| Silent Auction - 22 September 2017 |
 viewing before the bidding commenced
number of donations was amazing so the auction started with a
bang. We had everything from crystal to beautiful blankets with
all you could think of in between. We even had a bread maker.
was given a number as they arrived so that no one knew who they were
bidding against. You had to keep going back to check that your bid
on your chosen item was still the latest. There were a number of items
which had multiple bids so there was quite a bit of milling around
these.Have a good look at the pictures - can you find the spelling mistake! Answer later. When
the final five minutes was called there was a rush to try and make sure
yours was the final bid. It certainly was not a SILENT auction
then as everyone stood poised waiting for the final whistle. Most
people managed to get what they wanted but there were a few

It was a really successful night and we had a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way. The final total raised was £385.50. Answer to question - KNFIE Back to Top Published 17 October 2017 | |