Big Love
 Tree decorations
 Baby in manger cake
 The Star of Bethlehem
 Prayer tree in church
 Puppets singalong |
| | Christmas Messy Church - 24 November 2018 |
The Messy Church Christmas theme was 'God loved the world so much'
we were giving the space in the busyness of Christmas to stop and
consider the enormity of God sending his Son, because he loved the
whole world so much. His Son, who would live, heal, teach, welcome,
care, die, rise again, and return to heaven for each one of us. As we
reflect on this story, we pray that the depth, width and height of
God’s love would be known more deeply by each us.
Our activities included
LOVE - We wrote the letters L O V E, one on each board in large
bubble letters. to express how we felt about the love God showed at
Christmas by sending His Son Jesus to be with us.We talked about: why
sending Jesus is such a big expression of God’s love.
TREE DECORATIONS - Wrapping three rings with the tinsel, each one
a different colour, we then left a piece of thread at the start to
hang up the decoration. We talked about the three different colours of
decoration, and how they remind us of God’s love for us at
Christmas – red for his sacrifice, green for his gift of eternal
life, and gold for his kingship.
silhouette scene of Bethlehem by night. There were houses, inns,
stables, Mary and Joseph, kings, and shepherds,and of course baby
Jesus. We talked about the incredible event that took place in this
little town. What would you have seen, heard, experienced if you had
been there in that time, on that night?
We used wooden lollipop sticks. Using three halved
sticks we made a Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. The rest made the
stable, which we decorated, making the roof GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD
THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY SON. We talked about how God could fit into a
feeding trough in a stable. It took a whole lot of love, for the king
of the universe to become a tiny baby. Why did he do that?
- Making decorations for a Christmas tree fit for a king. How can
we remember the words of John 3, 16? 'For God loved the
world so much that he gave his only Son'. He gave his Son so that
who believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life. We were
left a challenge: every time we see a Christmas tree, can we
remember the verse (as well as enjoying the lights)
BABY IN THE MANGER - This is the one you can eat! We used icing and colouring to make a cake into a baby in a manger, frosting for
the hay, then a jelly baby for Jesus. A little blanket over the baby was made from a
little piece of royal icing. We talked about what
babies are like when they are just born. What can they do? What do they
need? The God of the universe became a baby who needed his nappy
changed because he loved the world so much. How can we thank him?
We headed over to the church where we heard the story of Christmas and
listened to the puppets do a version of version of Michael
Buble's "just haven't met (Him) yet." Children from the audience
came out to help the nativity play unfold. The children wrote prayers
on post it notes and brought them out to the Christmas tree and stuck
them to the brightly coloured baubles, while listening to 'Walk
with You'. We finished by singing together 'Down to Earth'.
magnificent Christmas dinner awaited us on our return to the hall.
Turkey and all the trimmings, with sticky toffee pudding or ice cream
and jelly to finish off.
A wonderful start to the Advent season, awaiting the birth of God's son Jesus.
Messy Church will return in the New Year.
Published - 27 November 2018
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