| Celebration of Gifts Exhibition - 8 April 2017 |
Celebration of Gifts weekend on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th April,
started with an exhibition in the church hall. Aimed at displaying the
range of activities and use of the church hall, as a centre for many
community events, allowed visitors to see how members of St. Mungo's
were working in our community, to be a centre of spiritual support,
spreading the word of God, and also a practical venue supporting those
in need.
Visitors were welcomed by displays presented by the
church spiritual team, Bible Study and House Group, Pastoral
Care, Messy Church, Sunday School, Guild and Church Readers (Bible
passage readers).
The more practical side of St. Mungo's
activities included, Friendship Circle, Tea/Coffee after the service,
Newsletter 'Mungo Messenger', Website, Facebook and Twitter
publications. The social committee also create the range of activities
for our enjoyment throughout the year. These include Burns Night's,
Summer and Christmas Fairs, Christmas Hampers, St. Andrews Nights, Quiz Nights, and our
annual Sponsored Walk which takes us to interesting places around
Midlothian. Keeping all this clean and tidy is the role of the cleaners
who are essential to keeping our church and hall tidy. They are always
on the lookout for more volunteers.
Other teams looking after
those in need included the Knitting team, who support Blythswood Trust
annual shoebox appeal sending a selection of hand knitted hats, gloves,
scarves and blankets to those in Eastern Europe who are on the poverty
line and cold in winter. Food Facts Friends Project who use the hall
provide food for those in our local community who are often destitute
and in need, along with help on who to contact for further
The Guides, Brownies, and Rainbows displayed
their range of activities, whilst Christian Aid,, displayed the appeals
currently being well supported in our church.
The Ceilidh
Dancing presented a video of their activity, led by Anabelle Oates,
which runs from October to March in the church hall. This was
joined by the Tap Dancing activity which also uses the church hall each
The Treasurer was also on hand to explain how all these
facilities are financially supported and how much it costs to keep the
church running smoothly. As with most churches St. Mungo's runs a deficit, outgoings exceed
income, and financial gifts as well as personal talents and time are
always welcome.
Over in the church our organist Eileen
Marchant held an Organ Recital, playing a selection of music, some of
which has 
been, and can be heard before and after our Sunday morning
services and during any interludes. Pieces included Haydn 'Musical
Clocks', three items from Vierne, 'Interludes 1 and 3', with 'Petit
Carillon', amongst others that included Boellmann, Hurford, Rawsthorne,
Zippoli, and Bonighton.
The ladies had been busy on the home
baking and a range of savouries and cakes were on hand with tea and
coffee for the visitors to refresh themselves.

Christian Aid display | 
Ceilidh group display | 
Bible Study group |
Updated - 10 April 2017 | |