| Andew Don Final Service - 25 August 2013 |
Report and Photos - Jim Paterson
welcomed Rev Andrew Don on Sunday 25th August for what would be his
final morning service with us before Presbytery moves him to Newton /
Danderhall church.
starting the service, Sandy Robertson, our Session Clerk, thanked
Andrew on behalf of the congregation and everyone in St. Mungo’s
for leading us in worship since his arrival in February. He then
presented Andrew with a small gift as a reminder of his time with us.
likes to include a mix of hymns written by current praise
composers alongside the more traditional well known hymns. He has been
including favourites from members of the congregation over the past few
weeks, but the selection on Sunday was from his own extensive playlist
on his iPod. I think many of his choices were also favourites of
the congregation too.
the Stuart Townend and Keith Getty composition of ‘See what a
morning gloriously bright ‘ Andrew apologised for what was likely
to be a lengthy bible reading, from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22: 21.
Gasps were heard from the congregation as they realised that Genesis is
the first book of the Old Testament, and Revelation is the last book of
the New Testament, the whole bible in fact. Sighs of relief as Andrew
explained that he could summarise his message by reading a passage from
2 Timothy 3.
Andrew’s talk was entitled
‘It’s a kind of magic’ for which he used a wide
variety of illusions to visually support his stories. And all through
the talk the ‘Spirit of God’ was always flowing, even when
the vase seemed empty. Though we had seen some of the illusions before
they still helped to visualise the key messages of the stories. We then
celebrated holy communion before heading for the church hall after the
ladies of the social team had setup a great buffet to go with the tea
and coffee we serve each Sunday. Once again Sandy Robertson thanked
Andrew for the good work ‘stewarding’ us through a
difficult time. Andrew received a flower arrangement for his wife
Fiona, and a gift from the Sunday School presented by Abby Robertson.
wish Andrew well in his new church. The arrangements for leading our
services in September are below and thereafter, in October, the Rev
Hugh Davidson, formerly of Inverleith Parish Church,will be our new
 A round of applause for Andrew Sandy presents a thankyou from the
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