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coin tower looking shaky

engineering skills working

decorated generosity jar

crafting in progress

two camels help the story

Zornitca and Joanna tell story

Jess with bucket of gifts

Rae shows us spoon puppet

Messy Church - 28 February 2016 

St. Mungo's hall was full of children of all ages joining a range of activities on the theme  "Two Tiny Coins", on Sunday 28th. There was even more activity over in the church at celebration time, before we sat together for our meal.

The craft time in the hall had a wide selection of activities to exercise hands, eyes and ingenuity.

Coin Towers took two small coins to the limit by trying make the tallest tower from a pile of two and one pence coins. Those who twigged early realised that starting with the larger 2 pence followed by one pence coins on top managed a higher tower.

Purses for pennies had sewing skills tested, while Beaded Jewellery provided great ideas for Mothers Day gifts. The Generosity Jars were decorated jam jars to hold coins to give to those less fortunate, just like the widow in the bible story did.

Bigger and bigger tested the eyes making a magnifying glass out water in the bottom of a glass. David Hogg who was showing the effect, astounded young minds when they found out the water provided a 2.5 times magnification. Made two small coins look much larger!

Optical Illusions, with a few well known favourites, like two faces or a vase, exercised not only our eyes but minds. What you see is not always the whole story as the widows offering bible story reminds us. Giving a small offering to help others, if it is all you have, was seen by Jesus of greater value than those offering a little of the great wealth they had elsewhere.

The Wooden-spoon puppets were created to look like the old widow, using wooden spoons all dressed up with faces. These would be seen later during the celebration in the church. Down the chute was an test of ingenuity, making a race track of the type many will remember from the mousetrap board game. It is surprising what happens when people let go, in this case a glass marble, but it could just as easily be a coin or two.

A favourite craft usually includes an 'eat what you make' item and the Chocolate coin cakes was this months task. With a selection of toppings and decorations this was all about making our own money and thinking about why money is special.

Also seen in the church later was a Prayer container where we were able to give God something, which did not have to be money.

The celebration in the church started with Sheila Anderson reflecting of what we had been doing and learning during our craft time. The puppets presentation was different this month with the children who had brought over their wooden spoon puppets joining in. They sang along to 'Amen siakudumisa' (translated - Amen, We Praise Your Name), a traditional South African prayer, making it a big performance.

The story was read by Zornitca and Joanna followed by
 Sophie McDonald who moved from being a lead puppeteer to leading our singing of  'O Give Thanks to the Lord' accompanied by father Graham McDonald on piano, and the other girls leading the actions for us to follow.

Rae Hunter then  talked of our gifts to God, and the children brought out their gifts and prayers on post it notes, to young Jess who had the bucket to hold the gifts in.  The celebration story closed with a prayer, after which we headed back to the hall where the craft tables had been rearranged and set up for our meal.

swapping stories over our meal
The meal is an important part of the afternoon, giving a chance for children and parents to swap stories with other families and get to know each other better, especially those trying Messy Church for the first time.
The next Messy Church will be on Sunday March 27th Easter Sunday 4.00 to 6.00pm where the theme will be Easter

Future dates for your diary include Sunday April 24th, May 29th,
and the BBQ on June 26th

For more information on Messy Church

Contact: Joan Cape 674276 capefamily@talktalk.net
              Katrina McDonald  kmcd11@yahoo.co.uk

Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish Church (Church of Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838