clouds had gathered overhead by time the Messy Church started at 4.00pm,
with the rain falling, but did nothing to dampen the craft activities and celebration time in
the church. Iain Anderson carried on at the BBQ in the garden as the
rain eased, and we enjoyed a great selection of 'grills' for the meal.
anxiety, panic, fear and all sorts of things that weigh us down. Not
so the liberating assurance of new life in God’s Kingdom. So
is this Jesus’ teaching against worry, or is He deliberately
highlighting things people do worry about, and asking us to look again
at the things that preoccupy us and sometimes cause us to neglect
matters of equal or even greater importance.
A range of crafts followed the theme ' How to handle your worries'.
to prevent worries making us unproductive, unhelpful and
unwell. These verses in Matthew 6 show us the heavenly perspective.
Jesus states simply:” do not worry”. When faced with a
problem, our only solution is to focus on him, trust him and seek him
first before we do anything else. When we do that, our situation may
not radically change overnight, but we can be sure our perspective on
it will.
3D Paper Flowers
resulted in spectacular displays, made from three or four different
cupcake cases as flowers with pipe cleaner stems. We talked
about our favourite flower in the vase. What colour is it? How
does it smell? What do you like about it? Is there a reason God makes
flowers certain shapes and colours?
Newspaper Bridge
was a real construction exercise, using tape the newspaper to
make a bridge strong enough to hold many tins of food. What can
we do to make the bridge stronger? We talked about how we sometimes try
to carry too heavy a burden. One group strengthened their bridge with triangular sections, like Father, Son, and Holy Spirit strengthen us.
Bubble Worries
got us wet and sticky mixing bubble liquid in a paddling pool, using
different objects to experiment with ways to make bubbles. The
results were hilarious as we talked about how just as the bubbles fly
away, so can our worries when we give them to God.
Bird Cake
was another get your hands sticky and gloopy, filling a paper cup with
bird seed and then decorating the outside of the cup with stickers. A
string on the bottom of the cup finished off the feeder to hang on
a tree branch at home. We talked about how God feeds the birds?
What do they eat and where does it come from? What about us? Who feeds
Grass Head
looked a bit like a Mr potato head, but in fact was a length of ladies
old tights cut below the the knee and filled with grass seed mixed
with sawdust. At home, the children were to fill the plastic cup with
water and place the grass head on top of it so the fabric soaks up
the water and the grass will begin to grow. We talked about what is
needed to make plants grow, and how God provides those things?
Rice Cake Clock
had us spread cheese over top of rice cake, placing small
pieces of vegetable round the edge to make a clock face, and different longer vegetable pieces in the middle of the rice
cake to make clock hands. We thought about time, and what we would do
with an extra hour if we could have it? Are there things we could
do without, or do less of, or do more efficiently.
Cape led the Celebration Time in the church, talking about
handling our worries, while Sophie McDonald read a passage from the
Bible. Rae Hunter brought along a 'kit bag' full of
boxes containing all her 'worries' telling the children what they
all were. One box had worries of what to take on holiday, another with
worries of what the future may hold. We sang the song ' Do not
worry about anything' which tells us to pray and ask God for
everything we need. When we pray to always give thanks, and the peace
of God will keep our mind on Jesus.
Mealtime and a chance to swap experiences
Returning to the hall for the BBQ the rain had all but stopped. Iain Anderson and Neil Cape
had been busy outside barbecuing the burgers and sausages which we
served inside with a salad and a selection of toppings and dressings. A
dessert selection of cup cake sponges with chocolate or
vanilla cream followed.
Messy Church at St. Mungo's heads off on summer
holiday, returning on the 28th August for the start of the autumn
season. Everyone was wished a happy summer holiday before they left for
For information on Messy Church contact Joan Cape 674276 capefamily@talktalk.net
Barbecue time with Iain Anderson on the grill