Church of Scotland congregations are participating in a National Giving
Day. It’s an opportunity to remember how God was with us in
challenging times and offer gifts of thanksgiving back to God. This is
in place of our normal Autumn Gift Day.
It is up to St
Mungo’s how to use these gifts, locally and abroad, if it’s
in line with our charitable objectives. (It won’t affect how our
national contribution is assessed in future.) The kirk session has
decided that it should be split 50-50 between projects abroad and the
needs of St Mungo’s.
We are proposing that the overseas
donation will be divided between Christian Aid and VaccinAid: a project
by UNICEF to ensure health workers in every country (not just the
wealthier ones) are protected, and patients get the urgent medical
supplies and oxygen they need.
Please continue to remember St Mungo’s in your regular giving and, if you can, increase it.
| | National Giving Day - 16 & 17 October 2021 |

Here are ways in which you can donate your Gift:
You can put your gift in a sealed envelope and take it to the church on
Sat 16 Oct from 11am to 12 noon. There will be an opportunity for tea,
coffee and biscuits in the church hall. Remember you’ll need to
follow the covid rules, just as you would for tea/coffee after Sunday
services, and give your name for Track & Trace. Please put
“Nat Giving Day: Oct 2021” on the envelope and put your
name and address inside. (If you’re a taxpayer, Gift Aid can be
claimed on behalf of St Mungo’s if you add “Please Gift Aid
2. If you are attending
Sunday worship on our Harvest Thanksgiving on Sun 17 Oct, you can bring
your gift in a sealed envelope (marked “Nat Giving Day: Oct
2021” and with your name and address inside) and put it in the
offering bucket. If you’re a taxpayer, St Mungo’s can claim
Gift Aid if you write “Please Gift Aid it” beside your name
and address.
3. Please post a cheque
(payable to ‘Penicuik St Mungo's Parish Church’) to Gordon
MacDonald, 3 Bavelaw Crescent, PENICUIK EH26 9AX. Please put “Nat
Giving Day: Oct 2021” on the back of the cheque. Include your
name and address inside. If you’re a taxpayer, Gift Aid can be
claimed by St Mungo’s if you add “Please Gift Aid it”.
If you have access to online banking, you can pay your donation
directly to the church account, putting your surname and “Nat
Giving Day” in the reference box. Here are the details you will
St Mungos (no apostrophe for online banking) Bank of Scotland; sort code: 80-22-60; account number: 17528366
Thank you for expressing in this way your love for God and for our neighbours in need.
John Urquhart (Minister) and Agnes Haggart (Finance Convener)
Published 7 October 2021 | |