Wooly hats keep heads warm

Blythswood packers team

blankets to keep warm
Teddy Mittens glove & puppet

Blythswood truck on its way

| | Hats Gloves and Scarves - 21 October 2018 |

The selection and colours of items on display
Mungo's congregation once again rallied to the call for warm clothing
for those in Eastern Europe that have little to keep them warm when
winter strikes hard. Sharpening their knitting needles we could almost
hear the clicking around Penicuik as woolly hats, gloves, scarves and
blankets were produced in abundance.
Co-ordinator Christine Jackson reported over 500 items on display at the service on Sunday 21 October. An amazing blaze of colours you
could not help but see as we entered the church. The display
was earlier this year as Blythswood Care, who use our knitting to make
up presents in their Shoebox appeal, have even more countries to send
to and are starting earlier to make sure they reach everyone for
Spotlight during the service focussed on the display. John
explained why, as Christians, we do this each year, following
our belief in Jesus who taught us to look after those who are weak and
poor. During the Spotlight we watched a video
prepared for us by Blythswood Care showing the places they go to in
this their 25th year of operation. From small beginnings in 1993
where 300 boxes were delivered to Romania, they expect to deliver
over the 2017 target of 115000 shoeboxes in 2018. What was really
striking was the list of countries to be visited this year, displayed
at the end of the video. In addition to Romania we saw Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine added to the list.

viewing the amazing selection on display
really hits home and makes you think. How in 2018 can our world be in
such a desperate situation. We should be thankful that, by the grace of
God, are able to help those in distress and poverty.
big thank you to all who contributed, be it knitting all year, or
buying something from the shops. They will all keep someone, adult or
child, warm this winter, at Christmas.. After the service the hats
gloves, scarves and cardigans and blankets were taken to Blythswood Care to be added
to their Shoebox gifts going this year to poor and underprivileged
children and adults in these East European states.
these gifts will not solve poverty, they are a simple but practical
gift at Christmas, from someone in a far off country who cares for
those less fortunate than themselves, enough to hold out the hand of
friendship and support.
huge thank you to all who contributed, be it melting
those knitting needles to make these scarves, gloves and hats, cardigans and blankets or
purchasing items to add to the collection. They are all welcomed by
those who receive the boxes.
Watch the Blythswood Care video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOpRPfrboVs
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