Goodies Crate in the Church Vestibule
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Supporting our Troops - Gifts to send. |
Mungo's, through Padre Stephen MacCaulay who recently preached to
us, is supporting our troops in Afghanistan by gathering bags of
sweets, razors, and shower gel, so the young men can have a refreshing
shower and shave between patrols. Sweets are also very welcome, as
there are no corner shops to buy some!
is providing "Padre" cover to the garrison at Glencorse Barracks, as
Padre Stephen Macauley looks after the troops in Hellmand.
Padre Stephen Macaulay dleivers communion to the troops In
a recent email from Stephen he listed some of the items that our young
men really appreciate, as they are not readily available at the front
Sweets, razors, and shower gel may seem odd to us as
items of appreciation, but in Afghanistan it is either roasting hot or
freezing cold, and mostly dusty and dirty. The TV reports are always
showing the fighting troops out there crawling in the dust and taking cover in some
pretty dire spots. Being able to have a good clean-up on return to base
is something that is really appreciated.
crate is provided in the vestibule and you can add your donation for
shipping to Afghanistan at any time. The next shipment will reach the
troops early in the New Year.
Read about Stephens service to us in St. Mungo's [more]
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