Scary spider looking at you
 Cupcake Owl face - yummy
 David Hogg shows how its done
 Puppets explain the story  Prayer Tree
 Graham tells the story Farewell to Finlay, Josh and Freya |
| | Messy Church - 6 October 2013 |
Report and photos by Jim Paterson
Mungo's hall hosted over 80 plus children, mum's and dad's, for the
October Messy Church. The theme was 'Things that go bump in the night',
teaching that Jesus is with us always, even when things seem
scary. Lots of crafts, plus a trip into the church for the story
and songs, plus the puppet theatre, telling the story in a different way
crafts included some of the things that scare us. Spiders are a
favourite scary arachnid, and over 40000 varieties, plus the extra one
the children made from egg boxes painted black with black pipe cleaners
and googly eyes.
Shadows using shapes with hands and other animals and creatures
cut out and mounted on sticks. Great for creating a story in
silhouette. Night wax resistant pictures using crayons to draw a
night or dream scene and cover with watery dark paint. Great one
this for scary pictures and lots of wet paint.
Pumpkin masks
using a cut out template coloured and stuck on a stick!
A few scary moments there. As were the Mexican eyes made from
wool wound round sticks to make eyes.
Book marks
with a verse stuck onto card to remind us God is with us. Went
well with glow in the dark pictures, using glow in the dark paint on
black card.
A favoutite was the glittery spiders
webs, drizzling glue on to acetate and sprinkling coloured glitter
over it, to end up with a multicoloured sparkling spiders web.
of the best crafts is always something you can eat. The Owl cakes
resulted in many different faces with coloured eyes, and ears.
The prayer table and tree allowed children to create their own prayers and hang them on the branches.
After the crafts everyone moved over to the church and started with the song, '
Be Bold Be Strong' that all the children knew. The puppets
then acted out a song called 'You need not fear' by big
ministries. Graham McDonald then told a story of how our
great big God looks after us and we need not be frightened, which had
lots of joining in actions and participation from the audience. We
finished by all singing the 'need not fear' song.
returning for our meal we said farewell to triplets Finlay, Josh,
and Freya who with mum and dad are moving from Penicuik to England.
Graham presented the family with a gift from the Messy church team and
we all wished them well in their new home.

Time for the Messy Meal - lots to talk about today as well
time we got back to the hall the team had setup no fewer than 13
tables, that is every table in the church hall, to seat all the
families for a meal of chilli and rice, followed by apple crumble
and ice cream. Really yummy.
Look out for the next Messy Church on Sunday 10th November, when the theme will be 'The best ever home'.
For more information on Messy Church contact Katrina McDonald 07872 996906, or Lynne Turnbull 07812 648924.
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