| Informal Congregational Meeting - 12 December 2021 |
Question and answer session – informal congregational meeting was
held after morning service on 12th December 2021 in St Mungo’s
church. The purpose was to take and answer questions arising from the
proposed Union of Penicuik South and Howgate church with Penicuik
St. Mungo's.
- Will the combined Churches of St Mungo’s and South be ministered to by John, and also Peter.....?
By John after the union; Peter will be involved until then
- Who will have the final say on the new name for the congregation?
Church of Scotland lays down the form of a congregation’s name,
consisting of the place (Penicuik), a name to distinguish it from
others in the town (St Mungo’s), and that it is part of the
Church of Scotland.
The process of uniting two congregations is for both Kirk Sessions to agree the wording of a Basis of Union document with Presbytery, which will include the name of the new congregation.
The whole Basis of Union
is finally voted on (by secret ballot) by all members and adherents of
each congregation separately. Normally this would be at a
congregational meeting, but at this time (when a meeting may not be
possible) we are allowed to use ballot papers sent to all members.
- What names have been suggested for the new congregation?
have had a lot of different names suggested – our Kirk Session
thought we should avoid names with ‘St Mungo’ or
‘South’, as we are forming a new congregation. In the
discussions so far we have come up with a ‘short-list’ of
names, which meet the Church of Scotland’s name format, and seem
to be acceptable by both Kirk Sessions.
These include: Penicuik United Church – or Penicuik United Community Church Penicuik: Christ Church – or Penicuik: Christ Kirk Penicuik: Trinity
We do need your feedback on these names – the new congregation will be your congregation.
- When
will all this happen?
The union has to be approved by Presbytery, which
means we have to have gone through the process of approving the Basis
of Union (by voting) in time for a Presbytery meeting, which in this
case would be 24th February or 28th April next year.
would be good to have everything completed by Easter, so we’d need to
aim for the Basis of Union to be agreed by Kirk Sessions and Presbytery
by the middle of February – so a lot of work required in January!
the process has already started – some members of Penicuik South &
Howgate have been worshipping with us for some weeks now. Penicuik
South church building will be closed for worship from the start of the
New Year, so we will be effectively worshipping as one congregation
here from then onwards.
- Who will be on the new Kirk Session?
all the current elders from both Kirk Sessions, but we would build in a
review period (probably 6 months) to allow us to find out a bit about
whose skills matched which jobs, and which would also allow an elder to
retire from the new Kirk Session if he/she wished. In this ‘review’
period the jobs (for example, Session Clerk) would be shared by the
current Session Clerks.
- What happens to all the money?
the money from both congregations would be merged into single bank
accounts, over which the new Kirk Session would have control. Our
Congregational Board would no longer exist (this is called moving to a
Unitary Constitution) and all the congregation’s business will be
conducted by the Kirk Session and its (new) committees (eg for Fabric
or Finance as appropriate).
These new committees will draw on the
expertise of members of the congregation, not just the elders. The
union also means that the new Kirk Session, in addition to its
responsibility for St Mungo’s church and hall, would have
responsibility for the maintenance of Howgate church and Penicuik South
church buildings, until they are sold or otherwise disposed of.
- Will I still have an elder?
St Mungo’s we were already discussing how best to keep in touch with
and care for all our members. Covid has got in the way of developing a
new scheme, but also showed us how people can be effectively kept in
contact by phone, as well as by regular emails and the newsletter.
Penicuik South & Howgate do much more of their pastoral care
through house groups. It’s likely that we will come up with a ‘hybrid’
system that keeps the best elements of an ‘elder’s district’ method and
also make use of our experiences over the past 2 years. When we did the
Questionnaire recently we said we’d provide every member with a
designated contact (an elder or pastoral visitor) and I’d hope that
that would still be possible.
- What time will the service be at?
time of the service is usually decided by the Kirk Session. We know
that a significant number of our congregation come by bus, so to some
extent we have tried to match Sunday morning times to the bus
timetables. Penicuik South & Howgate have usually met earlier –
this is something we’ll need to work out in the new Kirk Session
Click link opposite or either pictures at top of page to download a copy of the above.
Published - 13 December 2021 Penicuik:
St. Mungo's
Parish Church (Church of Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838 | | |