| Messy Christmas Service - 27 November 2016 |

Celebration time as Margaret Webster leads the story with help from the children
last messy church before Christmas on Sunday 27 November attracted a
full house of children, mums dads and relatives to enjoy a full
Christmas experience.
Putting Christ back into Christmas
was the theme for December. In the rush to setup the decorations,
write the cards, buy and wrap presents, it is easy to overlook the true
meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus.
The story is
well known, from the angel Gabriel appearing before the virgin Mary
with the message from God that she is chosen to bear a son, to be named
Jesus. How scary must that have been for a young girl? Mary
doesn’t panic; instead she listens to the angel, who reassures
her: ‘Do not be afraid. '
'He will be great, and will
be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him
the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob
forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.’
said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I am a virgin?’
Gabriel continued 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of
the Most High will overshadow you; so the child to be born will be
holy; he will be called Son of God.
So our crafts you can guess had a very 'angelic' theme. Here are some of them.
angels. Anything that you can make and eat is always popular. Made of
an upturned ice cream cone, marshmallow head, icing hair, covered in
chocolate, and a fan wafer for wings, not only looked good but tasted
great too.
 Giant angel. Well if your going to make
an angel, why not make it Big? Neil Cape with help from the children
set about creating the 'mega angel' from paper cups, tale and staples.
It seemed to keep growing as our afternoon progressed.
calendars. Every Christmas has to have an advent calendar. Using
crayons and pens we decorated ours. We talked about how long it takes
to have a baby, and what it feels like to have to wait ages for
something (like opening all the doors on the calendar).
Angel painting and angel wind chimes continued the 'angelic' theme.

How busy everyone is
Christmas card mix and match was fun. Before everyone arrives, hide one lot of “halves” around the room.
child was given five halves of different Christmas cards as they
arrived at Messy church. They had to find the other half, hidden around
the church hall. When they found a pair, they had to decide whether
what they had found was in the Bible or not, by sticking the pair
together either in or not in the bible display board.
time in the church was led by Margaret Webster and Rae Hunter, telling
us the Christmas story. Margaret told us how Jesus, which in Hebrew is
'Emmanuel' which means 'God with us' and taught us how to remember the
name using sign language. With 5 fingers, starting with the thumb,
being vowels a,e,i,o,u and fingering to display m, n, and l. We sang
'A Band of Angels' to a video carrying out the actions. A final prayer before we headed
back to the hall for our Christmas feast.
 Graham McDonald
led grace before our Christmas feast. Joan Cape and her team had been
busy cooking a full turkey, stuffing, roast and boiled potatoes,
vegetables and gravy for some 75 place settings. Followed by pudding
finished off a great afternoon.
The next Messy Church will be Sunday January 25th, 4 to 6 pm.
The Messy team wish all families and children a very Merry Christmas and a great new year.
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