Sunday School presented the Nativity Play during the service on
Sunday 18th December. This year the story was told from the Angels
perspective. As one angel said "an angels work is never done".
The story opened with the lighting of the fourth advent candle to the first verses of hymn 282 "Christmas is Coming"
The angels told the congregation how God had decided to sendhis son to earth to help His people.
angels realised this would be a difficult job and set about making sure
that Mary, Joseph ,the Inn keeper, the shepherds and the Wise men knew
whattoexpect and where.
As the story unfolded the congregation joined in Hymn 316 "Love came down at Christmas",Hymn 804 "You shall go out with joy".
The children then led the Lord's Prayer.
angels told Mary and Joseph what was to happen and followed them as
they found room in the stable at the back of the Inn. With baby
Jesus wrapped warmly in the manger we saw the arrival of the Shepherds
and their sheep, and the three wise men who had been guided by the
bright star. They all headed for the stable where the wise men
offered their gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrhh.
The children each had a part to play, in some cases more than one part. The angels narrated the story as it unfolded.
conregation joined in the carol singing during the story, including;
Hymn 304 "O little town of Bethlehem", Hymn 315 "Once in royal David's
city", Hymn 296 "While humble shepherds watched their flocks", Hymn 374
"From heaven you came,helpless babe",.
As we reached the conclusion of the story the favourites "Hark the
herald angels sing" (Hymn 301), and "Little Donkey" were sung.
Ashortpoem preceded the finale to Hymn 324 "Angels from the realms of
Thanks toallthe childrenand the Sunday School teachers for
the many hours of preparation, and the many parents, grandparents,
aunts and uncles in the congregation who helped and supported the
children |

Mary and Joseph in barn with donkey

The wise men prepare for their journey

all gather rouund the manger

A king reads out the message of welcome

The finale

Angels lead the congregation