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Watchnight Service and the celebration of Jesus birth
temperature outside tumbled to -3 degrees but the congregation, drawn
from all the Penicuik churches and beyond, soon warmed in St.
Mungo’s as we gathered to celebrate the birth of our saviour
Jesus Christ. Hot drinks and traditional mince pies were on hand
before the service started, while a series of short videos carrying the
Christmas message were shown.
Rev John Urquhart welcomed
all the visitors especilly those from afar and other churches. As the
lights in the church were dimmed, we started the watchnight service
with the choir singing an introit 'See in yonder manger low'. John read from 'Isaiah' to introduce our first praise hymn 318 ‘Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour’.
The ‘reading from Luke’
by Agnes Ovenstone set the scene describing Joseph and Mary’s
journey to Bethlehem for the census and the birth in the manger, no
room at the inn. John opened his talk on three kings with the first Caesar Augustus.
This led us into hymn 301 ‘Hark! The herald angels sing’ followed by a reading from Matthew read by Neil Cape which follows the three wisemen to Jerusalem where they meet king Herod. John tells us of the second of the three kings, Herod
We sang hymn 309 ‘Still the night’ and our final reading from Philippians, read by Joan Cape where Jesus, though in the form of God, took on the role of a humble servant.
John completed his talk of three kings with Jesus the real king. We then watched and listened to the video ‘what kind of throne’ [watch the video here]
This took us into Christmas Day and John lit the fifth, or Christ candle in the centre of our advent wreath, reminding us that Jesus is the light of the world.
We wished our fellow worshippers a happy and peaceful Christmas before our closing song, the favourite Christmas carol hymn 306 ‘O come, all ye faithful’,
The blessing
closed our service which included a closing collection for Bethany
Trust Shelter, looking after and offering food and shelter to those
homeless at Christmas and throughout the year.
A Happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year to all in our church, community and beyond

Published 30 December 2018