candle pudding
 Joan with Sam the snake

| | Messy Church - 28 October 2018 |
The Messy Church theme for the afternoon was 'Light of the World'
Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path. (Psalm 119:105) God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (.1John 1:5) The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never put it out. (John, 1:5)
The activities were all connected with 'light' and included
where we made paper lanterns from black paper with slits to let the
light we put inside shine through. We talked about: what ‘s it
like to be in the dark without any light? How can God’s word be
like a lamp?
Wellie's with their soles painted walked on black paper, making a
“path” of footprints. We talked about: how we can find out
from the Bible where we are meant to go, and what we are meant to do?
How can we understand better what the Bible says to us?

feet collage
This one was scientific as well as fun. We took a jar of dark
coloured water. Then we poured in roughly the same quantity of cooking
oil, .screwed on the top, and gave it a good shake. We then left the mixed up liquid in the jar to see the oil and coloured water separate out again.
chatted about the times when it feels as if everything is
dark/bad/difficult. What are the things which make us remember that
it’s not always like this? We were reminded that no matter
however bad things feel or seem, Jesus is always there – and like
the oil in the bottle, never goes away; we just sometimes need to have
patience to see/hear him.
CANDLE PUDDING. This is the one you can eat what you make, so was very popular. We
took marshmallows and rolled them in the coloured sugar, putting 4 or 5
of these onto one skewer. We finished of four 'candle' with a
“flame” made out of the icing and fixed to the top. We
talked about: when do we have candles? How are the things we have been
thinking of – the Bible, God, Jesus – like a candle? And in
what ways are they NOT like a candle?
Using a clear glass cup we stuck on coloured tissue pieces all
over the outside. We attached a cross, made from a pipe
cleaner, and glued it to the front of the cup,. writing on the
words “Jesus is our light”. A tea light was popped
inside, to see what happened. What you think it means when Jesus is
called “our light”. How can we share is light with
the people we know?
PRAYER TENT where we could sit with Sheila, to see what she had in store for us this month?
in the church saw Joan and Sheila tell us the story and we sang songs
with actions to illustrate what we had heard. A closing prayer then it
was time to head back to the hall for a hot dinner and a chat with
friends over the dinner table.
Next Messy Church: Sunday November 25th
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