| Messy Church - Families Sunday 2nd March |

The teams busy with 'family' craft activities
Church continues to attract young and old alike to this fresh expression
of church that reflects the needs of our young families who wish to see
their children experience the word of God and the life of Jesus in an
exciting, attractive, interactive and enjoyable way. Who says
learning about God cannot be fun?
Messy Church filled St. Mungo's hall once again with about 100
children, mum's, dad's, gran and grandad's, where the theme was
very aptly chosen as 'Families' . We were thinking about
our own families and thanking God for them, but also thinking about us
being part of a messy church family and the wider family of God and
exploring what that means. We welcomed a few grandparents with the
children and it was a great way to compare differences between how
grandparents grew up, and how children today grow up.
A range of
crafts from the favourite 'Happy Families' card game, making a name
plaque, photograph holder, and family mobile, joined making 'heart
biscuits'. A great favourite any month as they can always be
eaten afterwards.
Andrew Dunsire setup a 'Family
Photograph' booth where the gathered family could have their photo
taken as a complete family to be emailed to them after the event.
A Messy Church Families banner was also made, giving Graham McDonald a few headaches making sure the spelling was correct!!!
Anderson and Elaine Jacobs were busy collecting prayers from the
children and parceling them into something special, see below.
'Family Mobile' was a great way to collect all the relations into one
place and make a mobile to hang over a young child s cot.
A bookmark is a good way to mark what we read, which in turn can influence our lives for good or bad.
it was time to visit the church where the Puppets were ready to greet
us with a presentation all about families. The parcel full of
prayers was then passed round in a 'Pass the Parcel' game with whoever
held the parcel when the music stopped opening it to reveal a prayer.
Each of the many layers of wrapping concealed a different prayer,
each being revealed at the next stop of the music.
After the final prayer the real contents were revealed, a children's bible, won by the last person to hold the parcel.
McDonald told us about the strength of families and some of the
difficulties they can experience, and how God can help us if we ask,
through prayer.
A final song before we headed over to the
church hall for a great meal together, of a sausage
stew with potatoes, followed by jelly and ice cream, finishing
another great afternoon with a wide range of families worshiping God in
a fresh, exciting and fun way. Just how Church should be. 
Mealtime back in the hall, and time to chat with friends and other Messy families.
Messy Church returns on Sunday 6th April from 4.00 to 6.00pm.
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