| Messy Church - Samson Sunday 2nd February |

The teams get crafting stories of Samson
Messy Church for 2014 took the story of Samson as the theme. Once again
the church hall was filled with laughter and fun as around 80 children
with their mums and dads and family made around 100 folks getting
involved with a range of crafts and activities describing different
aspects of the Samson story.
plays a big part in the Samson story and Neil Cape led a table which
showed the children how God gave Samson strength by using a simple
piece of paper with little strength folded to make it really strong.
The strong 'Samson' was tested with marbles, the winner's Samson
managing to hold up over 30 !
Of course a great craft is one you
can eat, and decorating cupcakes is one way to do it. special eyes and
edible string for Samson's long hair looked extra tasty too.
Samson on the paint mat in the country and the forest got hands covered
in paint. Meanwhile Samson lifted heavy weights in the shape of a
strand of spaghetti pasta with marshmallows on each end.
knows that Samson tumbled the Philistines temple of Dagon, which was
a major factor in their downfall at Mizpah by Samuel and the
children of Israel some 100 years later. Our 'temple' was built by
master builder Andy Turnbull, with the help of many children. It
suffered more than one collapse and rebuild as everyone wanted to be
Samson knocking it down !
Soon it was time to head for the
church where we heard the story of Samson, as played by the puppets.
This month not only did the senior girls operate the puppets but they
narrated the story too, using a script created by Sophie McDonald.
Graham McDonald told us how Samson had made many mistakes and had been
wrong lots of  times,
just as we sometimes are. That is part of being human. However God is
always ready to forgive us if we follow him and repent, as Samson did.
sang 'Our God is a Great Big God' and 'Be bold be strong' with the
children taking part in the actions. A real animated performance.

Graham tells the story of how Samson was saved and how we can be too
our closing prayer it was back to the hall for a meal of pasta and
salad where we all sat at large tables to talk about the experiences of
the afternoon.
Messy Church is a great way for families with children to hear about God and Jesus in a fun and interactive way.
Messy Church returns on Sunday 2nd March from 4.00 to 6.00pm.
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