Joyce Maclean reads to us
 Susan Wong leads in prayer
 Joseph, Mary and crib with baby Jesus Front door of church
 Lighting the Christ candle at midnight
| | Christmas Eve - 24 December 2021 |
Christmas Eve 6.30pm (joint service led by Rev Peter Wood)
service was a mix of Christmas carols and things to think about –
starting with a retelling of the Christmas story as a breathless
horse-racing commentary, and encouragement to engage with the Christian
celebration of Christmas.
A song from Fischy Music reminded us that the good news of Jesus’ birth is still the same, regardless of the disruption to our usual celebrations caused by Covid. | 
Peter tells us the story of the coming Messiah
| We
heard a description of another ‘unexpected’ birth as Callum
told us about the very rapid arrival of his son when he and his wife
were away in London – in an interview with his dad (Bill
The following version of ‘God rest ye merry,
gentlemen’ contained a Christmas story rap...a bit hard to pick
up from the video, but the words are well worth hearing (go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A2mD4bvGgI if you want to listen again).
a reading of Luke’s version of the birth of Jesus, Peter gave out
parcels of sweets to be opened, each illustrating different aspects of
the Christmas story:
A Galaxy bar, representing God creator of
everything, from the smallest to the largest, across the galaxy. Sour
sweets, representing how human beings failed to turn out as God had
created, fighting wars, and selfishness, forgetting others.
Love Hearts; How did God decide to change from our 'sourness' to love one another and be kind to each other,
find a way back to God? He could have sent the biggest army in the
world to wipe us out, but he chose 'love', by sending His
only son, to lead us back to Him.
Jelly Babies,
once called 'peace babies'; in Jesus we find peace of mind, with
one another, if we live the way God wants us to. Jesus arrived
into our world as a baby too. Starbursts;
over the manger guiding the wisemen and shepherds toward the stable,
where something special, the birth of the Messiah was happening.The final parcel contained liquorice allsorts; God's love is for everyone, 'all sorts' of people across our world.
We finished the all age service with two traditional Christmas carols.
Watchnight Service - 11.30pm
watchnight service at St. Mungo's attracted members from across all
three Penicuik churches of Scotland, as well as passers by. Starting at
11.30pm with an introit 'Saviour in a Manger, led into our minister
John Urquhart welcoming us all to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
sang together 'O little town of Bethlehem' followed by a prayer, and
readings from Matthew and Luke, all read by John Urquhart. John's
address focussed on those who find it difficult to experience joy at
Christmas, not because they don’t want to have joy; but because
they’re experiencing the pain that crushes joy.
Pain comes
in many forms, physical pain from long illness, emotional pain from a
quarrel or a family break-up, or disappointment in not being able to
see family or friends again this year. It could be the pain of
being misunderstood, or feeling distant & estranged from everyone.
Maybe guilt of feeling this way at Christmas or envy, or the pain of
grief which colours everything.
are not alone. Mary & Joseph were misunderstood by their
families, ending up fleeing as refugees to Egypt. There are the
shepherds, who had to go on night after night in low-paid work,
enduring poverty & cold. The wise men, who went back to be a
believing minority in their own pagan land, and all those
oppressed by King Herod’s rule, the mothers of Bethlehem weeping
for their children.
Even Jesus himself knew painful times in his
short earthly life. He was misunderstood by his own family, and he
attracted opposition throughout Israel.
John based his talk used
words from Zack Eswine, lead pastor at Riverside Church in Webster
Groves, Missouri. We are both the sinners & the sinned against.Both
the ones who have done wrong and the ones who have been wronged.
sang the carol 'Still the Night' , with a Prayer for Others,
taking us to the midnight hour. John lit the central 'Christ
Candle' on our advent wreath, signifying Christmas Day had arrived, and
the birth of the baby Jesus.
Our service concluded with 'O come all ye faithful', and the Blessing, before we departed home this Christmas Day. Published - 27 December 2021
Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish
Church (Church of
Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC00583 | |