| Food Facts Friends Concert - 23 March 2018 |

Beeslck Jazz Band led by Graham McDonald
60 people gathered in Penicuik Town Hall at 7.30pm on Friday 23 March
to see and hear over two hours of entertaining music, song and dance
from a fantastic line up of talented musicians, singers, and dancers.
fund raising concert was introduced by Food Facts Friends foodbank and
drop in centre founder Mark Wells. Penicuik’s very own Mose
played master of ceremonies, introducing the acts and generally holding
things together.
friend singer, guitarist and songwriter Megan Adams, a long standing
Food Facts Friends supporter, came over from Stirling to play several
numbers in both first and the second half of the show. Megan included
her fantastic debut single ‘Travellin Soldier’ which you
can see on YouTube.
Sophie Penman sang several songs with her guitar, followed by singing her own compositions while playing piano.
and music changed to dance as the Dancepointe Academy girls stepped out
to entertain us with a dance number, followed by a solo tap dance. A
quick change and they returned for another amazing display of
synchronised dancing.
A coffee break provided time for the audience to catch their breadth and take part in the raffle, with lots of prizes on offer.
Refreshed they were once again entertained by the Penicuik Beeslack
Jazz Band. A very popular band at many functions, we were privileged to
have them play a series of numbers for us.
Megan Adams returned to top off the evening with more of her favourite numbers including Hallelujah.
big thank you to all the performers and all those who bought tickets
and came along to enjoy the concert. All funds raised go to buy food
and supplies for those in our community struggling to put a meal on the
table for their families.
 A special thanks to Stephen and Wilma McCann of Forth Demolition who sponsor the foodbank monthly, adding donations on a regular basis, to whom we are extremely grateful.
foodbank is open every Monday and Friday in St. Mungo’s church
hall, with many volunteer helpers coming from the church congregation.
Published 31 March 2018 | |