Busy crafting
House on a rock House on the sand sinks
 sand houses
rock cake
Joan tells our story
Rae takes us in prayer
 Joan with finished church
| | Messy Church - 23 February 2020 |

Crafting tables
In Matthew 7:24-29, Jesus
said: 'Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be
like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and
the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did
not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who
hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish
man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods
came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and
great was the fall of it.'
When Jesus finished these sayings,
the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as
one who had authority, and not as their scribes.
Think about the way
sand shifts when you try to do anything with it. Can you imagine a
house standing strong on a foundation that is unsteady, like sand?
Without a strong foundation on God, our lives will be like this
unsteady house. Now picture a house built on a rock foundation. It
won't move and cannot be shifted or rearranged. A foundation where God
is our rock, where we rely completely on him and his word, is a house
built for life.
So how does he ask us to obey him? God calls us
to serve one another humbly in love. We cannot treat others with hate
and claim to be a true follower of Jesus. Serving only ourselves and
ignoring the needs of those around us is, undeniably, a house built on
sand. Hearing his words and obeying them means hearing the love he
wants us to have for each other.
Cocktail sticks and mallows were used to design and build a
house. Did it stand up? Did it look safe? Did we have to
change plans as we went along? Sometimes we need a bit of help or
advice with
things. Do we ask God for help?
ROCK OR ON THE SAND? We built a house on the sand (digestive biscuit) or
the rock (a bun). Where did we think it would be easier to make the house, on the flat biscuit (sand) or the rock (bun)?
YOUR HOUSE: Choosing a stone we "painted" a house on it. Some made a house
like their home, others a house like the man in the bible story had, others made an
imaginary house. Would we think to ask God for advice when building our own
house? .
LISTENING BOTTLES: Shaking the bottles
in turn we tried to guess what was in each one. What are the things which make it difficult to hear God's voice and
understand what he's saying?
 HOUSES ON THE SAND: Using lolly sticks and glue we made simple houses, then balanceed them on a pile of sand. At the end of the day
we'll see what happens when water is poured into the tray.
Joan Cape led the celbration time in the church, assisted by Rae Hunter.
recalled the activities we had completed earlier and watched a video of
the house on the rock, and the one on the sand. We knew what the result
would be but it was good to see, and Joan reminded us of what God wants
us to do.

The two groups form up
children formed into two groups, one building on the rock, the other on
the sand. THe group on the sand all fell down when the wind blew their
joined Joan and told us about solid foundations, how the church we were
in had stood for nearly 300 years because it was built on solid
foundations. Bu Rae reminded us that while the church building is
strong, the 'real' church are the people inside, whom God and Jesus
want us to be strong.
Joan found a drawing of our
church,and we all came up, dipped our thumb in coloured paint, and made
a heart shape in the church, representing the good people showing their
love of God. Soon the church was full of hearts.
prayer from Rae brought the celebration time to a close and w walked
back to the hall for a great meal of steak pie, potatoes and veg,
followed by pancake and jam, representing pancake Tuesday which is only
a couple of days away.
 Messy Church; learning about God and Jesus through story, craft and song.
The next Messy Church will be Sunday 29 March
Published - 24 February 2020
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