A small barn tool
Look out at top of the barn Making scarecrow biscuits Place mat work Playdoh breads shaped like a dog
 working on a prayer picture
 the prayerbox
 busy crafting
| | Messy Church Harvest - Sunday 5th October |
Story and photos - Jim Paterson
Mungo's hosted the second Messy Church of the new season
following a great response to the tent at the Midlothian Midfest in
September when a great many families, who had never heard of 'Messy
Church' were introduced to this modern approach to family worship,
through play, crafts, stories and song. Making learning about God and
Jesus fun.
This month we celebrated the harvest, focusing on the
story from Luke about the man who wanted bigger barns, when we thought
about what we have and what we need. A range of crafts and activities
including a short service in the church was followed by a meal.
theme of a 'bigger barn' had some of the children , working with Neil
Cape, creating both a small and 'BIG' barns. We tried to see how
many children we could get in without making the big barn collapse.
I counted four or five, but there was space for another. Could we make a
'bigger barn' still? For those keen on Lego a lego brick barn was
built too.
The barn would hold harvest and wheat, so a 'big'
picture was created with a farm scene using lentils, fabrics, pens and
paint. Lots of paper towels to wipe painted hands clean too.

Part of the big picture with seeds and straw to be added
harvest is used to make bread, and we used playdoh to make pretend
bread shapes, plus a few unusual shapes, like a dog, a tortoise and a
even a turkey!
Toy tractors with a variety of tyre patterns
made super pictures when driven through bright coloured paint. Scarecrow
biscuits allowed imagination to run wild, decorating biscuits with
shredded wheat hair, looking like hay, and edible string to make a scarecrow
face. The good thing about these crafts, are you can eat what you make.
also made table place mats with a variety of tasty item photos glued to
them. Margaret Webster helped the young ones cut out shapes, and Bill
Webster laminated the mats so they would wipe clean.
Our creative prayer area this month allowed us to thank God for all He has provided.
walked over to the church for an interactive service with the help
of the puppets, operated by some of the senior children.
A karaoke
video of Bigger Barn which the children were encouraged to join
in, a harvest story and prayer led by Graham McDonald, and a song with actions
presented by Graham on piano and Holly Taylor on guitar.
to the hall we sat down to a meal of pasta followed by fruit crumble
and ice cream, and a chance to chat with other families.
Next Messy Church will be on Sunday 2nd November 4.00 to 6.00pm in the church hall.
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