The cake

Avis cutting the cake
| | Guild Christmas Party -
16 December 2013 |

Guild ladies line up for the party photo
16 December members of St Mungo's Guild held a combined 85th
anniversary party and Christmas party. After a two course supper
members took part in a quiz organised by Sheila Haig concerning flowers
which was won jointly by Jenny Ramage and Agnes Ovenstone.
Our anniversary cake was then cut by Avis Anderson, a long time member of the guild and a member of St Mungo's choir.
then celebrated the Christmas story with nine poems which explained how
the shepherds, the wise men and the stable boy who swept the stable for
the arrival of Mary and Joseph had felt on that special night. The
theme was entitled "Promised". | 
Quiz Time - eyes down | The poems were interspersed with carols.
great night was enjoyed by everyone and we all went home with a "goody"
bag containing a piece of the cake, an orange and a fun size chocolate
Checkout the Guild diary for 2014 HERE | |