| Girlguiding Christmas - 5 December 2018 |

Linda McDonald with the cast Click on the links to hear the carol singing and service
Wednesday 5th of December St. Mungo's played host to Penicuik and
Midlothian Girlguiding, Rangers, Brownies, Trefoil and Rainbows girls, parents and
friends, for their annual Christmas Service.
church had been decorated with lights and ribbon so looked very festive.
St. Mungo's minister, the Rev John Urquhart joined the celebration, providing the blessing and prayer.
year Girlguiding were supporting those in need at Christmas, with no
food to feed themselves or their families. They brought over 45 bags of
food to donate to Food Facts Friends foodbank which operates out of St.
Mungo's church hall every Monday and Friday.
Commissioner Kathryn Topham welcomed everyone and introduced the event,
with special guests, Gill Amos the County Commissioner,with Jan her
assistant, Margaret the County President, and Midlothian Councillor
Debbie McCall.
took over the microphone to introduce the first song 'Calypso
Carol' with music accompaniment
by David McGavin on piano. Gill introduced Mark Wells from the foodbank, who will
receive all the bags of food donated by the girls tonight. Mark thanked the girls for their donations, telling the audience how many people use the foodbank.
The first Ranger told us how God was to send
his son into our world to turn sad into glad.
We then sang
'Twinkle Twinkle' followed by the second Ranger telling us
about Mary, shocked when she was visited by the angel
Gabriel, who brought good news, turning sad into glad.
next song was 'Little Donkey ' followed by the third Ranger continuing
the story of Joseph and Mary going to Bethlehem for the census,
arriving to find no rooms at the inn. Using the stable Mary gave birth
to God's son, Jesus, putting him in a manger. Jesus would grow up to do
wonderful things, turning sad into glad.
sang 'Away in a manger' , after which the fourth Ranger told us
of the shepherds seeing the angels telling them of the new born child
who would turn sad into glad.
'We three kings' was sung
, and followed by Linda telling us how God forgives as all, as he would
wish us to do to others, turning sad into glad. Rev John Urquhart then
led us into a prayer where we thanked God for his gift to
us, Jesus who turned sad into glad. John finished off with a
'prayer, reflection and blessing' with us all.
Our next song was 'We wish you a Merry Christmas' Girlguiding style. Kathryn thanked the Rangers and the team of helpers.
told us of Father and Mrs Christmas, eating too much figgy pudding. We
sang 'When Santa got stuck up the chimney', while showing the badge
showing Mrs Christmas stuck up the chimney. We sang When Santa
got stuck up the chimney once again before closing the event.
Thank you to all who took part and created this Christmas service.
Published 8 December 2018
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