| Messy Church - The Woman at the Well - 11 May |
Report and photos by Jim Paterson

Pasta goes down well at meal time and pudding with Katrina's 'secret' toffee sauce.
The May theme was the story of the woman at the well, when Jesus accepted
the woman for who she was knowing
all about her past and that this encounter with Jesus transformed the
were fewer in number this month, probably as we had changed to the
second Sunday of the month..
water and well being the theme our resident builder Andy Turnbull got
to work constructing a 'giant' well, helped by Andrew Dunsire and the children. To complete the well a bucket was found and
roped to the winch. We even put water in the bucket. Now that is what I
call faith in your work!
Meanwhile what do you put the water in?
Clay water jars of course. Great fun was had with squiggy clay making
jars, some with handles as well.
The Jelly bean conversations
had the children telling a story, depending on which colour they chose,
e.g. their favourite place, what makes them laugh etc.
creative children made the woman at the well from peg doll's,
painting a face and using a wide range of material for clothing, with
wool for hair.
Water bottle challenge took a small bottle of
water and decorated the outside. Once the contents have been drunk the
owner then fills the empty bottle with coins to help raise funds for
the Water Aid charity, providing clean water to 2.5 billion people in
the world who do not have access to adequate sanitation, one in three
of the world's population.
Origami water bombs were a great
success, with Neil Cape teaching the youngsters how to make a container
out of paper, fill it with water, and launch it on to the wall outside,
making a terrific splash.
Our edible 'well' cup cakes, hollowed
out and filled with cream, blue 'string' for water, red for a rope, and
a block of chocolate for the bucket, went down really well, if you
forgive the pun!
cube prayers was led by Ann Dunsire and proved a novel activity for the
prayer area. Taking an ice cube, a prayer to God was said after
dropping it into a basin of water, before the cube melted completely.
We headed for the church where Andrew Dunsire, Sam McDonald and Holly Taylor played guitars and Ukulele to the hymns The children followed the actions and really got into the 'spirit' of their time in church.
After a story from Fiona, assisted by some of the children, and a closing prayer, it was time to head back to the hall.
Cape had been busy 'slaving' over the stove cooking up a great meal of
pasta with a 'special' tomato sauce, washed down with lots of fresh
juice. The pudding this month was a sponge covered in toffee
sauce, made form Katrina McDonald's 'secret' recipe.
Messy Church continues to attract young and old alike to this fresh expression
of church that reflects the needs of our young families who wish to see
their children experience the word of God and the life of Jesus in an
exciting, attractive, interactive and enjoyable way. Who says
learning about God cannot be fun?
Messy Church returns on Sunday 1st June at Alderbank (just off Peebles Road) from 4.00 to 6.00pm. We will be outside playing lots of fun family games.
Bring along a picnic tea and we will provide some yummy home baking and a cuppa. The June Messy Church will be the last for the summer, returning in September.
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