| Girlguiding Christmas - 1 December 2015 |
Penicuik and Midlothian girlguiding girls, parents and
friends, filled St. Mungo's on Tuesday 1st of December for their
annual Christmas Service. The church had been decorated with holly and
ribbon so looked very festive. Our minister the Rev Hugh Davidson
opened the service.
nativity had a modern twist, and the guides were sponsoring 'Mission
Christmas' a Cash for Kids initiative supported by Radio Forth. All the
families were asked to bring toys for presents.
It is always
good to start with a Christmas Carol to get into the spirit of the
service. Graham McDonald led 'The 12 Days of Christmas' on the piano.
Each section of the congregation had a line to sing, and everyone was
involved by time we had all 12 verses to sing.
The nativity
story was begun using a question and answer narration, starting with
what Christmas means to you, and the name of a very special boy? We
were told the story of Jesus and how it is told around the world,
celebrated in many different ways.
Guides telling of the story featured our Mary busy cleaning her house
(dusting the church grand piano as it happened) when approached by the
angel Gabriel, who told her she was to bear the son of God. She was not
to worry about Joseph, as Gabriel would have a 'man to man' chat with
him down at the rugby practice!
The story continued as they made
their way from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Singing 'Little Donkey' was very
appropriate. The Inn keeper offered the 'smelly' barn and Mary and
Joseph settled down.
The shepherds were then visited by the
angels and headed to Bethlehem while we sang 'Away in a
Manger'. Our wise men were featured as celebrities on a
treasure hunt journey, following a star, collecting rather unusual
gifts. Their mission was to find the newborn king. They tried the
palace but no baby there. An email then appeared on their iPad stating
'You must follow the star'. Looking up they saw the bright star, which
they followed and offered their gifts to the new born king, Jesus.
We sang the 'Calypso Carol', before Hugh concluded with a prayer and a blessing.
all was not finished. We welcomed a new visitor, Tam the donkey, who
was brought into the church. The children's faces were a picture to see
and Tam had a good look round too. During Tam's visit we
sang 'Silent Night'. followed by 'We wish you a Merry Christmas',
after which Tam said his goodbye and the service closed.
One of the most unusual telling of the story I have seen, and a real live donkey in the church is definitely a first.
After the service the collection of toys donated for Mission Christmas was impressive.
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