| Harvest Thanksgiving Service - 12th October |
Harvest Thanksgiving service held on Sunday 12th October saw the church
communion table and other tables at the front of the congregation
covered with produce, fresh and preserved. The church was open the
previous Saturday morning and welcomed a steady stream of members and
friends loaded with bags of produce to donate to the display in the
Hugh Davidson took the harvest service and during the service we joined
together saying, God of all faithfulness, whose bountiful love provides
your creatures, with fruits of the earth in their season; give us grace
to be thankful for your gifts, to use them wisely, and to share our
plenty with others; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
the service the perishable items were delivered to Bethany Trust in
Edinburgh who support families, young people, rough sleepers and people
recovering from addiction. Their lunchtime Care Van service provides
sandwiches, snacks and hot drinks to those who are rough sleeping or
housed in homeless B&B accommodation by the Council, regularly
serving between 40 and 60 people.
The non perishable items were donated to Penicuik Foodbank which supports needy families in our own community, here in Penicuik
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