A Happy Face
 Binoculars to see afar

Painty Feet
 Lots of crafting
 BBQ Grill cooking well
 Eating in the sun
Paul Hayes serves fruit dessert.
| | Messy Church - 25 June 2017 |
Report and photos - Jim Paterson
months theme explored the parable of the Prodigal Son, who learned what
it is to be lonely and also what it is to be loved and forgiven. A
supporting range of crafts and activities, some as part of the
celebration time in church, made this a great way to celebrate God. We
finished off the afternoon with a barbecue in the church hall garden.
son in the parable made a choice: he took what was important and went
his own way, on a path that led him away from his father, a path full
of sin and discomfort. He ended up so hungry that he would have happily
eaten the food meant for the pigs.
What did he do? He decided to
go back to his father – not as one of his sons, but to be used as
a servant, as he had sinned against God and his father. When his father
saw him coming, he ran to welcome him – he wanted his son back,
no matter what he had done. God feels like this when we take our eyes
off him, when we get lost in our sinful nature and turn away from him.
Our craft activities included:
Sad/Happy faces
- using fly swats to create a face, thinking how the son might have
felt as he walked home, and what he was sorry for. How do we feel when
we know we have to say sorry?
Seen from Afar. Binoculars
- we made binoculars from two tubes taped together, decorated, with a
ribbon or string to hang them from. What can they see? We talked about
the father who was scanning the horizon for his son, hoping he would
come back, then about things or people we have watched out
for/looked for.
Welcome Gate
- used the sticks to make a gate, decorating and adding the word
“welcome” and maybe you name. We talked about the father
waiting at the gate for his son to return. The gate marks something the
son was afraid of (the place where he would have to ask for
forgiveness). But it also is the entrance to the father’s loving
Family Tree - We
drew members of our family on a separate piece of card and hung them on
the tree, while talking about our heavenly father who loves us and
watches out for us.
Painty Feet Picture
- the children painted one foot a happy colour, the other one a sad
colour on to a sheet of card. We talked about how some colours
look cheerful, others look sad. When have we felt happy/sad? When did
the people in the story feel happy/sad? When did they change?

Anderson welcomed us to the Celebration Time in the church. Andrew Don
led the story of the prodigal son, but with a twist. We had lots of
actions and movement as part of the story. We heard about the farmers
son's with everyone joining in for the eating, sleeping, and
party time actions in the church, finishing with the Fischy Music song 'Bring it all to Me'.
Soon it was time to return to
the BBQ where John Jacobs and Iain Anderson had been busy creating lots
of nice things to eat. Lots of stories to tell and fun to be had in the
garden under the sunshine.
Lookout for Messy Church fun day in the park at the end of August. Until then have a great summer holiday
Messy Church is an ideal for families with children. A fun way to learn about God and Jesus through stories, song and crafts.
For more information on Messy Church contact Joan Cape 674276
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