Great selection of cakes of all shapes and sizes. Enjoying a chat over coffee Having another slice?  Heather's cards for every occasion  Just the book I'm looking for!
| | Macmillan coffee morning - 28th September |
Report and photos - Jim Paterson
Mungo's joined the Macmillan coffee morning fundraising weekend on
Saturday 28th i n the church hall. Repeating the successful event of
last year at this time the hall once again was filled with fresh baking
and lots of hot tea and coffee. The surprise arrival of a walking
tour swelled the numbers for a time resulting in donations totaling £422.
sun shone down on the visitors,including the walkers, who queued round
the corner outside the hall waiting to enter for their refreshments.
They would head out to Eskbank later on the old railway line, now
a walker and cyclists path. St. Mungo's member Bob Jarmson joined the
walkers but on his bicycle. "My knee has given out and 8 miles is a bit
far" reported Bob. However he probably cycled three times the distance
as he went back and forth taking photos.
back at the hall no such feverish exercise, other than getting to the
front of the queue to secure a piece of your favourite cake. The ladies
had been busy baking and scones with strawberry and cream led into
cream sponges, and chocolate cake. Cup cakes too filled the table.
a donation to Macmillan served as the entry, as no ticket
required. Coffee and tea was served at the table so no need to even
rise for a refill.
competition to guess the number of beans in the jar was eventually won
by Sheila Haig who was nearest the actual 2230, with a guess of 2068.
Not bad at all, and won her the princely sum of £31, half of
which she donated to the Macmillan fund, the other half to Blythswood
Care who St. Mungo's are supporting with knitting of hats, gloves
and scarves for their Christmas Shoebox Appeal to eastern Europe.
table with a selection books attracted a few people looking for a
keenly priced bargain to read over the weekend, as did a table heaving
with home baking for sale. I was looking for a tea loaf but had to
settle for a whiskey loaf. Comes with a warning not to drive after
consuming, so must be good.
Member Heather Boyle had brought
along a selection of cards that she makes, and together with Mary
Paterson manned the home baking and cards tables.
the end of the morning there were still some items of baking to be had,
despite most being sold on the home baking table.These will be
available with the after Sunday service gathering for tea and coffee.
That should add even more to the £422 raised for Macmillan. Well
done and thank you to all who contributed to this worthwhile
In fact the final total reached £500. Thanks to everyone who donated.
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