Morning sunrise
 new life butterflies
 Easter story on the cross
 busy crafting
 Andrew tells the story of Easter
Zornitca and Joanna as the two Mary's find that Jesus has risen from the cross |
| | Messy Easter - 27 March 2016 |
A good turnout for the Easter Messy church, despite many families taking advantage of the holiday weekend.
The easter theme was ' the unbelievable truth'. The crafts covered the day of resurrection starting with making a painting of the Easter morning sunrise, while thinking of the two Mary's who came to find Jesus.
Tomb racing was an obstacle course to remind us of what the women found when they came to the tomb.
The Easter calendar
told us the story of the whole Holy Week, using the cross as an
'advent' style story book, with each day revealing a story, starting
with Palm Sunday, through to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.
Rolling Stones made us think what the tomb might have looked like, as wet tied for high scores rolling our 'tombstones'.
Scavenger Hunt
had us take a list and search for items hidden around the hall, and
work out what they had to do with the Easter story. Prizes for
getting all the items on the list.
As caterpillars have new life as butterflies, we made our new life butterflies thinking about the new life we can have in Jesus.
The women took lots of spices to the tomb. 'What's the smell'
was where we tried to tell what they were and what they had to do with
the Easter story. Some were strong, like pepper and curry, whilst
others like almond were a bit more tricky to identify.
The Rev
Andrew Don told us the Easter story during our time in church, with
Zornitca and Joanna acting out the story to the Jim Bailey song
'Colours of Salvation' which took us from the first sunrise gold,
black of fear, red for the cross, white for pristine light, making us
clean, green for growth, and blue for heaven. You can find the full
lyrics at jimbailey.bandcamp.com/track/colours-of-salvation-2 where you can also listen to Jim's version.

Sheila Anderson helps with the children's notes
children wrote post it notes with what they would like Jesus to forgive
in their lives. Sheila Anderson then closed our time in church with a
prayer before we returned to the hall.
There we were treated
to an 'all day breakfast' meal of sausages, bacon, eggs, and hash
browns, while we swapped stories and experiences.
Dates for your diary. The next Messy Church will be on. Sunday April 24 and May 29. The final Messy Church of the season will be June 26.
For more information on Messy Church
Contact: Joan Cape 674276 capefamily@talktalk.net Katrina McDonald kmcd11@yahoo.co.uk
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