Aeroplane design school Leaky cup water transfer Parachute team Tennis team warm up Fifteen All Altogether now
Messy Church Funday - Sunday 1st June
Story and photos - Jim Paterson and Katrina McDonald
Skiing with four on the ski requires a lot of concentration.
The last Messy Church before the summer break was a 'fun day' outside in the summer sunshine, at Alderbank.
families arrived to see a range of games and fun activities for the
children to get involved with. The giant parachute proved a great
attraction for the younger kids. Hiding underneath the canopy was the
test of how good you were at parachuting unnoticed, just like James
Meanwhile something a little more challenging was
transferring water from one bucket to another using 'leaky beakers' All
sorts of sneaky tricks like covering the holes in the beakers with
fingers were tried. This proved too much for some and the full bucket did get tipped over a few times by mistake.
the more engineering minded there was a paper plane building challenge.
The conventional 'dart' style proved the more successful and Graham
McDonald, with help from his son Sam, managed to perfect a design that
at least out flew everyone else's design, including mine.
in summer with no snow required a bit of thought. Grass made a
good alternative and the specially designed ski's, built by our
resident master builder Andy Turnbull, soon had plenty of volunteers.
It is not as easy as it looks to get four on to the skis without
falling over. As you can see from the top photo it requires a lot of
a game of tennis would be easier? Only if you hit the ball in the right
direction. Much fun was had as the ball went every which way.
was also a game to dribble a hockey ball through a slalom with
miniature hockey sticks. Another tricky game if you were competing to
be fastest. I was happy just to get through in one piece.
As we
sat down for our picnic Graham told the children how good God is to
provide us with a wonderful world that we can all enjoy and have fun in.
Messy Church returns in September for a new season, after the summer break.
Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish
Church (Church of
Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838