Margaret Webster thanks Hugh for his time with us.
 Hugh thanks us for the gifts.
 Agnes Ovenstone present gift to Hugh
Mary Paterson presents Lillian with flowers
 bouquet of flowers
| | Rev Hugh Davidson Farewell - 30 July 2017 |
Story and photos Jim Paterson

Grand turnout for farewell lunch to Hugh and Lillian
Sunday 30 July was the final service led by Rev Hugh Davidson, stepping down after almost 4 years as our Locum minister.
Session Clerk Margaret Webster led the celebration which followed
Hugh's service, with over 60 people from the Congregation joining us in
the church hall.
paid tribute to Hugh's dedication to our congregation over almost 4
years, thanking him for his thoughtful teaching with its wisdom and
gentle humour; his pastoral visits at home and in hospital were highly
valued, as were his services at Cowan Court and also his involvement
with PCWT. All of this and more carried out with grace, patience
and good humour.
The members and congregation had
collected over £750 which included a theatre voucher which
Agnes Ovenstone presented to Hugh. This allows himself and wife
Lillian to select which shows they would like to see. As one of
Hugh and Lillian's favourite pastimes, this gift offers them the
opportunity to see many shows locally and further afield.
and Ruby Sprott presented a gift on behalf of the Sunday School, while
Mary Paterson presented a bouquet of flowers to Lillian.
thanked us for the wonderful gifts and told us how much he had enjoyed
his time with us, making many friends along the way.
We then sat down to an excellent lunch prepared by the ladies of the church.
you think Hugh will slip quietly into retirement, you would be
completely wrong. He will be preaching in Edinburgh St. Giles during
August while the regular minister takes his summer break.

Gathering lines up for lunch after presentations
will also see Hugh on the 10th August at Rev John Urquhart induction
service, here in St. Mungo's. The work of God never stops and Hugh will
continue to play his part in that work.
will always be indebted to his leadership and guidance in our time of
need during our protracted vacancy. God Bless him and his family. A
finer man we could not have asked for.
Updated 2 August 2017 | |