Spear Gate arrival

 The Lost Garden
 Striding out

Penicuik House Café
 Roman Bridge
 Serpentine Walk bit wet!
 Taking dogs for a walk
| | Sponsored
Walk - Saturday 8 June 2019 |
 Report & Pictures - Bob Jarmson
walkers and friends gathered at the front of St.Mungo's church for the annual fundraising Sponsored Walk on Saturday 8 June.
This years walk centred round Penicuik Estate so no transport required for this one.
group set off toward St. James the Less into West Street, heading for
the Craigie hotel. Here the walkers took the track alongside the
playing fields, emerging at Carlops road, just short of the Spear Gate
lodge house and the entrance to Penicuik Estate.
the spear Gate we descended the hill to Knightslaw Bridge the group
turned right, just before crossing the bridge, toward the new car park
and public access. With Knightslaw Tower on the hill to our right,
clear now that Sir Robert has cut down the trees blocking the view, we
left this path before reaching the car park, turning left
onto a wooded track that runs parallel to Carlops Road.
This track leads past Penicuik's Lost Garden. Built around 1877, the design was geared to
horticultural production on a very big scale: vegetables, flowers and
fruit. With its imposing entrance gates, grand
staircase and hot-houses ranged along the skyline the New Garden would
be an astonishing ornament to a newly diverted drive across a new
bridge from Tympany Lodge. Then, after a hundred years of productive
life, it simply disappeared like a mirage.
Penicuik House Café refreshments
walkers were now approaching Penicuik House Café
where welcome refreshments were on hand in the shape of coffee,
tea, scones and cake.
the brief stop the weather had turned for the worse, with increasingly
heavy rain thwarting the walkers as the y progressed down the hill to
the rear of Penicuik house toward the Low Pond.
From here we
picked up the Serpentine Walk along the north side the River Esk,
passing the nearby restored Roman Bridge. Heads were down against the
unceasing rain. The path leads to Cairnbank Road and on to Bridge Street
where it was a short walk back to St. Mungo's.
The groups
enjoyable walk had covered around 5 miles on their walk around Penicuik
Estate, with thanks going to Ian Dickson for organising and leading the
walkers. Thanks also to church members and their friends who joined in,
and the many sponsors for their donations to each of the walkers. Published 15 June 2019
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