Seeds waiting to geminate
 Choice of seeds
 Making our superhero agents of change Superhero agent
 Bolivian animal biscuits Kenya toilet snakes
 Water Race teams
Thank you blackboard
Tree of Love
| | Messy Church - 31 May 2015 |
The theme for June was 'Sharing', and
we used a variety of crafts and
activities around the hall and in the garden to explore how people in
other parts of the world survive on much less than we do and how God's
World Family wants us to share our good fortunes with those who
struggle every day.
in many of the developing countries unlike us here in the west often
have to spend much time searching for shelter food and clean water. Our crafts
used growing and making food and how difficult it can be to provide
clean drinking water.
Malawi Gardening:
reminded us of how important it is that we use the things god gives us
to grow food. David and Janis Hogg brought compost seeds and pots
so we could plant the seeds that will grow into food, cress, beans, and
sunflowers for oil to cook with.
Sierra Lone: Build a junk house. Thank
god for our homes and think what it would be like to live in a house
made of junk. Neil Cape helped the children to build a house of
cardboard, just like many homeless people around the world. It was more
tricky than they thought, and not very strong. Rain and windproof it
was not.
India: Agents of Change. Jesus came to be an 'agent of change'. We looked at how we could also be agents of change, what ever age we are.
Bolivia: animal biscuits. God
gave us our world and everything in it. We thought of th farmers and
the people who grow the cocoa beans so that they can earn a living and
that we all have enough to eat.
Kenya: toilet roll snakes. Aren't we lucky to have clean proper toilets, with no snakes in them. We had some scary looking snakes.
Water Race: This
tested how many people have to carry water for their families long
distances from the well. We setup two lanes in the garden for the
children to carry cupfuls of water from one end to the other. The
catch? The carry cups were full of holes! how quickly they ran made all
the difference in how much water reached the other side, without
spilling any on the way.
Afghanistan: Thank you for school.
Educated people can make a huge difference to the world we live in. Our
children are fortunate to receive a good schooling as they grow up,
something not every child in the world ever enjoys.
Colombia: a safe place to live. Drawing a house and thinking about what it means to have a home that is a good place to live.
Tree of Love: Thinking of why we should share things with others, and who do we need to share them with?
the craft time we headed over to the church where we the puppets told
us a story of sharing and how they did it, something that anyone
including us could do. We sang the popular children's song
'Make a Difference' with the girls leading the audience with the
actions. The puppets then returned to finish their story.
Hunter brought a big chocolate cake and used that to explain her story
of sharing, as she cut it into many pieces, giving a piece to each
person in the audience.
We finished off the afternoon
with a meal drawn from all parts of the globe. African rice,
with chickpeas, sweetcorn and diced chicken.

The final Messy Church taking us into the summer break is on Sunday June 28th.
For more information on Messy Church contact Katrina McDonald 07872 996906, or Lynne Turnbull 07812 648924.
Like 'Messy Church Penicuik' on Facebook and be kept up to date with everything that's happening.
 Thank you for our food and Samuel's animal biscuits
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