| Messy Church - 3 March |
The Messy
Church tried something a little bit different on Sunday 3rd
March. The now familiar format of messy crafts started the afternoon in St.
Mungo's church hall, but the families headed over to the church for the
song and story time and to hear the 'The Story of Esther'..
The messy crafts once again encouraged the children to be creative, and to get their fingers 'messy' at the same time.
Paper plate faces - Design and decorate a paper plate face. Think about what makes someone beautiful..
Banquet biscuits - Ice and Decorate a biscuit. Thinking about how Esther invited the King and Haman to a feast.
Pamper corner
- A real favourite with the girls. Come and feel pamperedin the pamper
gazebo. The girls got their nails painted and received a hand massage.
Build a Throne Room
- Andy Turnbull led the many helpers used their imagination to
design a Throne room fit for a King using cardboard boxes and shiny
things. When completed with a 'throne like' chair it was indeed fit for
a King, and lots of the boys tried sitting on the 'Throne' with a crown
on their head.
Send a card - Making a card to
someone that needs help or some encouragement. Sending a card shows
that you care, or are thinking / praying about them.
Musical Instruments
- Making and decorating a shaker to remind us of the Jewish festival of
Purim, that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people in the
ancient Persian Empire from destruction in the wake of a plot by Haman,
a story recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther.
Potato Stamps - Making a ink stamp, like the kings used as their seal of authority and approval.
Paper Cross - A paper cross was made, and names of people we should pray for this month written on it.
Obstacle Course
- A great excuse to get out into the garden and try your skills at
getting round the obstacle course, either on your own, or with friends
working as a team.
All the families headed over to the church
where they were welcomed by a picture show projected on the
walls of the crafts and fun that everyone had been involved with
McDonald started the song time with the singing of "Blessed be the
name of the Lord", complete with audience actions, and "Strength will
rise as we wait upon the Lord". While Graham played piano Sophie
McDonald led the singing, Holly Taylor played the Ukulele, Ben Fawcet on bass guitar, and Sam McDonald played the drums.
then told us 'The Story of Esther' which was illustrated with slides of
King Xerxes, Esther, Mordecai, parades and feasts. Lots of opportunities
for the children to 'boo' at the baddies and cheer the goodies in the
After the story time we walked back to the hall where the
helpers had setup the tables for a great meal of baked potatoes
and beans plus a sponge pudding and toffee sauce. .

Messy meal time
There is no Messy Church in April, but on Good Friday, 29 March, Hope
4 Penicuik are holding an event for primary aged children in the Church Hall , see below
| Date for the diary
- 29th March - Good Friday 'What a Week'
- St.
Mungo's church hall 10.00am to 12.00pm. Come along for some Easter fun.
Get involved in crafts, games and stories. Primary scool children are
welcome to come without an adult. younger children also welcome but
must be accompanied by an adult.
Next Messy Church is on Sunday 5th May 4 to 6pm in St. Mungo's Hall.
Messy Church is great time for families who would not normally come to church but do
want to learn about God and hear about the life and work of Jesus.
For more information on Messy Church contact Katrina McDonald 07872 996906, or Lynne Turnbull 07812 648924.
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