Prayers pinned to the cross
 Prayer for Homeless People

I pray to sort Jamie eye
 The garden of flowers placed in front on the church
 Paintspray during making of messy cross
 Lots of crafts and imagination
 Bill Webster gets a bit glued to the table making matchstick crosses!
| | Messy Church - 27 March 2015 |
Report - Joan Cape
Messy Church on Sunday 29th March took the theme 'Easter Love'.
numbers were not high, the schools being on holiday, it was
however good to see some people who haven't been around for a
while. Lower numbers meant we could spend more time with the people who do
come and start building relationships rather than rushing madly just to
keep on top of things!
The craft time had plenty to inspire young imaginations while exploring the real meaning of Easter
"Treasure" hunt: Can you find the pieces to make the Easter story? On arrival children/families were given a sheet with numbers ....hidden round the room were numbered "jigsaw pieces" which, when collected and stuck on correctly told the Easter story.
Chocolate rocks. Making chocolate truffles to share at tea time, and thinking about the stone that rolled away from the tomb .. who moved it? The
truffles were made from scratch , led by Pat Duncan and Calum, and
greatly enjoyed by all participants! Involved shaping sticky mixture
into balls, using hands - so suitably messy!
Messy crosses Paint
was blow around and splattered with a straw to make a
coloured cross. Making a mess and thinking about how the cross is the
answer to all the mess in the world. Led by Margaret Webster and Jennifer, who agreed this was a really messy fun pastime.
Junk angels There were angels at Jesus' tomb - do you think they were scary? Lots
of small angels were made using various card tubes and pieces of lacey
fabric and paper doilies - these were also use to make angel cards, Led
by Beryl and Elaine Jacobs
Wooden cross or Easter tree Jesus died on the cross to show us how much God loves us; the easter egg reminds us that in Jesus we can have a new start. We hammered in some nails to remind us of what Jesus did for us, and put our names on the cross as the children thought
of how it feels to know Jesus loves you. If the children knew
somebody else who needed to know that Jesus loves them, they could add
their name too. Decorating an egg and hanging it on the tree, putting on names as with the cross, thinking of
the people we love and who need to hear about Jesus. Think also
of the new things that Easter means. Led by Sheila Anderson
Matchstick cross:
Bill Webster showed the children (and their parents!) how to glue
matchsticks to a "skeleton" printed on card to make a rather elaborate
cross, thereby making something special out of something very
ordinary, just like God does with us! Ours looked like the
ones on this link.
Planting up the Easter garden, which you can now see outside the church, with the big cross. Neil and Andrew Turnbull helped with this.
Decorating an invitation card
to give to a friend, to wish them "Happy Easter" and inviting them to
our special Messy Unfrozen party on April 26th. Irene Burnett led
this, helped by Fiona Don
Andrew Don led the celebration, in
the hall instead of the church, as the weather forecast was dreadful
and the numbers were more manageable than sometimes. This meant the
whole team could see what was happening, but I think the time in the
church was generally missed.
Then we had party tea - pizza
cooked in the new oven was a big hit (the old one was simply not big
enough to let us do pizza!) along with cheese, salad bits and little
sausages. Then we all shared in a big chocolate birthday cake (we had
three birthdays to celebrate, Max was 7 on Friday, one Mum (21 again!)
on Saturday, and Jessica who turned three on Sunday itself, and some
little Easter crispy cakes.
The May Messy Church Church is on Sunday April 26th, with the theme 'Messy Unfrozen' Bring a friend.
For more information on Messy Church contact Katrina McDonald 07872 996906, or Lynne Turnbull 07812 648924.
Like 'Messy Church Penicuik' on Facebook and be kept up to date with everything that's happening.
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