Palm Sunday
 Designs for the Donkey
Andrew Dunsire working with sticky tape to build the donkey The last supper
The Crucifixion crosses  Resurrection
| | What a Week - 29 March |
4 Penicuik put on a 'What a Week' event for primary scool aged and
younger children on the morning of Good Friday, 29 March.
children, along with mum's and dad's gathered in St. Mungo's church
hall to learn about the life of Jesus from Palm Sunday through to
resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Through crafts, stories and activities the children became involved in the journey of Jesus through the week.
with Palm Sunday, the children were involved in making a donkey,
representing the donkey that Jesus travelled to Jerusalem for his
triumphal entry. Our donkey was first of all designed, then
made from cardboard boxes, using the diagrams the children had drawn.
The donkey was skillfully built by the childen, with Andrew Dunsire
lending a helping hand with sticky tape and the like. Once created the
donkey was painted by yet more of the artistic children, and finally
given ears, eyes, a mane and tail..
Holy Week continued Jesus eventually sat with his disciples for the
Last Supper. Bakery was the next activity to involve the children as
flat bread (unleavened) and Jewish passover food. The children
were able to eat their baking treats when they were finished.
calls for Jesus to be crucified we moved to the crucifixion, and a
model of the garden of Gethsemane was decorated with flowers, and
depicted the three crosses on the hill of calvary and the tomb, with
the stone rolled closed.
The stone will of course be rolled
away on Easter Sunday morning as we find and praise that
Jesus has been resurrected.
children sat around the story tellers to hear the story and were told
that we are all disciples for Jesus to carry His word into the world.
This brought stamping of feet and great activity and excitement to our
different idea for the children on Good Friday from the Hope 4
Penicuik team, which was both educational and very interesting.
Messy Church returns on May 5th, in St. Mungo's church hall. Come along it is a great way to celebrate Jesus
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