Sunday started early for the Penicuik Churches. Some 20 members of the
churches in Penicuik met at 5.30am beside St. Kentigern church ruin,
behind St. Mungo's church, wrapped up well against the 4 degree
The Rev Ruth Halley called us to worship, before we sang Hymn 782 'Lord
of Life we come to you.' The reading from Mark 15: 33-47 described the
death and burial of Jesus on Good Friday. A short prayer was said
before the group proceeded in silent prayer to Broomhill, to
greet the sunrise, signalling the resurrection..
We reached the
top of the hill just as the sun was beginning its ascent into the sky.
The reading for Mark 16: 1-20 decribed the resurrection of Jesus, our
reason for gathering here on this new day.
followed a short Easter prayer by singing Hymn 443 - 'He is the Lord,
he is the Lord.' Ruth then led an Easter Litany, a prayer and the
benediction. finishing with:
Beyond death is abundant life. We will live it. Beyond the shadows of hatred and isolation is the light that draws us into community. We will follow it. Beyond the stone covered tomb is a dance called resurrection. We will move it.
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia.

Our Final Prayer, as we returned to St. James the Less
We closed by singing Hymn 803 -'We will walk with God.' |