Arrival at Peebles
 Who said there were no daunting climbs?
 This looks a good place for lunch

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Sponsored Walk - 1 June 2013 |
Photographs - Bob Jarmson
2013 sponsored walk on Saturday 1st June was a little later than normal
for this annual outing across the nearby countryside. A small but
enthusiastic group turned out under a great summer sky to head off to
Peebles for the start of the seven and a half mile walk alongside the
The figure of eight route started at the Tweed Bridge
Car Park where we see the group don their walking boots and make sure
that lunch and water was packed for the day.
From their the route headed west, up the between South Park Wood and Manor Square down
to, and over, Kirkton Manor Road Tweed bridge to join the
Tweed-Walk, along the north side to Lyne Station, where a stop for
lunch refreshed the walkers, ready for the return trip to Peebles.
Barn's Tower, a fine example of a typical Borders tower house dating
from the late 16th century, the route then took the south side of the
Tweed back to, and over the road bridge to return to Peebles by
the north side Tweed Walk once more, to reach Hay Park.
were no daunting upward gradients, though you can see the ladies
climbing one of the hills out of Peebles. The group kept mainly to well
defined tracks and paths which meant underfoot was pretty good, as long
as good stout walking boots were worn.
The walkers are currently gathering in their sponsors contibutions which will go towards the upkeep of our church at St. Mungo's Back to Top
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