The singers get under way, with Graham on piano Brian takes time to read a poem
songs to entertain
Ladywood Singers
& Graham McDonald
The Ladywood singers, led by Graham McDonald formed
the main feature entertainment for the Guild
meeting on Monday 10th January 2011.
With an audience of some 35 to 40 people the singers provided a
selection of songs, including some "sing a long" favourites, and a poem
thrown in for good measure.
The programme covered
Scottish traditional music, songs from the musicals, and modern, well
Beatles, music. Graham
also played a few solos on the piano, to the delight of the audience.
the clip below to see a short selection from the show,
starting with Over the Sea to Skye, then Edelweiss, and Get by with a little help from my Friends.
Graham then plays a piano solo of A Nightingale
in sang in Berkeley Square. The video finishes
Do-Re-Me also from the Sound of Music.