| Messy Christmas Church - 29 November |
Church celebrated Christmas slightly early but with the theme 'Jesus,
light of the world' on Sunday 29 November . Despite cold and heavy rain
showers a great turnout of children enjoyed a range of crafts and time
in the church before their Christmas dinner.

The hall was decorated with a super large nativity scene, and the crafts had a distinctly 'Christmas' theme. Where is Jesus? was to find the Nativity sets in the building, thinking about the unlikely places we find Jesus.
Share the Christmas message – We made a little gift box for someone, with a special gift inside, thinking about the most important Christmas message?
decorated silhouettes of the angel calling the shepherds to
follow the star to Bethlehem. Others made little baby Jesus out of
papier mȃché and wrapped in swaddling clothes made of
Scrabble collage: “Jesus is the centre”
– thinking about the people you’d like to be with this
Christmas and that you’d like to know about Jesus’ light.
Is Jesus in your house?
was making a picture and thinking what it would be like to have Jesus
in your home. Iced biscuits, Matchmakers to make houses, sweeties to
decorate “gardens” and a baby Jesus (Jelly Baby) in the
middle of the house.
The prayer activity
was to find Penicuik’s darkest places and think about how we
can be the light in those places. Placing candles to represent our
homes on a map.
Scrabble collage: “Jesus is the centre”
– was thinking about the people you’d like to be with this
Christmas and that you’d like to know about Jesus’ light.
Is Jesus in your house?
making a picture and thinking what it would be like to have Jesus in
your home. Iced biscuits, Matchmakers to make houses, sweeties to
decorate “gardens” and a baby Jesus (Jelly Baby) in the
middle of the house.
Jesus is the light: cards with a special message for someone you care about
Glory of God:
a calendar to help us share God’s glory. – rolling paint
covered marbles on sheets of cards to create some
“glorious” pictures, with a star in the middle.
The word made flesh: a fun activity to help understand the meaning of these words used in the bible about the birth of Jesus. Papier mȃché babies wrapped in lengths of bandage to represent the new born baby. Messy!! The children enjoyed 'having a go' at the many crafts and activities.
5.00pm we headed over to the church. Thankfully the stormy weather
had abated, though it was bitterly cold. We were greeted by the puppets, operated by Sophie, Sarah, Joanna, and Zornitca,
who gave us their rendition of that favourite from Monty Python 'Always
look on the bright side of life', to lighten our world. We then joined
with the puppets as they continued with 'Light of the world, You
stepped down into darkness' with that ever familiar chorus 'So here I
come to worship', with Graham McDonald providing the musical
accompaniment on the organ.
Hunter told us the story about Jesus being the light, using
familiar forms of light that we see, light bulbs, log fires burning,
candles, and the lighthouse. Some children also found how difficult it
is to see without light as they covered themselves in a dark blanket.
Not easy without a torch. We all thanked God for sending His son
into the world, to provide His light. We finished with a prayer before
heading back to the hall.
The Messy team had been busy preparing
the hall for our Christmas dinner, decorating the hall with coloured
lights, and setting out the tables. We all enjoyed a chicken meal with all the trimmings, followed by sticky toffee pudding, a personal favourite of many.
 Sheila Anderson closed the afternoon with us joining in the Grace, before wishing all the children a very Merry Christmas.
The first Messy Church of 2016 will be on Sunday 31st January.
Before then there will be the Hope4Penicuik Christmas Carols on Friday 11 December in the Town Hall.
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