Presents for pass the parcel.
 Our wonderful cow
 Graham narrates the nativity story
 Travelling nativity family

| | Messy Christmas Church - Sunday 7th December |
Story - Jim Paterson. Photos - Katrina McDonald, Neil Cape

Nativity play in the church
of fun at messy church on Sunday 7th December . Some beautiful
Christmas crafts made, and a great time in the church for
the nativity story.
Prayer activity with happy
birthday balloons (well it is Jesus's birthday). These were inflated
ready to write prayers on to thank God for sending
Jesus. Nativity scene stained glass window, with tissue paper and
a manger scene, and a talk about where Jesus was born.
tasty Star biscuits which were decorated while we talked about how
the wise men following the star. Animal masks which the children
coloured in, while talking about Jesus being born among animals.
Big nativity scene, using cardboard to build a stable scene, with
the children dressed up in costumes of the time. Decorated gift
boxes filled with sweets to give to someone else, talking about the
gifts Jesus was given at his birth.
Pop up angel cards
were decorated and a card with a message written on it to give
to someone. We talked about Marys visit from the angel and
how the shepherds might have felt seeing the angels. Sheep,
made using pegs, cardboard and wool, with the story about the
shepherds being the first people invited to meet baby Jesus. Yet He was
a king! What does this mean?.
The time in the church related the Christmas story, with the children playing the Nativity characters. Graham McDonald narrated the story with songs led by Andrew Dunsire and Sam McDonald on guitars. A
big game of pass the parcel was started, with 11 gifts going round.
When the music stopped one was opened, and the next bit of the
story was revealed.
An excellent nativity with the cutest cow ever, and a delicious Christmas dinner to finish of the afternoon.
Messy Church nativity family have begun their journey round some
of our messy church families, I hope they are having a great time so
Thanks all for coming today and throughout the year, it's been lovely! Hope you all have a very happy Christmas.
Other Supporting forthcoming activities
12 December for Family Carols and fun (for all ages) in the Town Hall.
This Hope4Penicuik event features Penicuik Silver Band, the Puppets, and more. Starts 7.00pm
till about 8.15pm.
Sunday 21 December. Messy Church service for families with young children, followed by tea & cake. In the church.
The collection of angels increases, ready for the Hope4Penicuik events
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