Gordon MacDonald reads the first lesson
 Fiona Hutcheson reads the second lesson
 John McCulloch reads the history of our vacancy time
 Rev John Urquhart signs the Formula
 Rev Neil Dougall welcomes John to St. Mungo's
 Margaret Webster presents a practical gift of a snow shovel. Essential for the winter weather in Penicuik
 Ian Cathcart welcome
 Rev John Young relates his experiences of John
 Rev Lynsay Downs welcome
Listen to all the elements of the Induction Service HERE
| | Rev John Urquhart Induction - 10 August 2017 |
Rev John Urquhart was officially inducted into his new charge at
St. Mungo’s on Thursday August 10th at 7.00pm. The Rev Neil
Dougall led the service with members of the Presbytery joined by a
congregation with members of for all the Penicuik churches, and
Craigmillar Park.
Mungo's church was filled with a congregation from
across Penicuik, Edinburgh and beyond. Presbytery was well
represented with the lead team consisting of Rev Neil Dougall who
would lead the service and formal induction, Rev Anikȯ Schütz
Bradwell, preaching the sermon, and John McCulloch, Clerk of the
Presbytery of Lothian.
This happy occasion was the culmination of over 5 years vacancy, since the Rev Geoff Berry departed to become an army chaplain.
'God the Father of Creation'. Neil continued with
our The
Rev Neil Dougall started the service with the call to worship,
followed by Hymn 113prayer of approach, before we heard scripture readings, first
from Matthew 7: 7-11, read by Gordon Macdonald, and then Romans 12:
4-13, read by Fiona Hutcheson.
The church was then filled with our praise, singing Hymn 559 'There is a redeemer'.
The Rev Anikȯ
Schütz Bradwell, then took to the pulpit to preach the sermon. We
heard of the new beginning, of a new chapter, not only for the people
of Penicuik St. Mungo's, but for John Urquhart and his family, moving
out from Edinburgh.
Referring to the scripture readings Anikȯ
reminded us that if we but ask we will be answered, if we but seek we shall
find. however the scripture reading did not specify a timescale.
Finding a new minister for a church is was not about being quick to
fill our vacancy, rather finding
the right person for the right place. The reading reassures that in
God's time we will find what we are looking for, and john has found us.
Aniko continued with some of the practicalities that John will
be faced with. Identifying and remembering which name goes with which
person, which dentist to register with, where to get your hair cut, and
of course where to get the best fish and chips! While not life
defining, they help in making this new place a home.
will be a lot for the congregation to find out. About John and how
he works. We can then go forward together, in this new chapter of our
church. We will bring together the congregations many talents and
gifts with those of John, wife Rebbecca and son David, to step forward
together into the future. In the words of Paul's letter to the Romans,
let love be genuine, hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good, love
one another with mutual affection, outdo one another in showing zeal.
Be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord, rejoice in hope, be patient in
suffering, persevere in prayer, contribute to the needs of the saints,
and extend hospitality to strangers.
We said together,The Apostles Creed, before singing Hymn 485 'Dear Lord and Father of mankind'.
The formal Induction commenced with John
McCulloch, Clerk of the
Presbytery of Lothian, summarising the activities during
the vacancy period following the departure of Geoff Berry in April
Rev Neil Dougall then explained the process of induction, before asking
Rev John Urquhart to profess his faith, answering a number of questions
put to him. John then signed This was followed by signing of the
Formula of Subscription, sealing the vows he had made, John
McCuloch read the formula to the congregation.
The congregation
then answered a series of questions, accepting Rev John Urquhart into
our church, offering him our encouragement and support, share the
responsibility to follow and serve Jesus Christ, and to give our time,
talents, and money to the work of the Church in the world.
There followed three signs of Shared Ministry,
- Janis Hogg presented the bible
- Bill Webster presented water, as a symbol of the holy Spirit
- Margaret Webster presented bread a symbol of united as His body in Holy communion.
The Rev Neil Dougall prayed for both minister and congregation that we work together in His name.
of Presbytery and St. Mungo's were then asked forward to welcome John
into our church, offering him the hand of friendship and fellowship.
Closing the service we sang hymn 396 'And can it be that I should gain'.
formalities concluded the gathering met in the church hall to
celebrate with John Urquhart and his family, friends and
colleagues this joyous occasion.

the celebration meal
Our interim moderator, Yvonne Atkins, now standing down from her role, opened the gathering, introducing Deputy
Session Clerk Margaret Webster to lead the thanks. Margaret welcomed
john into our church and community, and was followed by Rev Ian
Cathcart and Rev Lynsay Downs from Penicuik South and St. James the
Less churches offering their welcome and support.
John Urquhart then replied before Mrs Pauline Weibye, Session Clerk at Craigmillar Park Church
spoke of her time with John, and how their loss was our gain, wishing
us the very best on our new journey of faith. The Rev John Young also
provided further insight into John's skills and talents and how these
would help us all in our journey.
St. Mungo's Gordon Macdonald offered a vote of thanks to all who had
worked tirelessly to reach this moment of celebration.
 Rebecca receives flowers from St. Mungo's member Betty Macmillan | 
John thanks us for all our support | 
Yvonne 'hurrah' that we have successfully reached our destination | John will be 'preached in' to his new charge by Rev Shirley Fraser on Sunday 13 August
Published 13 August 2017 | |