Susan Wong reads Isaiah
 Joyce Maclean reads from Luke
 Joan tells the story.
| | Christmas Day - 25 December 2021 |
Mungo’s Christmas morning welcomed people from across
Penicuik rejoicing in the birth of Jesus this day We also
rejoiced with others whom we knew were able this year to spend
time with friends and family, either at home or further away, wherever
they may be.
We remembered also those who were spending
Christmas alone, praying that they, whether joining in with a service
on radio or television, or occupying their time in some other way,
were able to capture something of the wonder of this day, of the
things of which our opening sequence reminded us. See and hear that now
An opening prayer was followed by our first praise, the well known 'O come all ye faithful'
The fifth candle on our advent wreath, the Christ candle, was lit as we declared
Leader: Our waiting is over.
All: Hope has arrived. Peace is with us. Love has come down. Joy is here. | Leader: Lord, we, your people waited and waited, and you did not disappoint. In grateful thanks we bring ourselves,
All: we bring you our worship. | After an opening prayer we sang the Christmas carol Unto us a child is born
Susan Wong read from Isaiah, with Joyce Maclean reading from Luke.
A video sketch, written by Paul Burbridge,
expresses some thoughts from the angels. The
video features the archangel Raphael (on the left) explaining
to a less experienced colleague some of the reasons behind the visit of
the Son of God to the Earth. With its gentle sense of wonder and
poignancy, as well as its humour, this popular five-minute sketch makes
the Christmas theme appropriate at any time of the year. Watch it now
A new Christmas hymn 'Holy Jesus'
followed by a talk from leader Joan Cape. She explored what Christmas
means to us in these unusual covid times, and how we have to simply get
on with it! Joan explained that it was not dissimilar for the
shepherds, then the Romans got into it too. The angels were singing the
praises of the newborn king arriving
In Joan's words "The
nativity story is just the beginning of what Jesus’ life would
enact and enable. We live in the long, long beam of light that Jesus
casts across the generations that have followed. Can we use this
Christmas time to polish ourselves, to repurpose ourselves, in order
that we can better reflect and cast on those around us that same light
for the sake of present and future generations? Can we be their hope,
reflecting the joy, love, peace and light of Christ?
May we celebrate this wonderful ancient story, but also bring it alive in our own hope filled lives and actions."
We said a prayer for others, and ourselves before singing our finishing Christmas carol 'Hark! the herald angels sing' .
closed the service with the Blessing 'God born among us, God woven into
us, God radiant beyond us, may we gladly take all the joy and hope you
offer and share it generously this Christmas Day and always. Amen
Published - 28 December 2021
Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish
Church (Church of
Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC00583 | |