| Nativity Play 'God with Us' - 17 December 2017 |

Our cast, narrators and story teller The
Nativity Story was the main feature of our service on Sunday 17th
December. John handed over the reins to Agnes Ovenstone who introduced
us to the
theme 'God with Us', by telling us about a boy called Daniel from Lima, in Peru, who was saved from a life on the
streets by his local church emphasising how God is always with us.
Jackson and Gordon MacDonald were the story narrators, with Margaret
Black acting as prompter. Eileen Marchant led our singing on piano and
started with Mary, played by Margaret Webster, entering on stage.
Nothing remarkable about Mary, from Nazareth, who was engaged to
Joseph, but to God she was very important. The angel, played by
Charlotte Sprott (Charlie) came to visit Mary and tell her of the
good news, and not to be afraid.
Mary was very confused, not yet married, a virgin, and to give birth to the son of God?
played by Bill Webster arrived to hear the good news. However the
Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, played by Rebeca Urquhart, ordered a census,
meaning Joseph had to return to his home town of Bethlehem, along with
Mary. So started the long journey with Mary on a donkey, played by Janis Hogg. We sang
our first song 'Little Donkey.
Arriving at Bethlehem thay found
nowhere to stay, the innkeeper pointing to the stable as the only place
left in town. So baby Jesus was born in a smelly straw covered stable.
The baby Jesus was laid in a manger, as we sang 'Away in a Manger'.
shepherds, played by Dorothy Paterson, Jenny Ramage and Helen McColl,
saw the angel, played by Ruby Sprott, telling them to head for
Bethlehem where a saviour had been born. The angel was joined by a
group of angels, played by Isabel Donnachie, Mary Paterson, and Elaine
Jacobs, known as the heavenly host. We sang 'Hark
the Herald Angels Sing'.
After some debate the sheperds set off
on their journey to Bethlehem. A few Baa, Baa sound effects occured at
this point, before they reached the stable to see the baby Jesus. We
sang 'Silent Night' .
The shepherds told everyone about the new born saviour, their lives changed forever. We sang 'O Come All Ye Faithul'.
Some time later three wise men, or Magi, played by John Jacobs, Neil and Joan Cape, could tell from the heavens
that something important was happening, so they followed the bright
star. But they made a mistake going straight to Herod's palace! But no
Jesus there. We sang 'We Three Kings'.
continued following the star until they reached the
stable offering the baby Jesus precious gifts of Gold, Frankincense and
Myrrh. That is why we give gifts at Christmas, particularly to poor and
needy people. They went home even wiser men, realising that precious
things are worth far more than money, and are not always found
The cast all returned to sing our final hymn 'Joy to the World'.
cast received a full round of applause from the congregation, with John
adding that 'Didn't they do well'.

The cast take their curtain call
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