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a favourite service and sermon from 2021 from this list of services
To hear one
of our previous services, click on the year 2020 2019 2018 2017 2021 | Topic and Theme | St. Mungo's Christmas Service in church & online - 26 December WELCOME
to St Mungo’s, for our Joint churches Christmas Carol service, in church and online at 11.00am
A wide selection of carols, new and old. Many favourites to join in, celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Rev John Urquhart led the service, supported by members of the congregation and other Penicuik churches taking parts.
Our final Sunday service of 2021.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Fourth Advent Service & Nativity Service in church & online - 19 December @11.00am WELCOME
to St Mungo’s, continuing the period of Advent. We have
celebrated Hope, Faith and Joy, and for the the fourth Sunday in advent
we celebrate 'Love'. This will also include our Nativity Service
Rev John Urquhart led the service, supported by members of the congregation taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Third Advent Service in church & online - 12 December WELCOME
to St Mungo’s, continuing the period of Advent. We have
celebrated Hope and Faith, and for the the third Sunday in advent
we celebrate 'Joy'.
Rev John Urquhart led the service, supported by members of the congregation taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 5 December WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Kirk in Penicuik Joint churches on line and in church Sunday service, starting at 11.00am
This KiP Joint Church of Scotland service, was led by the Rev Graham Astles Penicuik North Kirk (PNK), with members of PNK, Penicuik
South and Howgate (PSAH), and St. Mungo's (StM) supporting and taking parts.
Rev John Urquhart led the service in St. Mungo's church
This service will be the finale in our Holy Habits series.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's first Advent Service in church & online - 28 November WELCOME
to St Mungo’s, with Penicuik South & Howgate churches, for
our Sunday service in church and online. We enter the period of Advent, waiting for the coming King.
Our service also includes the celebration of holy communion
Rev John Urquhart led the service, with members of Penicuik
South and Howgate, and St. Mungo's supporting and taking parts of
this service.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 21 November WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line and in church Sunday service.
Theme ' Christ the King'
titles of "Christ" and "king" are not used together in the gospel, but
"Christ" is in itself a royal title i.e. "the anointed king".
the Greek text, Christ is explicitly identified as
king several times. In John 1:49, a follower addresses Jesus as
"the king of Israel"
Rev John Urquhart led the service, with Rev Peter Wood
preaching. Members of Penicuik South and Howgate, and St. Mungo's supported and took parts of this service. .
abridged copy of the service is available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Remembrance Service in church & online. 14 November.
to St Mungo’s. for
Remembrance Sunday service in church and online.
With members of Penicuik Royal British Legion, local organisations, and individuals.
Deputy Lord Leuitenant Rachel Oliphant will represent HM the Queen.
Rev John Urquhart led the service at St. Mungo's and online, with
the Rev Nick Bowry of St; James the Less leading at the war memorial
laying of wreaths. | 
abridged copy of the service is available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 7 November
to St Mungo’s. for
our Kirk in Penicuik Joint churches on line and in church Sunday service.
This weeks Holy Habits theme
'Making more disciples'
service was led online and in St. Mungo's church, by Rev Peter Wood, with members
of Penicuik South & Howgate, Penicuik North Kirk, and St. Mungo's taking parts. | 
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 31 October Starts 11.00am. Remember clocks go back 1 hour at 2.00am
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line and in church Sunday service.
We hear of the last appearance of Jesus related in the gospel as told by John Jesus
has risen from the dead and has appeared to his disciples in Jerusalem.
Now, he appears to them in Galilee, where his ministry began.
Our service will include the celebration of Holy Communion
you would
like to put aside some bread and wine (or
something which would represent them), please retain them until the
appropriate part of the service and consume them reverently and
If you would rather not participate, you
are equally
welcome to listen and enjoy spiritual communion with Christ and
‘feed on him in your heart by faith with
thanksgiving’. |  |
service will be led online and in church by Rev John Urquhart, with members of Penicuik
St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service is available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 24 October
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line and in church Sunday service.
children and vulnerable adults from harm and abuse in our church. The
service looks at what abuse can be, what is involved to keep our church
safe, how it is done, who does it, and how you can help, to
ensure your church is a safe place for everyone.
service will be led online and in church by Rev John Urquhart, with members of Penicuik
St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service is available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 17 October
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line and in church Sunday service.
service was led online and in church by Rev John Urquhart, with members of Penicuik
St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service is available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 10 October
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line and in church Sunday service.
Theme ' King Ishbosheth is assassinated'
We heard how Abner, a cousin of Saul’s and a powerful general in Saul’s army made
Ishbosheth, one of Saul’s remaining sons king, but there was no doubt
that Abner was the real power behind the throne.
Abner has died in Hebron and king Ishbosheth, has lost courage. We hear that two of Ishboheth's leaders Baanah and Rekab hatch a plan to assassinate him and take his head as a trophy to David.
Knowing how David received the news from the Amalekite’s role in the death
of King Saul, to win favour with him, how will Baanah and Rekab's news be received?.
service was led online and in church by Rev John Urquhart, with members of Penicuik
St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 3 October
to St Mungo’s. for
our Joint churches on line and in church Sunday service.
This is a time of change in the Church of Scotland nationally: a time to learn together how to be a more missional church: learning to live out our faith visibly and attractively beyond the bounds of church life and engaging with people with no church connection.
 That’s why we’re examining Holy Habits: learning from the early followers of Jesus how to be his disciples,
how to build Christian community, how to relate to a broken world, in
need of the good news of Jesus, and how to work for his Kingdom,
bringing his healing and peace to people. That sounds like a tall order, but we’re not left all by ourselves to do this: we have the promised Holy Spirit, who empowered all that Jesus did and all that the early church did in Jesus’ name, and we also have the support of each other.
Today we’re looking at ‘eating together’: how getting together round a meal or even a simple cup of coffee can create a space for God to work in people’s lives.
Let’s now worship God.
service will be led online and in church by Rev John Urquhart, with members of all three Penicuik
CofS, Penicuik South and Howgate, Penicuik North Kirk, & Penicuik
St. Mungo's taking parts. An
abridged copy of the service is available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 26 September
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line and in church Sunday service.
week we return to the story of David. He has handed down rough justice
to a resident alien, an Amalekite absorbed into Israel, who has
attempted to deceive him about the Amalekite’s role in the death
of King Saul, to win favour with him. David and his men mourn Saul and
Jonathan. David seeks God’s guidance, which leads him to settle
in Hebron and his band of followers go with him.
the people of Judah anoint him in a sign of acceptance of David as
their king. It’s of political significance, but it doesn’t
have the same sacred significance as Samuel’s anointing David at
the Lord’s command.
Abner, a cousin of Saul’s and a powerful general in Saul’s army
has appeared in the northern tribes of Israel. He makes a new king,
Ishbosheth, one of Saul’s remaining sons, but there is no doubt
that Abner is the real power behind the throne.
emerges from his powerbase beyond the River Jordan and confronts
David’s forces. These are led by David’s nephew, Joab.
Abner challenges Joab’s men to a battle of champions. The result
is an absolute stalemate, with all the men stabbing each other: a
symbolic picture of the futility of civil war. Fighting breaks out and,
after a fierce battle, David’s men defeat Abner’s men, with
a large number of Abner’s people killed.
Where will these tensions lead?
Our service will include the celebration of Holy Communion If
you would
like to put aside some bread and wine (or
something which would represent them), please retain them until the
appropriate part of the service and consume them reverently and
If you would rather not participate, you
are equally
welcome to listen and enjoy spiritual communion with Christ and
‘feed on him in your heart by faith with
service was led online and in church by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 19 September
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line and in church Sunday service.
This Sunday theme is
week we hear of the apostle Paul raising a collection from the churches
he has founded for the church in Jerusalem (2 Corinthians 8: 1-15).
needs to be diplomatic, not just because he’s talking about
money. Paul had a difficult relationship with the Christians in
Corinth. It’s a church he’s founded, he knows and he loves.
He’s trying to restore damaged relationships and get things back
on track. There’s one outstanding matter: completion of
‘the collection’, a charitable fund for the church in
He loves the idea of Gentile Christians helping
Jewish believers in Jesus. It not only provides much-needed support,
it’s a symbol of unity among those who believe -- and something
he’s been asked to do by the church leaders in Jerusalem.
service was led online and in church by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 12 Sep.
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line and in church Sunday service.
This Sunday theme is
“David hears of Saul's death” THE STORY SO FAR
story teller has related how King Saul has died by his own hand, to
avoid being captured and tortured, after being severely wounded in
battle against the Philistines. The king’s armour-bearer has
refused to kill him and then seeing that Saul is dead decides to fall
on his own sword. Three of his sons are also dead, and Israel has
suffered a massive defeat.
David in Ziklag, about eighty miles to the south, has not heard any news of this yet. St. Mungo's online and in church service was led by Rev John Urquhart.
An abridged copy of the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121. or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday KIP Joint Service in church & online - 5 Sep.
to St Mungo’s. Join
us for our Joint Church of Scotland Kirk in Penicuik (KIP)
service, continuing the series on “Holy Habits”.
This Sunday Holy Habits theme is
“Sharing Resources” The
service will be led online by Rev Graham Astles , Penicuik North
Kirk (PNK), supported by members of all three Churches of Scotland in
Penicuik, Penicuik South and Howgate, Penicuik North Kirk, and Penicuik
St. Mungo's. |  |
St. Mungo's in church service will be led by Rev John Urquhart.
An abridged copy of the service will be
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121. or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 29 August.
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
This weeks theme - "Death on the slopes of Gilboa", THE STORY SO FARWhile King Saul
has been desperately seeking supernatural guidance, and the Philistine armies
have moved into position to attack Israel, David and his men have been far to
the south engaged in pursuing the unknown raiding party that had taken away
their wives and children to be sold as slaves.
Unlike Saul,
David finds strength and guidance from the Lord, and eventually recovers all
that has been lost, through a providential encounter with an Egyptian slave
left behind to die by his Amalekite owner. They treat the slave with kindness
and with the information he provides are able to overtake the nomadic raiders
and defeat them.
Returning to
the remainder of his men, David settles a dispute about the spoils of war, that
marks him out as a future king and legislator for Israel.
Meanwhile, to
the north, Saul’s last battle has begun. Things are looking bleak, not only for
Saul, but for Israel.
Our service includes celebration of Holy Communion
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service will be available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 22 August.
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
This weeks theme - "Rescue Mission", THE STORY SO FAR
has escaped having to fight with the Philistines against his own
people, Israel. He and his men head back to Ziklag, only to discover it
a burnt-out shell, with their wives and families all gone. There is no
trace of the raiders, no indication of where they have taken their
loved ones. David and his company are distraught with weeping and talk
begins to go around the men, that David is to blame and should be
stoned to death.
At this lowest of low points, David finds
strength in the Lord his God, and consults God through Abiathar, the
priest who is with them, as to whether they should go after the raiders
and whether they’ll be able to catch them. The answer comes back
via the Ephod (part of the High Priestly dress robes) or via the Urim
and Thummim which are held inside it: “Go after them! Yes,
you’ll catch them! Yes, you’ll make the rescue!” The
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 15 August.
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
This weeks theme - "David's dilemma 2", THE STORY SO FAR
storyteller has fast-forwarded the story to the night before the
battle, where Saul is desperately seeking supernatural guidance. First,
he seeks it in the proper places, through the channels that God has
blessed in the past: the guidance of dreams and their right
interpretation; the holy objects hidden in the High Priest’s
dress robes which gave help in taking difficult decisions; and the
voices of the prophets bringing God’s word to the people. All are
now silent.
So, instead, Saul seeks an answer in forbidden
places by going to a medium, breaking his own laws, based in turn on
the Law of God. (Saul had previously banned all occult practitioners
from Israel.) He asks the woman to ‘bring up’ Samuel, who
is dead and buried. The woman ‘brings up’ Samuel.
It’s quite hard to discern what’s going on, not least
because the storyteller is reluctant to tell us much about this
forbidden activity. Samuel’s message to Saul is stark:
“The Lord has turned away from you…. God has done what he
told you through me: ripped the kingdom out of your hands and given it
to your neighbour, to David. It’s because you did not listen and
obey the Lord, refusing to carry out his seething judgment on Amalek,
that God does to you what he’s doing now. The Lord is turning
Israel, along with you, over to the Philistines. Tomorrow you and your
sons will be with me….”
Saul throws himself on the
ground in an agony of despair and goes out later into the night,
blindly accepting his fate. (It is important to understand that the
Bible does not teach fatalism: if Saul had genuinely sought the Lord in
repentance, then things might have been different.)
Having dealt
with Saul’s last night on earth, the storyteller again turns back
the ‘clock’ in the story. How will David deal with his own
dark day?
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 8 August.
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
This weeks theme - "Saul and the silence of God", THE STORY SO FAR
with his band of outlaws and their families, has apparently defected to
the Philistines and is performing an elaborate double-cross on Achish,
King of Gath, making him believe David and his men are fighting against
David’s own tribe, Judah, while actually destroying their common
The story breaks off with David placed in a dilemma.
He is threatened with the prospect of having to fight side by side with
the Philistines against Israel, right in the middle of the Philistine
army, as King Achish’s bodyguard.
The storyteller leaves
David there and fast-forwards to the night before the big battle, where
Saul, terror-stricken by the vast army of the Philistines that he will
have to meet very soon, is desperately seeking supernatural guidance.
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday KIP Joint Service in church & online - 1 Aug.
to St Mungo’s. Join
us for our Joint Church of Scotland Kirk in Penicuik (KIP)
service, continuing the series on “Holy Habits”.
This Sunday Holy Habits theme is
“Breaking Bread”
service was led online by Rev Peter Wood, Penicuik South and Howgate
church, supported by members of all three Churches of Scotland in
Penicuik, Penicuik South and Howgate, Penicuik North Kirk, and Penicuik
St. Mungo's.
|  |
St. Mungo's in church service will be led by Rev John Urquhart.
An abridged copy of
the service will be
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121. or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 25 July
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
This weeks theme - "Back to Philistia again", THE STORY SO FAR
has been preserved by the Lord from launching a murderous assault on
all the men and boys in Nabal’s household, through the
intervention of Abigail, Nabal’s wife. Nabal dies, and David
enters into negotiations to marry Abigail. She becomes David’s
third wife. His first wife, Saul’s daughter, Michal, has been
married off to someone else by order of the king, presumably to
distance David even further from the throne.
In another
incident, David again encounters Saul and refuses violence as a way of
becoming king. Before, in the cave at En-Gedi, David cut off a portion
of Saul’s royal robe and regretted doing so. Now, in the dead of
night, David and one of his men slip into the royal camp and deprive
Saul of his ever-present spear and life-giving water-bottle, symbols of
his role as commander of Israel’s armies.
Made wiser by
his experience with Nabal, David restrains the other man from killing
Saul, saying: “The Lord will strike him. Either his time will
come when he’ll die naturally, or he’ll go into battle and
be swept away.”
An exchange in the dark, between David and
Saul’s forces follows, in which David treats Saul with respect
and where Saul has an opportunity to regain his spear. Despite
Saul’s confessions of guilt and further promises not to harm him,
David doesn’t trust Saul’s integrity any more, and they
part company for the last time.
Our service will include
celebration of
Holy Communion.
you would
like to put aside some bread and wine (or
something which would represent them), please retain them until the
appropriate part of the service and consume them reverently and
If you would rather not participate, you
are equally
welcome to listen and enjoy spiritual communion with Christ and
‘feed on him in your heart by faith with
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 18 July
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
We welcomed the return of Rev John Urquhart to lead our service, .continuing the story of 1 Samuel THE STORY SO FAR
has spared King Saul’s life after encountering him in the cave where
David and his men are hiding. His conscience won’t let him take the
life of God’s anointed king.
Today, we meet another situation
where David’s conscience is not so sensitive: the case of Nabal and his
household. Nabal is a very rich man who owns a lot of livestock. He’s a
very unpleasant character, ungenerous in his ways and surly in his
He views David as ‘one more slave on the run from
his master’. He’s not going to share any of his provisions with him,
despite David’s apparent generosity to his shepherds.
David is
incensed and prepares his men to take bloody revenge. Step up an
anonymous servant who speaks to Abigail, Nabal’s wife, an intelligent
and resourceful woman.
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St.
Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 11 July
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
theme this week: 'A man of honour'' THE
Saul has followed his own ways and has rejected God’s ways.
has become an evil man and wishes to eliminate all rivals to his
throne, notably David. God has abandoned Saul and left him to his
murderous behaviour. King Saul pursues David, whom he wants to kill out
of jealousy for his popularity and prowess in battle. By now David is
described as an outlaw with a small band of loyal men, whom Saul is
doggedly trying to hunt down, with the intention of killing him.
this ordeal, one man has been true to David in friendship - Jonathan,
Saul’s son and heir. He helps David to escape the murderous
clutches of King Saul on several occasions, and the two make a pact,
where Jonathan will be true to David in friendship and support, and
David in turn promises to make Jonathan his second in command when he
becomes king after Saul. This agreement is based on a strong and
trusting relationship, as Jonathan is the rightful heir, who gives up
this position willingly.
We join the story this week
in the
desert of En Gedi, where David has retreated to hide. Saul had to break
off his pursuit of David to deal with a threat from the Philistines,
but has returned to continue his persecution of his perceived enemy,
David. | The
service was led online and in church by Fiona Devoy, a reader in the
Church of Scotland. Members
of St. Mungo's will also be taking parts. |  |
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service
in church & online - 4 July
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
theme this week: 'Love in action'' THE
Saul has followed his own ways and has rejected God’s ways.
has become an evil man and wishes to eliminate all rivals to his
throne, notably David. God has abandon Saul and left him to his
murderous behaviour.
David, the former shepherd boy
conqueror of Goliath, was recognised by many in King Saul’s
Kingdom as a potential king because David, now in his 20s,
has become a very able military leader and frequently defeated the
larger forces of the Philistines.
Kind Saul could
not cope with
David’s popularity and military prowess, and hence through
chapters we have been reading recently King Saul pursues David who he
wants to kill.
By now David is described as an
outlaw with a small band of loyal men.
chapters are difficult for us to follow because many of the cities and
leaders are unfamiliar to us and there are many of them to contend with.
of the places and events take place within a radius of 60 miles of
the end of the reading we are reminded of the qualities of a true God
fearing man - Jonathan - Saul’s son and heir - who
David and helps David to escape the murderous clutches of King Saul on
several occasions. | The
service was be led online and in church by Martin Pearce, a reader in
the Church of Scotland. Members
of St. Mungo's will also be taking parts. | 
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here | St.
Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 27 June
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
theme this week: 'The power of paranoia'' THE
again, David has fled for his life from the presence of King Saul,
whose paranoia and jealousy have reached murderous levels, even
extending to his own son, Jonathan.
David flees
for his life
with some of his men, and seeks help from Ahimelech the priest. He is
given food and weapons, but unknown to him, he is spotted by one of the
Saul’s servants, Doeg the Edomite. He moves on to Gath, where
seeks refuge from King Achish.
However, the King
is suspicious
of David, who avoids unwanted attention by behaving like a dribbling
fool. On the advice of Gad, the prophet, he eventually moves on to
Judah, to the forest of Hereth, where his brothers and a group of about
400 disaffected individuals gather around him, and that is where we
join him in today’s reading.
service was led by Fiona Devoy, a reader in the Church of Scotland. Members
of St. Mungo's will also be taking parts. |  | An
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here | St.
Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 20 June
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
theme this week: 'David a refugee among the Philistines'' THE
| David
has escaped several times from the jealous anger of King Saul, who has
been trying to kill him. Two of Saul’s adult children,
and Michal, intervene to protect David, and then David’s
is finally revealed to be the Spirit of God. Last week, we left King
Saul helpless and unable to move, with his royal robes cast off and
prophesying under the influence of the Spirit of God near Ramah.
who had earlier secured a solemn promise from his father that Saul
wouldn’t try to put David to death, has difficulty believing
Saul has reneged on the promise. David swears to him that
true and so Jonathan launches a plan of deception to test his
father’s feelings towards David and to let David know about
it in
secret afterwards. Jonathan before he goes back to
court, blesses David with these poignant words: “May the Lord
with you, as he was with my father.” He asks that David, when
Lord has defeated all his enemies, will show kindness to him, if
he’s still alive, and to his family, if he’s not.
David’s seat is still empty two days into the
monthly celebration, Saul quizzes Jonathan about David’s
whereabouts. He is furious with Jonathan’s attempt to deceive
him, and after cursing him roundly before the whole court, shouts at
him: “As long as Jesse’s son lives,
you’ll never be
king or have a kingdom. Now send for him and bring him to me. For
he’s as good as dead!”
persists in
defending David, so Saul, who always has a spear close by him, throws
it at his son, intending to kill him, but misses again. Jonathan leaves
the table in an angry mood, and the next day secretly conveys the
message to David that he is in danger from the king. David flees Gibeah
service also included the celebration of Holy Communion
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here | St.
Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 13 June
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
theme this week: 'Saul's jealousy turns murderous'' THE
Saul has grown more envious of David’s success and more
that he will one day take over the throne. So he takes steps to
eliminate David. At first, no-one, including David, suspects anything,
because the king is well known at court for his changing moods and
disturbed episodes. David has to dodge a spear from Saul, but the first
time it happens, |  | it’s probably put down to the
illness: ‘he doesn’t really mean it,’ the
might have said.
Next, Saul hopes the Philistines will
get rid
of David for him, so he promotes him to oversee an active unit of
soldiers. However, this only ensures more successes for David and the
devotion and loyalty of the people to this outstanding officer.
had earlier promised his daughter’s hand in marriage to the
who would defeat the Philistine champion, Goliath. He says
marry his elder daughter to David, but later changes his mind and
marries her to someone else. Saul thinks he will have another go at
lulling David into a false sense of security. So he enters into
negotiations through his courtiers with David to marry his younger
daughter, Michal, who is said to love David—as does nearly
everyone else, apart from Saul.
To marry a
daughter would normally involve the prospective bridegroom paying a
very large amount to her father for the honour—and as
in case the husband should die or desert her. David comes from a
relatively poor family, so Saul asks instead for a gruesome
bride-price, that will involve David mutilating the bodies of the
Philistines that he and his men have killed in battle and bringing back
grisly trophies. David agrees to this and, instead of dying at the
hands of the Philistines, as Saul hopes, he brings back double the
total that the king demands and marries Michal.
begins to
realise that he’s not just fighting David, but actively
the Lord, but he persists and becomes a lifelong enemy to David.
Saul’s adult children, Jonathan and Michal, will have to
between family loyalty and their loyalty to David. The
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in audio
service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here
| St.
Mungo's Sunday KIP Joint Service in church & online - 6 June
to St Mungo’s. Join
us for our Joint Church of Scotland Kirk in Penicuik (KIP)
service, continuing the series on “Holy Habits”.
This Sunday Holy Habits theme is
“Signs and Wonders”
the events described in our reading, Peter and John have brought
healing to a poor man, lame since birth, who sat begging outside the
temple. Peter says to him, “I don’t have any silver
gold! But I’ll give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus
Messiah from Nazareth, get up and start walking.” Peter
takes him by the hand and helps him up. The man’s feet and
become strong, and he jumps up and starts walking, jumping and praising
God. Peter uses the opportunity to speak to the astonished people in
the temple precincts about Jesus, saying: “Faith in Jesus
this man completely well while everyone was watching.” The
authorities arrest Peter and John and the next day examine them at a
meeting of the religious leaders of the nation. In
the reading we hear this ‘good deed’ referred to as
‘a sign’, effectively pointing to something outside
itself-- to the presence and power of God through Jesus. Later in the
reading, we’ll hear those first followers of Jesus praying to
God: “Stretch out your hand to bring healing and enable signs
wonders to be performed through the name of Jesus, your holy
servant.” Signs and wonders are both ways of referring to
what we
in the West have learned to call miracles, sometimes dismissively.
sign appeals to our understanding; a wonder evokes a more emotional
response, appealing to our imagination and sense of worship. See if you
can spot these words in our reading. The
service in St. Mungo's was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members
of St. Mungo's, Penicuik North Kirk (PNK), and Penicuik South and
Howgate (PSAH) taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in audio
service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here | St.
Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 30 May WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
theme this week: 'David, Saul and Jonathan friendship and jealousy'
David, through faith
in God, doesn’t just see
the contest between Philistia and Israel as a battle between a
superior force and the ill-equipped Israelite arm.
He also sees that
Goliath, the Philistine champion,
is defying and insulting, not just Israel, but the armies of the Living
God. David
by faith sees a larger picture than King Saul does or anyone else on
the field that
So God uses David, through his faith, to defeat
the Philistine warrior,
with a powerful but unexpected weapon that he has used many times
before, as a shepherd
looking after his father’s sheep. He defeats Goliath with a
sling and without a
sword. Such actions cannot fail to attract attention and devotion, at
first from
King Saul, then from the crown prince Jonathan, and gradually from all
Israel…. Our service will include
celebration of
Holy Communion.
you would
like to put aside some bread and wine (or
something which would represent them), please retain them until the
appropriate part of the service and consume them reverently and
If you would rather not participate, you
are equally
welcome to listen and enjoy spiritual communion with Christ and
‘feed on him in your heart by faith with
thanksgiving’. The
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in audio
service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service
in church & online - 23 May
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. The
theme this week: 'Climate Change, the Church and the Christian'
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in audio
service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here | St.
Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 16 May
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. The
theme this week: 'David, God and the Defiant Giant'
has secretly anointed the young David, who is looking after the sheep,
as the future king of Israel. The anointing, or the pouring of olive
oil on the head, pictures God’s gift of the Spirit, setting
people apart for their work and empowering them to do it. The Spirit of
God rushes powerfully on David, whereas the Spirit is said to have
turned away from Saul, who’s still defiantly unrepentant and
The next chapter deals with
David’s encounter
with the Philistine champion, Goliath. Sometimes, instead of two armies
fighting each other at great cost in life and limb, each side would
choose a champion to fight for them to decide the whole outcome of the
The trouble is, in this instance, the
champion is a great hulking figure, who is said to be well over nine
feet tall in the standard Hebrew text, and six and a half feet tall in
the ancient Greek translation and in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
also equipped with state-of-the-art weapons and armour. King Saul and
the poorly equipped Israelite army have lost courage and are very
A stalemate ensues, with the two armies
encamped on
either side of a ravine, and with Goliath’s taunts, morning
evening, only lessening the Israelites’ morale.
tense situation, comes David, sent by his father to bring supplies to
the army and to his brothers. And it turns out David has a different
perspective on things….
The service was
led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in audio
service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service
in church & online - 9 May
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. The
theme this week: 'A
new start, promised and delayed'
and Samuel have finally fallen out completely. Saul has again not
fulfilled what he agreed to when becoming king: he has, in effect,
broken Israel’s fledgling constitution by not listening to
word of the Lord through the prophet Samuel. This time it’s
the long-established practice of how to conduct war with the
What’s more, Saul, first
tries to say how he
has obeyed the Lord’s command, when, evidently, he has bowed
pressure and has not fully complied. Then, when Samuel challenges him,
instead of having a sincere change of heart, he hurriedly and shallowly
confesses his sin. From Samuel’s reaction, we may assume this
Saul’s desperate attempt to keep Samuel ‘on
side’, to
‘keep up appearances’ before the people. Like many
he attempts to engage in a cover-up rather than remain fully
As Samuel is leaving, Saul makes a
attempt to grab at the corner of Samuel’s robe and keep him
there. The robe tears and Samuel tells him: ‘The Lord has
the kingdom of Israel away from you today, and he has given it to your
neighbour who is better than you.’
has been
rejected as king, but God, who is rich in mercy, still gives him time
to repent. Will Saul use the opportunity to turn again to the Lord? The
service will be led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in audio
service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here | Joint
Penicuik Church of Scotland Sunday Service - 2 May WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. Join
us for our Joint Church of Scotland Kirk in Penicuik (KIP) service,
continuing the series on “Holy Habits”.

| St.
Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 25 April WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. The
theme this week: 'Saul
disobeys again'
service will include celebration of
Holy Communion.
If you would
like to put aside some bread and wine (or
something which would represent them), please retain them until the
appropriate part of the service and consume them reverently and
If you would rather not participate, you
are equally
welcome to listen and enjoy spiritual communion with Christ and
‘feed on him in your heart by faith with
and Samuel have had their first major clash. Saul had been instructed
to wait for Samuel to arrive. Nearing the deadline and feeling under
pressure from the Philistine army and from his own frightened troops,
Saul offers the sacrifice without waiting for Samuel, who arrives just
as Saul finishes making the offering.
Because Saul
disobeyed, Samuel says that he won’t be able to found a
His kingship will end with him: ‘the Lord has sought out a
after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you
have not kept the Lord’s command.’
chapter 14,
there’s an account of the ensuing battle, in which prince
Jonathan is shown to be a leader in the making, whereas his father
makes poor decisions. Saul binds the army with a foolish vow to fast
before a major engagement. This plays out badly for the army, for the
battle and for Jonathan, who barely escapes with his life.
chapter ends with a seemingly positive assessment of Saul.
Saul became king over Israel, he fought against all his enemies on
every side… Everywhere he turned he was victorious. He acted
valiantly, defeated Amalek, and delivered Israel from those who had
been plundering them.’ However, one recurring thing will
his undoing.
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in audio
service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here | St.
Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online - 18 April WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. The
theme this week: 'Saul
the solemn ceremony to make Saul king, Samuel has accused the people of
trying to ignore the Lord in seeking a king for themselves. He asks God
to send thunder and rain that very day, during the wheat harvest. This
is a demonstration of divine power, in what is normally the dry season,
that will underline his legal case against the people.
people experience great fear and ask Samuel to pray for them, which
Samuel says he will do, and that he will also teach them ‘the
good and right way’. His parting shot is an encouragement but
also a warning: ‘Above all, fear the Lord and worship him
faithfully with all your heart; consider the great things he has done
for you. However, if you continue to do what is evil, both you and your
king will be swept away.’
King Saul is now
responsible for
the civil and military aspects of the kingdom, but Samuel still has a
role to play as God’s prophet, explaining what God wants both
king and people to do. Will Saul respect that God-given role or will he
assert his authority as king over the authority of Samuel and of God? The
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service
in church & online - 11 April WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. The
theme this week: 'Samuel's
farewell speech'
has proved himself in the eyes of Israel by forming an army and
defending the people from the hostile and cruel actions of Nahash, king
of Ammon. Saul shows he is aware that God is able to rescue and save:
he gives the Lord the credit for the victory and doesn’t take
for himself.
then calls the people together at Gilgal, and, in a solemn ceremony
before the Lord, makes Saul king. (Later, we begin to see a royal court
form around Saul.)
Samuel now makes what is often
called his
‘farewell speech’: Samuel isn’t taking
his leave of
the people – he’s going to be around for quite a
longer; however, he’s recognising a formal change in the
leadership of Israel. He’s leaving aside the role of a judge
rules the people to concentrate now on being a priest and a prophet who
seeks to guide them and pray for them.
besides this, Samuel is levelling a serious, prophetic accusation from
the Lord. The
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or
listen here
| Easter Sunday Service - 4
April In church & Online Welcome
to St. Mungo's this Easter Sunday to in church or online
Sunday 4 April at 11.00am. Part of the From the
Heart of
Penicuik to the Heart of Easter series. Today's theme The Heart of the
Matter: 'Jesus,
our Risen Saviour'
abridged copy of the service was supported by our dial in audio
service, no internet connection required on 01968 700121 or listen
| Good
Friday Service - 2 April online at 7.30pm 'Broken hearted'

Welcome to St. Mungo's
on Good Friday 2 April for our evening Easter Week service, part of the
From the Heart
of Penicuik to the Heart of Easter series, see programme detail in article below. The evening follows the theme 'Broken hearted'
abridged copy of the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| Holy Tuesday Service 30 March online
at 7.30pm 'Heart felt'

to St. Mungo's on Holy Tuesday 30 March for our evening Easter Week
service, part of the From the Heart of Penicuik to the Heart of
Easter series, see programme detail in article below. The evening follows the theme 'Heart felt'
short service is part of the Easter Week programme of services and
abridged copy of the service will be
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121
| St.
Mungo's Palm Sunday Service in church & online - 28 March

to St Mungo’s. for
our Palm Sunday service,
online and in church
start of Holy Week is celebrated with Christ's triumphant entry to
Our theme this Sunday: Look, your King is coming
service included celebration of
Holy Communion. If you would
like to put aside some bread and wine (or
something which would represent them), please retain them until the
appropriate part of the service and consume them reverently and
If you would rather not participate, you
are equally
welcome to listen and enjoy spiritual communion with Christ and
‘feed on him in your heart by faith with
Rev John Urquhart led our worship supported by members of the
abridged copy of the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121.
or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service
online - 21 March

to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. The
theme this week: 'Saul
and the threat from Nahash'
Lord has pointed out Saul to the prophet Samuel, as the chosen king.
Samuel secretly anoints Saul as future ruler of Israel and
spirit equips him for the task. Saul is then publicly selected by lot,
which though a strange way to us, made sense to ancient Israel as a
method of confirming God’s choice.
fact, the people must rely on the Lord again to show them not only who,
but where the candidate is, because Saul has disappeared at some point
in the process. He’s taken out from where he has been hiding
acclaimed king-- though not by all the people. Some wicked people say:
‘How can this guy save us?’ (Actually,
it’s the Lord
who will save them, but God will use Saul to do it.)
has yet to prove himself worthy of his title by defending the
Israelites in war. That was what the people hoped for, when they first
demanded a king. They said: ‘Our king will judge for us and
with us and fight our battles.’
comes, not, as we’ve been led to expect, from the west and
lords of the five cities of the Philistines, but from the east and from
another king, Nahash of Ammon.
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121 or listen
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service
online - 14 March

to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
theme this week: 'Saul
- finding the chosen one'
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
| Joint Church of Scotland Sunday
Service - 7 March 2021

to St Mungo’s. Join
us for our Joint Church of Scotland Kirk in Penicuik (KIP) service,
continuing the series on “Holy Habits”.
service was led by Rev Peter Wood, Penicuik South and Howgate
church, supported by members of all three Churches of Scotland in
Penicuik, Penicuik South and Howgate, Penicuik North Kirk, and Penicuik
St. Mungo's.
This Sunday Holy Habits
theme was “Prayer”
An abridged copy of
the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121. or
listen here
| World
Day of Prayer - Friday 5 March
St. Mungo's hosted
this year's World Day of Prayer service, online due to the ongoing
covid restrictions.
2021 World Day of Prayer is prepared by Christian women of the Republic
of Vanuatu, a small country in the South Pacific Ocean.
service included stories, readings, prayers and praise,
presented by members of the churches across Penicuik.
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service
online - 28 February @ 11.00am

to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. Our service included
celebration of
Holy Communion.
If you would
like to put aside some bread and wine (or
something which would represent them), please retain them until the
appropriate part of the service and consume them reverently and
If you would rather not participate, you
are equally
welcome to listen and enjoy spiritual communion with Christ and
‘feed on him in your heart by faith with
elders of Israel have come to Samuel requesting a king to be like other
nations. Samuel is not pleased: because they’re intending to
replace him and his corrupt sons and because he thinks it’s a
wrong move anyway. He takes it to the Lord in prayer.
tells him to listen to the people, but also tells him that they are
rejecting God’s leadership, not Samuel’s.
always done this, ever since they left Egypt. Samuel is to listen to
them but to warn them what life under the king will become.
warns the people that the king will take the best of what they have and
break up family relationships in doing so. They will end up as slaves
all over again and cry out to be rescued, but this time the Lord
won’t listen to them.
Though Samuel
listens to the
people, the people won’t listen to Samuel. They still want a
king. So Samuel goes back to the Lord in prayer. God tells him again to
listen to the people and give them a king. So Samuel dismisses them,
presumably to pray some more, and get a clear picture of how he should
theme this week: 'Saul a
king who started well'
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our
dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121
or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service
online - 21 February

to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. Join
us for our Sunday worship at St. Mungo's online.
ark of the covenant has now been returned to Israel and left in the
care of a hillside town between Judah and Benjamin, where it will
remain for about sixty years, till David moves it into his new capital.
Twenty years into this time, the people are yearning for God, who, they
think, has abandoned them.
Samuel tells the
people, if they
really want to turn back to the Lord, to get rid of their idols
and turn to the Lord with all their heart, determined to
the Lord only. This they do at Mitzpah, by fasting to show their
sorrow, confessing that they have been unfaithful to the Lord.
Philistine rulers, hearing of a large gathering of Israelites, think
they are mustering for war, mobilize their own forces. The Israelites
are fearful, they aren’t prepared for battle. Samuel
sacrifices a
lamb and pleads with the Lord and his prayer is answered. Israel gains
a decisive victory. Samuel is established as Israel’s judge
governor and Israel’s faith in the Lord is restored. But how
will their faith in the Lord last?
theme this week: 'We
want a King'
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our
dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121
or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service
online - 14 February
to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
Story so Far The
ark of the covenant has been captured by the Philistines, and
Eli’s sons, as priestly guardians of the ark, have been
killed in
the battle. Eli, who seems to have long given up hope for his
sons’ repentance, on hearing of the loss of the ark falls
backward and is killed. What will happen to the ark now it is in
theme this week: 'Raiders
of the Lost Ark'
service was led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of St. Mungo's
taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121
or listen here | Joint Penicuik Church of Scotland
Sunday Service - 7 February

to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
us for our Sunday worship at St. Mungo's online at 11.00am.
Mungo's hosted the Kirk in Penicuik (KiP),
Penicuik's joint Church of Scotland churches service.
We welcome
members from Penicuik North Kirk (PNK) and Penicuik South and Howgate
(PSAH) churches to worship God together.
theme continued the Holy Habits programme, this week: 'Bible
service will be led by Rev John Urquhart, with members of all three
churches taking part.
abridged copy of the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121
listen here
| St.
Mungo's Sunday Service online - 31
January @ 11.00am

to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. Our service will include celebration of
Holy Communion. If you would
like to put aside some bread and wine (or
something which would represent them), please retain them until the
appropriate part of the service and consume them reverently and
If you would rather not participate, you
are equally
welcome to listen and enjoy spiritual communion with Christ and
‘feed on him in your heart by faith with
continue the story of Samuel, who has now grown up and established as a
prophet of the Lord. He reveals the word of the Lord to all Israel. The
trouble is that the elders of Israel don’t appear to be
listening. Years of corruption at the top and widespread lawlessness in
society have taken their toll. God, through Samuel, has said that the
house of Eli must fall.
Rev John Urquhart led our worship
abridged copy of the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121.
or listen here
| St.
Mungo's Sunday Service online - 24 January @ 11.00am

to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service.
continue the story of Samuel, after Hannah had made the unusual choice
of bringing her son Samuel at the age of four or five and leaving him
in the care of Eli the priest in the house of the Lord at Shiloh.
Rev John Urquhart led our worship
abridged copy of the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121.
or listen here | St.
Mungo's Sunday Service online - 17 January 2021

to St Mungo’s. for
our on line Sunday service. We
welcomed back the Rev John Urquhart who led our
service An abridged
copy of the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121. or listen
here | Joint
Church of Scotland Sunday Service - 10 January 2021

to St Mungo’s. Join
us for our Joint Church of Scotland (KIP) service, continuing the series on
“Holy Habits”.
service was led by Rev Graham Astles, Penicuik North Kirk, the
was “Service”
abridged copy of the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121. or listen
| New
Year Sunday Service - 3 January 2021

to St Mungo’s. for
our New Year service on Sunday 3rd January. This
service is online and in church, both started at
Our theme was "Gifts worth getting".
were joined by Fiona Devoy who presented the sermon.
abridged copy of the service was
supported by our dial in audio service, no internet connection required
on 01968 700121. or listen
here | Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish
Church (Church of
Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838 |