
stained glass stars
Christmas tree & snowflakes
 3 kings waiting for a bus
 Sheila with the Christmas story puppet characters

| | Messy Christmas - Saturday 4 December 2021 |

When the Community Council decided to go ahead with a Christmas Fair this year, a little
group of us decided this presented an opportunity to do something to
draw in families with children, and to provide a reminder of, or
perhaps an opportunity to hear for the first time something of, the
true meaning of Christmas.
A team of helpers was assembled from
our Messy Church regulars, glad to have the opportunity to get back to
doing something for the families in our community. The hall was
set out with tables, as it is for Sunday coffee, and information was
circulated inviting families to come along. We knew that numbers were
limited in the Town Hall, and that there was likely to be a queue
– we hoped that our being open would provide a warm place for
people to come as they waited, with something meaningful to do.

Star leads bus with kings to Bethlehem, where shepherds and donkey have arrived
were prepared, each containing the materials to make a Christingle
(including instructions). Kits for making stained glass window stars
were also available, as well as scratch art Christmas trees and
snowflakes: things suitable for all ages to do, resulting in items to
take home as gifts or decorations.
As things turned out the
event proved more popular than we had hoped. Around 15 different family
groups came in during the afternoon, with children aged from 2 to 11.
Despite the unpleasant weather a lot of people had come to support the
event in the Town Hall, and they were indeed glad of somewhere warm and
dry to spend some extra time. Most had little or no church
connection: providing the necessary help with the crafts gave plenty of
opportunity to chat a little with those who came in, and share
something of the Christmas story. Hot drinks (or juice for the
children) and chocolate biscuits were very welcome, and serving these
was another opportunity for conversation.
All of the children
received a book telling the Christmas story, as well as the crafts they
made. Let’s hope and pray that something of this encourages them
to want to find out more.
The team would like to thank all
who came along and helped; also to Maxine at Tesco for giving us
oranges for the Christingles.
Look out for Messy Church in the new year
Published - 9 December 2021
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