Snowblaster practice
 Olaf the snowman
 Elsa's Ice Palace  Yoana and Sophie sing  Andrew Don - explains how Jesus warms our heart
Girls show actions to the song
Gathering for mealtime
| | Messy Church - 26 April 2015 |

Craft time with everyone busy
the theme 'Messy Unfrozen' gave a clue to what activities would be on
offer at the Messy Church on 26th April from 4.00 to 6.00pm.
got it. Taking the film Frozen, with everything having a 'cold' link to
it, the crafts and activities. But there was a 'warm' twist to the
theme as we found out in the time in church after our craft time in the
church hall.
We had a range of 'chilly' crafts to keep young imaginations busy, including
Snow Shooters:
where we made snow shooters out of plastic cups with the bottom cut out
and replaced with a baloon. This was then used to shoot out snowballs,
in the shape of cotton wool balls, into a bucket. This was a tricky
task, both making the shooter and firing the snowball into the bucket.
Sven Cakes. Here we decorated a cup cake to like the kind and helpful Sven the reindeer, featured in the film.
Troll Potatoes. Using
different vegetables to make a troll. Trolls appear to be loving and
family-oriented, though sometimes, they seem crude and a bit intrusive,
but their affectionate teasing is endearing.
Snowman playdoh. Imagination
had to be used to create Olaf the snowman out of playdoh. Olaf
represents innocent love and the joy that sisters Anna and Elsa once
had when they were young, before being split. He isn't just funny, he's
also got a "big role to play representing the innocent love in the
scale of fear versus love.
Snow Paint. The children made a snowy picture by creating puffy paint
Frozen Snow globes. Bill Webster taught
the children how to make a snow globes using glitter and food colouring
to create unusual effects that sparkled like ice and snow
Snow pom pom game. Attempting to get the snow pom pom's into a bucket against the clock.
Ice Castle. Elsa's
Ice Palace was created by Elsa the Snow Queen in the film Frozen. This
palace was where she was supposed to live in isolation in order to
protect people from her so that she can be safe from getting into
trouble. Neil Cape brought a pile of ice bricks to Messy Church and made an ice castle, which was painted in many colours.
Anderson read the story at our time in the church, with the puppets
helping her. Yoana and Sophie led the singing. Andrew Don, with
one of his animated gospel effects, told us how Jesus can take a
cold heart and bring it to Him by warming it up, making us all better
After story and song time it was time to return for a
meal and tell stories round the table. Sheila said the Grace to thank
god for the good food we were to receive. Soon everyone was tucking
into pasta and meatballs, with juice to wash it down, followed by
A great day and much learned about the way Jesus helps us in our lives every day.
The June Messy Church Church is on Sunday May 31st,
For more information on Messy Church contact Katrina McDonald 07872 996906, or Lynne Turnbull 07812 648924.
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 catch a prayer
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