All busy crafting
Our theme for the Christmas edition of Messy Church was to 'Remember what's really important about Christmas'
We learned about Christmas, but with our focus on Joseph and his role
in this, the greatest story of all time. There’s not much written
about Joseph, however one thing is sure: he obeyed God, and generally
without question. Angels appeared to Joseph before Jesus was born,
after Jesus was born, telling him to go to Egypt, and then in Egypt
telling him it was safe to go back to Nazareth. Joseph teaches us about
true obedience even in circumstances beyond our control.
The activities we held in the church hall included
Stained Glass Ornaments
- We covered acetate sheets formed into cylinders with
different coloured pieces of tissue paper, sometimes sticking a letter
“J” onto it. Then placed a tea light inside, or added
a ribbon loop so it could hang in the window or on the Christmas tree.
We talked about how Joseph played a big part in the nativity story, and
was obedient to God’s will. Did we think the letter
“J” was for “Jesus” ,or could it be
Christmas Storyteller
- We coloured in sheets with characters of the Christmas Story. We then
folded the sheet to make the story tellers. Tricky one this and
the younger you were the easier they managed!!! We talked about how we
could use this to share the story with others.
Our Christmas Family
- Each person was given a paper plate and a white crayon. They then
wrote their name in the middle of the plate. When the plate was
then painted green their name stood out through the paint.
When the plates were dry we arranged them to make our own family
Christmas tree on the wall of the hall. We talked about families,
and how they are all made up in different ways. Does Messy Church feel
like “family”?
Christmas Angels
- This is the edible craft! We took a marshmallow; added a
Malteser head, sticking it on with icing. Adding a white
chocolate button, made the halo and wings. These are very small, and
quickly made so easy to make three angels: one for the angel who
helped Joseph understand what he should do when he learned Mary was
going to have a baby, one for the angel who told him to take the family
to Egypt, and one for the angel who told him it was safe to go home
again to Nazareth. We talked about who we like to eat
Christmas dinner with, and what it must feel like to be in a strange
place at this special time…… the Holy family, refugees,
our own experiences.
Lolly Stick Stable
- After looking at pictures of the stable we made a
stable/nativity scene using the lolly sticks and other available
materials. We talked about the stable, and what we thought it was
like to have to stay there? to have a baby there? Are there
people today in this kind of situation (the homeless, the refugees etc)
– and how can we help them?
Pipe Cleaner Stars
- We used pipe cleaners to shape into a star, then talked
about the star that showed the way to Jesus in Bethlehem.
Our time of celebration in
the church was led by Margaret Webster and Rae Hunter. Margaret handed
out M&M sweets to all the children, one to eat and one to follow
her story. First we held the sweet to show the letter E, and talked
about what it meant. E is for East, the star telling the wise men where
the baby Jesus was born. Turning to the letter M for manger, where the
baby Jesus was born in the stable in Bethlehem. Turning to show the
number 3, is for three wise men following the star to Bethlehem to meet
the new born king, and saviour, Jesus. Finally turning once again
to show the letter W, for worship. We all worship the new son of God,
Jesus, through song and our actions.
watched, listened and sang along to the Graham Kendrick song 'This
Child' which was followed by another favourite 'Band of Angels' which
had lots of actions for the children to follow.

Helpers for Rae telling the Christmas story
Hunter told the Christmas story, with the help of some of the children
to act out the parts. A closing prayer before we headed back to the
church hall where Joan, Neil, Mo and Paul had been busy preparing a
grand Christmas meal which everyone enjoyed, while talking about what
we learned today at Messy Church.
This is the last Messy Church for this year, but there will be a Hope for Penicuik Family Carol Event on Friday 15th in the Town Hall. Everyone, young and old welcome.
A Happy Christmas to all Messy Church families - see you in the New Year.
For more information on Messy Church
Contact: Joan Cape 674276 capefamily@talktalk.net Katrina McDonald kmcd11@yahoo.co.uk
Published - 27 November 2017