on with a wide range of stalls selling everything from books and DVD's to home baking and even sets of china tea services [more]

Olympic Champion and Missionary
The service on Sunday 10th June took Eric Liddell as the theme. The Sunday School children, who have been studying the life of Eric Liddell took a baton that Sandy Robertson had brought with him, round the church aisles in a relay.
Sandy then told us the story of Eric Liddell's olympic, religious life, and his time as missionary in China. 

Olympic Torch passes through Penicuik
On Thursday 14th June the Olympic torch visited Penicuik on its way south to the border from Edinburgh. Having visited Musselburgh, Dalkeith, bonnyrigg and Loanhead the torch passed by the barracks at Glencorse, where the young soldiers had the opportunity to give them a bit of cheer. [more]

Christian Aid Week -  Thankyou
A big thanks to all who donated and helped St. Mungo’s as collectors during Christian Aid Week. A total of 2432.03 was collected door to door which added to the £316.55 donated at the Lunch on Sunday 20th, and other donations makes a grand total of £2786.58. A fantastic result and again a big thanks from our Christian Aid organiser Janis Hogg.  The total for the Penicuik Churches and Glencorse amounts to £7729.08.

Andrew tunes up his guitar for the serviceSt. Mungo's welcomes Andrew Dick
St. Mungo's welcomed the Rev Andrew Dick on Sunday 22nd April. Andrew will act as our Interim Moderator whilst we search for a new minister now that Geoff has answered his calling to be an Army Chaplain.  Andrew was joined by members of St. Mungo's praise band to support his service with an alternative uplifting musical accompaniment to our hymns and praises. [more]

Introduction to Army Chaplaincy Service
St. Mungo's minister Geoff Berry was formally introduced to the Army Chaplaincy service, along with Chris Kellock from the North Church at a service in St. Mungo's on Thursday 19th April, at which time Geoff and Chris gave up their roles as parish ministers. Our prayers go with them in their new calling. [more].

Quiz night
St. Mungo's hosted the joint churches quiz night on Wednesday 11 April. Sporting no less than nine teams of varying sizes and skills the groups form North, South, St. James, Sacred Heart and St. Mungo's got together to make for a fun filled evening. St. Mungo's minister Geoff Berry took the role of questionmaster, while Agnes Ovenstone kept a tally of the scores. Click on more, for full story and photos [more]

Holy Week in St. Mungo's
Holy Week in St. Mungo's culminated with the Easter Day service on Sunday 8th April, when we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb. Song, praise, readings from Marks' gospel of the resurrection, was followed by a reflection on what it means to us today. This fulfilled the Easter festival activities in Penicuik, from Palm Sunday through the last supper, crucifixion and the resurrection. Christ has Risen. 

Geoff called to Army Chaplaincy
Even If you have not been in Church recently you may have heard that I’m leaving Parish Ministry to become a Regular Army Chaplain.

In some ways, this has been a very easy decision to make,given how suited most people think I am for the task; however,it was a real wrench to take the step of moving on and then telling everyone about it. I had been quietly dreading breaking the news. [more]

Mozarts' Requiem - 18 March
The Linton Singers and invited orchestra performed Mozart's Requiem Mass in D minor (K. 626) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on Sunday 18th March to over 100 visitors. in St. Mungo’s Church.

THE LINTON SINGERS was founded in West Linton (17 miles south of Edinburgh) in 1986, the choir now has a membership of around 30, some coming from outwith the area, attracted by the opportunity to sing an extremely varied repertoire ranging from early music to that of present day composers as different as Ronald Stevenson and Andrew Lloyd Webber. [more]

Search and Rescue Dogs Association
Stuart Hadden of  SARDA, the Search and Rescue Dog Association spoke at the Guild meeting on Monday 6 February 2012 about what the organisation does and how he and his Border Collie dog Chivas became involved. [more]

Burns Night Ceilidh - 28 January

A big thank-you to everyone who has donated pants and £1 to the Love Russia Appeal and to all who attended the ceilidh on Saturday 28th Januaryand brought home baking with them and supported the event.  We hope everyone enjoyed the evening including Fantoosh Ceilidh band who provided the music, and appreciate all your contributions and support so much - Over £800.00 raised for Love Russia and lots and lots of pants!  Thank you so much.'  [more]

Scots Evening - 23rd January
A great audience tiurned out for an evening of song and poems with the Ladywood Singers taking the lead role at the Guilds Scots Night meeting on Monday 23rd January. Plenty of Burns' songs and poems, with a few African based missionary songs to add to the entertainment.  

News from 2011

Christmas Day Family Service - 25th December
Children with heir Christmas giftsSt. Mungo's Church was full of joy and happiness as families with their young children filled the church, many bringing one of their favourite gifts. A selection of Christmas Carols was sung during the service, which also saw the children meet the our minister Geoff at the front of the church to show everyone their favorite gift. From traditional to hi-tech, everyone was pleased to explain what they had received. A short reflection on the true meaning of Christmas and a final rendering of "O Come all ye Faithful" (one of oganist Eileen's favourites) completed the family service with everyone heading home, or to friends or relatives looking forward to their Christmas meal. 

Christmas Hampers
Twelve hampers were distributed to families in Penicui, and it was all due to the kindness and generosity of St. Mungo's congregation. The support was overwhelming and organisers Carole Lough and Heather Boyle thank all who helped and wish you a peaceful New Year.

Watchnight Service - 24th December
The stable with Mary, Joseph, Wise men and ShepherdsThe Rev Geoff Berry and Rev Ian Cathcart took the watchnight service jointly, celebrating the birth of baby Jesus Christ as Christmas Day arrived when the clocks struck midnight. Members from churches across Penicuik, along with passing visitors enjoyed the Carols and readings from 11.30pm. Many also  arrived early enough to enjoy hot  tea and coffee refreshments, along with traditional mince pies from 11.00pm  The  service concluded with the message that Jesus Christ was born this day. The congregation left looking forward to the Christmas Day family service later in the morning.

Christmas Nativity Play - 18 December
St.Mungo's Sunday School presented the Nativity Play during the service on Sunday 18th December. This year the story was told from the Angels perspective. As one angel said "an angels work is never done". The congregation joined in the carol singing. [more]

St. Andrews Night - 2 December
The St Andrew's Night went really well despite a number of people who were unable to come on the night due to illness. However the event still managed to pass to Ian £305 for church funds.  A full programme of entertainment followed the meal of haggis, turnip and neeps, trifle and tea/coffee and biscuits and after eight mints. [more]

All Quiet on the Western Front
As we head for Armistice Sunday - 16 November, Jim Paterson recounts his visit to some of the war graves of the Western Front. Visiting Paschendale, Tyne Cot, Newfoundland Trenches, Thiepval, and the Lochnagar Crater, the visit highlighted the carnage and horendous loss of life in the first world war. [more]

War Memorials Resited
St. Mungo’s war memorial plaques covering the first and second world wars was recently removed from the front of the organ to allow much needed repairs and refurbishment to take place. On Sunday 25th September the congregation saw the plaques in their new position at the back of the church. A re dedication service took place as part of the morning service on Sunday 9 October

New look for St. Mungo's Organ - Completion
St. Mungo’s organ rebuild is complete. Graham McDonald had the pleasure of being the first to lead the congregation on Sunday 11th and Eileen Marchant on Sunday 18th September. The difference is amazing. The organ seems to have found its original voice, so much brighter, richer,  and definitely louder Look out for the date for an inaugural Organ Recital which will really show the capability of this fine instrument built in 1887. [more]

New look for St. Mungo's Organ
St. Mungo’s organ rebuild is coming together. The front pipes are now back in the newly designed pipe rack that reflects how the organ  originally  looked.  New pipe shades finish off the overall "look". Many pipes to refit but not long before we hear the organs voice. [more]

Not a peep from St. Mungo's Organ
St. Mungo’s organ has fallen silent as a major restoration takes place to repair recent damage and fix outstanding problems that has reduced the “voice” of the organ over the years. Currently the”Great Organ” has been almost completely removed, [more]

Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Grieg and Brahms filled St. Mungo’s on the evening of Sunday 26th June as Graham McDonald delighted the audience of over a hundred, with his piano concert in aid of Love Russia. Over £1500 was raised for the Charity [more]

Midlothian Schools Choir -  13 June
The Midlothian Schools choir held a final concert in St Mungo's church sanctuary, primarily for the choirs families, but many members of the congregation, and other visitors, came along to enjoy the singing and playing of this group of very talented young people. [more]

Strawberry Fair - 5 June
The rain tumbled down on a "flaming" June, but the hall seemed to have more people than ever, browsing the many stalls, and having a coffee or tea with the mandatory strawberry tarts. It was obviously too wet to mow the lawn, or do any outdoor activities, so a visit to St.Mungo's Strawberry Fair seemed a great idea. [more]

Ten Commandments - 21 May
The Sunday School Closing Service took place on Sunday 5 June when the children did readings from the Bible on the ten commandments and acted out some of them.  Even the smaller children who can't read yet took part in the readings with help.  Before the finish each child held up a card with a commandment on it and the congregation read it out.  The children then sang "Jesus' love is very wonderful" with actions and the congregation joined in.  The prayer of Intercession was then said by two of the children.

Sunday School Picnic - 20 May
The Sunday School children went off in a minibus to Penicuik Estate on Saturday 4 June for their picnic.  IT WAS FREEZING.  Nevertheless we all had a great time - playing football, rounders (where the teachers and the children had a disagreement over the rules - teachers won) and many races including wheelbarrow, three-legged,bunny hop, skipping and many more, so even the cold didn't stop us enjoying ourselves. [more]

Thanks to all the people who distributed and collected envelopes for the appeal. Over £2500 was collected by the St. Mungo's volunteers.

Sponsored Walk - 21 May

The weather forecast for Saturday was dire looking indeed, but the sun shone on our band of walkers as they arrived at the front of St. Mungo's Church on the Saturday morning. An 8 mile loop around the Barony Castle was in store, with some "breezy" moments.  [more]

Bryn Haworth - 8  May
Following his Saturday night evening of Gospel Blues and country rock at the Craigiebield Hotel, acclaimed slide guitarist and singer songwriter Bryn Haworth led the evening service at St. Mungo's on Sunday 8th May. Members of the five churches in Penicuik, and visitors experienced an uplifting service mixed with songs and readings [more]

Homecoming - 4  May
The streets were lined with the people of Penicuik and children from the local schools to welcome The Royal Highland Fusiliers 2nd Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland (2 SCOTS) after six months of intense and dangerous operations in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province. [more]

Salad Sunday - 1 May
Salad Sunday was a special service supporting those afflicted with HIV/AIDS.  This service should have been part of the Souper Sunday services organised by the Church of Scotland back in January, but heavy and persistent snow falls in Penicuik prevented this. St. Mungo's decided that at this time of year a "Salad Sunday" seemed more appropriate. A total of £222.10 was raised for the CofS project.

Quiz Night -  13 April
It was a real fun night with lots of laughter. The winning team were THE WELL KENTIGERNS led by Jack Hutcheson, and of course they went away with the “Smart Alec of the Year” trophy teddy.
The booby prize (little easter eggs) was won by THE SIDNEY POITIER APPRECIATION SOCIETY led by Christine Jackson.

The other teams were called Social Lites, Northern Lights, Allsorts and Nitwits. It was a well fought out night with only nine points
between the winning team and the winners of the booby prize. It was well attended and it was good to have people from the other churches

Midlothian Schools Choir

St. Mungo’s church welcomed the Midlothian Schools Choir and the Ladywood Singers for an informal concert / rehearsal on Monday 4th April. Between the two choirs a total of 18 songs were sung, ranging from full choral pieces to solo's, plus a "fiddlers" solo medley. Graham McDonald provided the musical accompaniment. 

Impact World Tour
As the forthcoming Impact World Tour, which aims to re-connect people of all ages to the Church, heads for Penicuik in November, organiser Frank Kremer visited St. Mungo's for the Sunday service on 13th March. He told us what was in store when the season of outreach that God is leading us into comes to town, and what we as a congregation can do to make this successful  The activities across the Churches in Penicuik and Loanhead has already started. [more]

World Day of Prayer
St.Mungo's hosted the World Day of Prayer in 2011, for the Churches in Penicuik. Women from all the Churches in Penicuik shared the presentation of the service which was led by Agnes Ovenstone and Sheila Haig.  [more]

Supporting our troops

St. Mungo's, has sent several parcels of sweets, razors, and shower gel, so the young men and women serving in Afghanistan. Through Padre Stephen MacCaulay who preached to us before the Glencorse based regiment headed out, St. Mungo's and Geoff have been closely involved with their tour. The last parcel will be heading out to them as the tour comes to and end in April. The gifts go with all our best wishes for a safe return home. [more]

Praise led by members
St. Mungo’s encourages the use of all the talents within its congregation, and the service on Sunday 23rd January was led by  a talented group of muscians, providing the music to the hymns [more

Retiral Offering
St. Mungo’s congregation has joined the millions of people that are helping our heroes, those men and women who have put their lives on the line and been wounded in the service of their country. In two retiral offerings we gifted £402.85 which will help with the rehabilitation of our wounded heroes. Many thanks to all who contibuted. Visit H4H web

What's tickling this minister
The refurbishment of a Penicuik church is being carried out on a grand scale. For the congregation at St Mungo’s has just welcomed a new feature – a grand piano. So reported the Advertiser, 
Midlothian's newspaper, on Thursday 20th January. A full report can be read on the Advertisers website - here

Build your house upon the rock
The Sunday School children told the congregation, through song and action, the benefit of building your house upon the rock, at the service on Sunday 16th January. Geoff had to encourage the congregation to sing-up so we had to do it twice! [more]

Guild - Ladywood Singers - with video feature
The Ladywood singers, led by Graham McDonald formed the main feature and entertainment for the Guild meeting on Monday 10th January. With an audience of some 35 to 40 people the singers provided a selection of songs, including some "sing a long" favourites. Graham also played a few solos on the piano, to the delight of the audience. [more]